High Guard 4th edition

No, I am referring to the cost for all the rules on every topic.

post 46 doesn't mention or imply in anyway Robots or Robot construction.

post 51

"So no system generation in the CRB either, just a sample subsector and another book required.
Same for animals, examples and an additional book.
Vehicles, examples and then stand alone book.

CRB, HG, V, WBH, AE, R, CSC - $350 please...

The sales of classic Traveller would rocket."

Ah ha, I understand the confusion. The ellipsis (...) is there to represent the repeating text in the preceding statements

examples and then stand alone book.

An ellipsis does not mean "and therefore", or "which leads to"

in my case I was using it to:
imply the rest of the sentence
imply the repetition is becoming boring so I have lost interest
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An ellipsis does not mean "and therefore", or "which leads to"
No, but it can mean 'hesitation' or 'continuation' as in sense (2) or (4) here:

The ellipsis (...) is there to represent the repeating text in the preceding statements
The proper notation is the ditto ( " " ):

represent the repeating text in the preceding statements
represent the repeating text in the preceding statements
represent " "
represent " "
(Mind you, this Forum editor/reply automatically strips out some spaces between the the two example ditto marks, leading to a loss of impact.)
post 46 doesn't mention or imply in anyway Robots or Robot construction.
No. Correct. I meant the sub-conversation which was generally about shelling out for more sourcebooks started around here. Specific robot reference wasn't made until #51.

No, I am referring to the cost for all the rules on every topic.
Thank you for your time. I shall update my understanding now.
Not aware that your point is relevant. I only quoted what I learned from a English class in an English school from the pre-Internet days.
It's kind of a silly dispute since he clarified what he meant. But as far as I am aware, the ditto mark does not mean that when used in line of the sentence. It refers to repetition of the above sentence, not the preceding words., so that would not be appropriate.
An ellipsis is normally used when words are missing or to indicate that a sentence continues with a suggestive pause or an implied "and so on and so on"

the omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues.

Must have been superfluous since they were apparently not understood from contextual clues :p
The full version to clear any confusion:
So no system generation in the CRB either, just a sample subsector and another book required if you want to design your own planetary systems.
Same for animals, examples in the CRB and an additional book to design animals. plants and ecosystems.
Vehicles, examples in the CRB and then stand alone book for designing your own.
Robots, yet again examples in the CRB and then a book of design rules.

Here is a radical thought. Put all the design sequences for equipment... starships->vehicles->robots->weapons

in one book.

Sector, system, world ecosystem, encounters, animals and plants in another book

And the last book could be character generation, combat (all types), skills and tasks, augmentaions, synthetics, aliens, experience, examples of equipment

Book 1 could be called, oh I don't know, Characters, Conflict and Equipment
Book 2 could be SVWR Technical Architecture
Book 3 could be Universe and Adventure.
The full version to clear any confusion:
So no system generation in the CRB either, just a sample subsector and another book required if you want to design your own planetary systems.
Same for animals, examples in the CRB and an additional book to design animals. plants and ecosystems.
Vehicles, examples in the CRB and then stand alone book for designing your own.
Robots, yet again examples in the CRB and then a book of design rules.

Here is a radical thought. Put all the design sequences for equipment... starships->vehicles->robots->weapons

in one book.

Sector, system, world ecosystem, encounters, animals and plants in another book

And the last book could be character generation, combat (all types), skills and tasks, augmentaions, synthetics, aliens, experience, examples of equipment

Book 1 could be called, oh I don't know, Characters, Conflict and Equipment
Book 2 could be SVWR Technical Architecture
Book 3 could be Universe and Adventure.
Book 1: 700 pages? Yeah, I think not.