How about Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and the prevalence of matter over antimatter... so essentially the entire universe can't be explained by the laws of physics as we understand them. But you know, it's only science.
We have proposed laws that describe observations using dark energy and dark matter, what we don't know is if those two things actually exist. At the moment they are articles of faith rather than physical laws as such. They are dogma, much like string "theory". Their actual discovery will not break the laws of physics, they are both needed to explain the current observations and hypotheses.
The matter antimatter imbalance is one again an observation, there are many ideas, but no consensus.
The main issues with modern physics are:
general relativity - explaining the odd things that don't fit the theory
standard model - explaining the odd things that don't fir the theory.
QFT is very successful, but can not be the end of the story, in the same way that General Relativity is very succesful but can not be the end of it either.
And it's not just getting those two to talk to each other, more and more heretics are starting to suggest the unthinkable.
During the 1800s physics was fixated with fluids, during the 1900s it became particles. Today its particles and fields - the old saying if I have a hammer every problem is a nail. The other problem is overreliance on computer modelling. Remember garbage in garbage out? if out algorithms and input data are hammers...
So no, I was not trying to be snarky I like to discuss these things.