Emperor Mongoose
Cherry picking from CT sources conjures a different image of the Imperium.
LBB:4 Mercenary:
"Traveller assumes a remote centralized government* (referred to in this volume as the Imperium), possessed of great industrial and technological might, but unable,due to the sheer distances and travel times involved, to exert total control at all levels everywhere within its star-spanning realm. On the frontiers**, extensive home rule provisions allow planetary populations to choose their own forms of government, raise and maintain armed forces for local security, pass and enforce laws governing local conduct, and regulate (within limits) commerce. Defense of the frontier** is mostly provided by local indigenous forces, stiffened by scattered lmperial naval bases manned by small but extremely sophisticated forces. Conflicting local interests often settle their differences by force of arms, with lmperial forces looking quietly the other way, unable to effectively intervene as a police force in any but the most wide-spread of conflicts without jeopardizing their primary mission of the defense of the realm. Only when local conflicts threaten either the security or the economy of the area do lmperial forces take an active hand, and then it is with speed and overwhelming force.***"
* the empire is mostly off board so to speak
**the setting for adventure is the frontier, where the rules are different to the core worlds
*** the real reason for IN bases, to keep the locals in check.
S:3 The Spinward Marches
The lmperium* is a strong interstellar government encompassing 281 subsectors and approximately 11,000 worlds. Approximately 1100 years old, it is the third human empire to control this area**, the oldest, and the strongest.*** Nevertheless, it is under strong pressure from its neighboring interstellar governments, and does not have the strength nor the power which it once had.****
* not The Third Imperium, just Imperium
**how have I not noticed this, the Spinward Marches, according to later canon, were never occupied by earlier versions of the Imperium. We are being lied to. Neither the Ziru Sirka nor the Rule of Man occupied the Spinward Marches, so who were these two previous human empires?
***We are told the Imperium is older and stronger, so this would imply younger but not as strong human empires occupied the Spinward Marches before the Imperium took over.
That makes for a completely different history for the Marches to the one we have been fed. Psychohistory was in the 800s... did they write two previous human empires out of existence, for what reason?
****The Imperium is in decline...
We know what the frontier is like, how about the core worlds?
A:1 Kinunir
"Large numbers of colonists were recruited and shipped in cold sleep from the Imperial core, with arrival times set from 1110 to 1120.*
The Ministry of Colonization has established several programs to produce colonists. Most obvious is the colonize in lieu of prison term program. However, several other programs have also shown signs of success. In the unemployment insurance program, high population worlds** have successfully used the colonization project as a means of reducing unemployment over the long term. In a similar medical insurance program, indigents unable to obtain medical treatment are provided with their needs in exchange for signing on to a colony. The needs of a colony for skills are met through the anagathics program; qualified (and aged) individuals can be provided with anagathics to extend their life spans in return for their providing such skills as administration, mechanical crafts, or medical expertise.*** Finally land grants to retiring veterans has provided a cadre for the new colony's military and police forces.***
*Look at those dayes again and remember this adventure was 1105... the colonists were (past tense) recruited and will arrive in a ten year window from 1110 to 1120. Where TF are these poor frozen people?
**remember these are core worlds with high population, an Imperial Ministry is operating just fine on these worlds
***not bad bribes for new PCs, anagathics, land grants... land grants, I thought the Imperium didn't own planets, how can they grant land?
"a decision has been made to deploy Jump-6 L-Hyd drop tank express boats on all major express boat routes.*
L-Hyd drop ships have only been in service for the last dozen years in the interior**,
Commercial vessels equipped with the new generation of long-storage jump capacitors carry jump fuel in specially designed L-Hyd drop tanks in excess of their rated tonnage***
Officials of the General Shipyards on Regina today announced that they have completed negotiations with Tukera Lines to locally manufacture L-Hyd drop tanks for use on high-capacity commercial vessels.****
The first production examples are expected to be available within six months, at which time Tukera Lines will begin high capacity service from the interior.*****"
*does this imply jump 6 xboats have been common in the core sectors for a lot longer?
**a dozen years for commercial civilian vessels, we know drop tanks have been used for a lot longer than that (see the Gazelle). 1105-12=1093
***commercial vessels, freight carriers and passenger liners
****so Tukera can expand its comercial arm and enable the Imperial government to also reduce communication lag with the core...
*****sadly the locals objected, sorry there were accidents. Then increased Ine Givar activity (denied by the IN so must be true), then a frontier war, it's almost as if the natives of the Spinward Marches don't want more direct Imperial control...
