Starship-mounted disintegrators

Might have been switched out because of Antimatter tech being raised from TL17 to TL20. Who knows.
And I thought it was TL18 and put so in for the antimatter battery in the CSC. But that was my mistake. Mistakes aren't canon, and unlike the a certain church, there is no Doctrine of Infallibility. We just make mistakes, fix them and move on... TL20 seems to be the current consensus.
On the actual topic at hand, Disintegrators are TL20 according to this year's Companion.

So at TL20... Things fall apart? The centre cannot hold... blah, blah... slouches.... or something. I suppose it's public domain now, so I could quote the whole thing...
If Mongoose eventually develops the Rebellion era, that will be the opportunity to de-canonize the DGP TL16 explosion if editorial so desires. Personally, I'm for the expansion of a few more worlds to TL16 ~1116, but not what Fugate did. It's more interesting to me to keep it limited.
I'd rather they decanonise personal energy screens at TL15

Or rather make them Prototype at TL15, and Standard TL @ TL16 or TL17. Very well connected people might be able to get set up with a prototype version from a restricted research facility.
Stop saying that. It was bad programming, not an intentional thing (anymore than T4 having Vlad with Population 3) :

"Despite that, there were some problems with the
data, not just in the de-canonised regions, which left some sectors in
inconsistent states but also thanks to a problematic random number

generator . . . which infamously vastly increased the
number of Tech Level 16 planets in the Third Imperium."
Stop saying that. 🙀
It is canonical in printed form and still available electronic supplements. . . .The worlds of the Imperium were advancing to TL16 by 1116. 👩‍🎓
TL 15 jump 6 xboats and commercial vessels had been common in the Imperial core since 1093, the IN has been building TL15 ships since the 700s. ☕

Going by MgT rules TL14 worlds can be producing experimental TL16 stuff.☕
Perhaps the personal energy screen technology introduced at TL15 is the final part of the tech puzzle needed to advance worlds from TL15 to TL16... 💡

So what y'all are saying is that Yaskoydray's Prototype TL26 Reality Editor had a bug ...
Hey, you can only get them on Sabsee. The design seems to fail in all the other laboratories!
And that is the sort of answer (I hope tongue in cheek) that has no place in the game. They should have been beyond TL15, or better yet removed at editorial. :)
Where are the vehicle scale and ship scale energy screens - let me guess they only work blah blah blah :unsure:

If they are going to be included then even as a recent invention within a few years the design will have spread to every TL15 world.

They may have looked cool in Dune, or even Foundation, but they didn't try and adapt them to Third Imperium even back in David Lynche's day, because back then there were constraints on what had been established as the technology for the setting.

Inconsistency after inconsistency does not improve a setting.

If they are base line TL15 then put them in the core rule book.
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A lot of 1ed has an even greater problem with people writing without knowing what they are writing about. In the current version it’s along the lines of the LBB in that Darrian in that they were TL 16 until they triggered the sun and that event knocked them back down to TL13
I'm still upset that they deleted the 1e Sword Worlder diet being a limited anagathic for the people it doesn't kill.
Ship scale Energy shields are TL16.
And yet are personal scale at TL15, this makes no sense compared to all other weapon developments in Traveller where they start off large scale and get smaller.
If ship scale energy screens are TL16 then vehicle and personal scale should be a minimum of TL17, which I could accept (I do actually use the personal energy screen, but not in a Thirrd Imperium setting).
I didn't say it made sense, I just answered the question. And 17 would make the TL 15 one an early prototype.
I find the prototype rules... lacking any real world example.
The prototype rules make perfect sense if the writers do not understand what "Tech Level" means. The differences between TL-1 and TL-3 are huge. The differences between TL-7 and TL-10 are huge. The timeframes that are being discussed as for how long is required to go from one TL to another, outside of TLs 5-10 are measured in hundreds of years or more. I just can't see something being a prototype technology for 1,000 years. That is My main issue with it.

The Prototype Rules only make sense within that narrow band of TLs that advance rapidly, TLs 5-10ish.
I fail to see how a prototype nuclear reactor could have been built by Leonardo (not the ninja turtle).
Why was a prototype machine gun not used during the 17th century?

Why did the British Empire not use prototype Saturn V rockets to go to the moon?

The german V1 rockets were prototype ballistic missiles, the Fermi reactor was the first prototype nuclear reactor, both in the 1040s.

The TL is when the prototype becomes possible.
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