The Third Imperium is both highly defined and very vaguely defined at the same time. Lots and lots of bits and pieces are scattered about in various texts, but there is little context or organization to most of it. Further, the scope and robustness of the Imperium has steadily grown over the history of the franchise. In various threads around the forum at the moment there are questions and discussions about how things work. In those I have generally tried to discuss from the perspective of what the published material says. However, that is not actually how I do things in my own campaign. The Third Imperium's government in my campaign is less pervasive and more focused than often shown in the published books. Rather than talking about what the books say, I wanted to talk about what I play.
IMTU, the Third Imperium is basically a trade cartel. The lessons it drew from the fate of the 1st and 2nd Imperium and the Long Night is that trying to actually administer an interstellar Empire is a fool's notion, but that widespread trade and exchange of ideas is critical to sustained growth of wealth, culture, and technology. So the government is organized around the idea of fostering trade and gathering the profits with as little actual ruling as possible.
Noble titles in my campaign are associated with service in the Imperial government and are not inheritable. NOBILITY is inheritable, but actual titles go with jobs in the civil service, military, or other areas of benefit to the Empire itself. The purpose of this aristocracy is to foster a community of individuals whose views are not limited to their own planet, but think of broader issues and work towards them. This is somewhat inspired by Petrine Russia's "Table of Ranks" concept.
The lowest level of Imperial administration is the subsector. There are no nobles "in charge of" a couple planets or one system or whatever. The Imperial Governor of the Regina Subsector is styled "Margrave of Regina" (I don't have little dukes and big dukes. I replaced the subsector dukes with Margraves and left the Duke for the Sector governor. It just peeved me that Marquis was lower ranked than Count
). The Imperial Governor oversees the imperial civil service in their area and coordinates with the Imperial Services (Navy, Scouts, etc). The primary expression of the Imperial civil service is the Starport Authority. Every world in the Imperium is required to designate a primary starport that is Imperial territory. Large, important starports are run by an administrator whose job entitles them to the honor of Count. Smaller worlds might have a lower ranked chief administrator styled Baron. The feeblest starports might be bundled into a group under the jurisdiction of a single administrator or assigned to an even junior individual, who maybe a Knight, a general Lord, or not yet even ennobled.
IMTU, the Third Imperium is basically a trade cartel. The lessons it drew from the fate of the 1st and 2nd Imperium and the Long Night is that trying to actually administer an interstellar Empire is a fool's notion, but that widespread trade and exchange of ideas is critical to sustained growth of wealth, culture, and technology. So the government is organized around the idea of fostering trade and gathering the profits with as little actual ruling as possible.
Noble titles in my campaign are associated with service in the Imperial government and are not inheritable. NOBILITY is inheritable, but actual titles go with jobs in the civil service, military, or other areas of benefit to the Empire itself. The purpose of this aristocracy is to foster a community of individuals whose views are not limited to their own planet, but think of broader issues and work towards them. This is somewhat inspired by Petrine Russia's "Table of Ranks" concept.
The lowest level of Imperial administration is the subsector. There are no nobles "in charge of" a couple planets or one system or whatever. The Imperial Governor of the Regina Subsector is styled "Margrave of Regina" (I don't have little dukes and big dukes. I replaced the subsector dukes with Margraves and left the Duke for the Sector governor. It just peeved me that Marquis was lower ranked than Count