LBB:4 Mercenary:
"Traveller assumes a remote centralized government* (referred to in this volume as the Imperium), possessed of great industrial and technological might, but unable,due to the sheer distances and travel times involved, to exert total control at all levels everywhere within its star-spanning realm. On the frontiers**, extensive home rule provisions allow planetary populations to choose their own forms of government, raise and maintain armed forces for local security, pass and enforce laws governing local conduct, and regulate (within limits) commerce. Defense of the frontier** is mostly provided by local indigenous forces, stiffened by scattered lmperial naval bases manned by small but extremely sophisticated forces. Conflicting local interests often settle their differences by force of arms, with lmperial forces looking quietly the other way, unable to effectively intervene as a police force in any but the most wide-spread of conflicts without jeopardizing their primary mission of the defense of the realm. Only when local conflicts threaten either the security or the economy of the area do lmperial forces take an active hand, and then it is with speed and overwhelming force.***"
* the empire is mostly off board so to speak
**the setting for adventure is the frontier, where the rules are different to the core worlds
*** the real reason for IN bases, to keep the locals in check.
S:3 The Spinward Marches
The lmperium* is a strong interstellar government encompassing 281 subsectors and approximately 11,000 worlds. Approximately 1100 years old, it is the third human empire to control this area**, the oldest, and the strongest.*** Nevertheless, it is under strong pressure from its neighboring interstellar governments, and does not have the strength nor the power which it once had.****
* not The Third Imperium, just Imperium
**how have I not noticed this, the Spinward Marches, according to later canon, were never occupied by earlier versions of the Imperium. We are being lied to. Neither the Ziru Sirka nor the Rule of Man occupied the Spinward Marches, so who were these two previous human empires?
***We are told the Imperium is older and stronger, so this would imply younger but not as strong human empires occupied the Spinward Marches before the Imperium took over.
That makes for a completely different history for the Marches to the one we have been fed. Psychohistory was in the 800s... did they write two previous human empires out of existence, for what reason?
****The Imperium is in decline...
We know what the frontier is like, how about the core worlds?
A:1 Kinunir
"Large numbers of colonists were recruited and shipped in cold sleep from the Imperial core, with arrival times set from 1110 to 1120.*
The Ministry of Colonization has established several programs to produce colonists. Most obvious is the colonize in lieu of prison term program. However, several other programs have also shown signs of success. In the unemployment insurance program, high population worlds** have successfully used the colonization project as a means of reducing unemployment over the long term. In a similar medical insurance program, indigents unable to obtain medical treatment are provided with their needs in exchange for signing on to a colony. The needs of a colony for skills are met through the anagathics program; qualified (and aged) individuals can be provided with anagathics to extend their life spans in return for their providing such skills as administration, mechanical crafts, or medical expertise.*** Finally land grants to retiring veterans has provided a cadre for the new colony's military and police forces.***
*Look at those dayes again and remember this adventure was 1105... the colonists were (past tense) recruited and will arrive in a ten year window from 1110 to 1120. Where TF are these poor frozen people?
**remember these are core worlds with high population, an Imperial Ministry is operating just fine on these worlds
***not bad bribes for new PCs, anagathics, land grants... land grants, I thought the Imperium didn't own planets, how can they grant land?
"a decision has been made to deploy Jump-6 L-Hyd drop tank express boats on all major express boat routes.*
L-Hyd drop ships have only been in service for the last dozen years in the interior**,
Commercial vessels equipped with the new generation of long-storage jump capacitors carry jump fuel in specially designed L-Hyd drop tanks in excess of their rated tonnage***
Officials of the General Shipyards on Regina today announced that they have completed negotiations with Tukera Lines to locally manufacture L-Hyd drop tanks for use on high-capacity commercial vessels.****
The first production examples are expected to be available within six months, at which time Tukera Lines will begin high capacity service from the interior.*****"
*does this imply jump 6 xboats have been common in the core sectors for a lot longer?
**a dozen years for commercial civilian vessels, we know drop tanks have been used for a lot longer than that (see the Gazelle). 1105-12=1093
***commercial vessels, freight carriers and passenger liners
****so Tukera can expand its comercial arm and enable the Imperial government to also reduce communication lag with the core...
*****sadly the locals objected, sorry there were accidents. Then increased Ine Givar activity (denied by the IN so must be true), then a frontier war, it's almost as if the natives of the Spinward Marches don't want more direct Imperial control...