Blue light drives... mumble... mumble.. Cherenkov... mumble.
I think I mentioned earlier that in a homebrew attempt to make an 'antigravity drive' using actual energy numbers for power input, there was almost no way to make something practical that couldn't be manipulated into a perpetual motion machine.
But I think I was looking at it to narrowly. A hydroelectric powerplant is essentially a gravity-driven perpetual energy machine driven by a perpetual falling of water, in a narrow sense.
But in the broader sense, it's not, because weather is the power source (okay, more like solar evaporation, wind, condensation, rain, and then gravity). So... this is why I like the 1000D limit*: and how I can 'explain' (yes, handwave) away not only m/g/lifter drives and the lack of giant thermal radiators on every single spaceship with a thrust greater than 0:
Look at the bigger energy picture: like the turbine in the dam, the m-drive is actually stealing power from a giant system, in the case of the 'anti-gravity' drive, it's the planet or star's entire space-time-warpy thing (not a a Real Physics Thing™ so don't quibble) - so you're 'borrowing' energy from the well and dumping energy (heat) into the well (yes, the heat is from the power plant and not so much the m-drive but it's running down a zucchini zuchai crystal conduit into the thing that makes the blue light glow (yes, I know I mixed in a j-drive part, but it's the make-believe/suspend belief idea, not the make-believe physics that matters (and I wanted to make a zucchini joke).
Point is gravity gradient makes it 'go' gravity gradient 'eats' the heat - net result - the planet gets ever so slightly warmer. Which also happens when you run that turbine in the damn.
*So why no m-drive past 1000D? Well, too little gradient from the nearby object and too shallow gradient from the galactic bulge to eke out more than 1%.
But it's all just a thing to allow enough suspended belief to play a TTRPG.
(Yeah, the conversation wander off this a bit, off of vehicles entirely, but I was typing erratically over time between meetings and you guys keep posting, which is not a bad thing).