Sounds good to me!
Seriously guys, I think it's great that you want to give us more stories in the B5-universe, but please, if you want to do it, then DO IT RIGHT. Pay JMS what he deserves and give us stories that we are REALLY interested in.Mongoose asked me to consult with them, since they are doing just a couple of books and as I understand it ONLY for release in the UK...asked if I could help come up with some stories for them, or provide material from myh notes, proofread the manuscripts, make corrections, maybe write an intro, and do lots of other stuff...and I said okay, great, what are you going to pay for my work?
At first, silence. As if they were stunned that I would actually ask to be paid for my time and work. Then finally, they came back with...five hundred bucks per book. To which I responded, "You have GOT to be kidding me." I have, subsequently, washed my hands of the Mongoose books. I haven't seen anything, don't know what they're doing, so sure as hell it ain't canonical.
Well, I guess he just meant that the new novels are/were only meant to be RELEASED in England. But nowadays, with globalisation, online shopping and so on, it shouldn't be a problem to get it from almost everywhere (including the US), f.e. via said:And they should make sure they are available over here in the states too!
Satai Delenn said:Speaking of the B5 novels if they do come out alot B5 fans won't read them cause they ain't cannon which really irks me to pieces .
Matt said:whats cannon ??
I think Delenn means canon, which basically means, in this context, "That which is considered official" i.e. a proper part of the B5 storyline.
As for what is canon, all 5 seasons, 6 movies, Crusade, novel #9, possibly novel #7, THe Psi Corps, Centauri and Technomage trilogies of novels.
Some of the RPGs and such like may be canon, but I can't remember off the top of my head. I know the Mongoose ones go past the eyes of JMS and/or Fiona Avery so that ranks pretty high.
I have seen at lot of posts over at b5 boards and others where people say if it ain't canon ,it isn't worth buying .And Mongoose will lose a lot of sales if JMS is not involved ,maybe they can come to an agreement.