Starship-mounted disintegrators


Banded Mongoose
Are there any stats for a starship-mounted disintegrator anywhere in Mongoose Traveller (Other then the TL25+ Annihilator in Wrath of the Ancients)? Megatraveller had disintegrator spinal mounts, bays, and turrets but were they ever converted to Mongoose?

For that matter the Annihilator as shown in WoTA seems to be a rough equivalent to a turret or barbette mounted weapon. Would be interesting to see a larger weapon, say what Seven's shipform likely had.

I have to say the most impressive thing about the Annihilator stats isn't the damage (2DD-though it's great for such a small weapon dTon wise) but the fact you can reach out and touch someone at 1 LS!
I believe they are optional weapons in the Traveller Companion book.
Thanks! So if I am reading this correctly, the base-sized Advanced disintegrator as a 5DD weapon would do 30 x 10 (DD) damage, which if it gets the standard spinal mount x1000 damage would be a maximum of 300,000 points of damage from the base weapon? And then you get the chain reaction effect? That's suitably impressive.
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Thanks! So if I am reading this correctly, the base-sized Advanced disintegrator as a 5DD weapon would do 30 x 10 (DD) damage, which if it gets the standard spinal mount x1000 damage would be a maximum of 300,000 points of damage from the base weapon? And then you get the chain reaction effect? That's suitably impressive.
It’s well done the only problem is it’s just 1 TL to high for some canon events.
There is always the prototype rule.
Only goes up for two TL so considering Depot Corridor was at the imperium maximum of TL 16 at the time of the rebellion a Prototype could be up to TL 18 without GM Fait. Now they could use the same excuse as they used for Black Globes which might be a better way to go.
Disintegrators, yes the MgT TL is at odds with previous canon, which is itself all over the place.

LBB:4 Mercenary, 1979, "The damper is later developed into a disintegrator weapon, beginning at tech level 16."
LBB:3 1981 disintegrator weapons are TL16
MT Referee's Manual the disintegrator spinal is now TL17
T5 they are TL18 but thanks to the T5 tech rules you could begin at TL15
Only goes up for two TL so considering Depot Corridor was at the imperium maximum of TL 16 at the time of the rebellion a Prototype could be up to TL 18 without GM Fait. Now they could use the same excuse as they used for Black Globes which might be a better way to go.
Works for a pre-Maghiz Darrian prototype weapon though.
Works for a pre-Maghiz Darrian prototype weapon though.
Not really Darrian was TL 16 at it’s highest, by the time of the rebellion as much as 30% of the TL 15 worlds of the imperium had advanced their infrastructure to TL 16 matching Darria at it’s highest this limits advance prototypes to TL 18 according to High Guard. Since the lowest base line TL of a disintegrator is TL 20 that doesn’t actually work. But the Black Globe tho TL 16 and available at the hight of the imperium was actually found in numbers and first used when the hight of the imperium TL was only 13.
, by the time of the rebellion as much as 30% of the TL 15 worlds of the imperium had advanced their infrastructure to TL 16
Stop saying that. It was bad programming, not an intentional thing (anymore than T4 having Vlad with Population 3) :

"Despite that, there were some problems with the
data, not just in the de-canonised regions, which left some sectors in
inconsistent states but also thanks to a problematic random number

generator that Fugate had used, which infamously vastly increased the
number of Tech Level 16 planets in the Third Imperium."
-This is Free Trader Beowulf, p. 114
Stop saying that. It was bad programming, not an intentional thing (anymore than T4 having Vlad with Population 3) :

"Despite that, there were some problems with the
data, not just in the de-canonised regions, which left some sectors in
inconsistent states but also thanks to a problematic random number

generator that Fugate had used, which infamously vastly increased the
number of Tech Level 16 planets in the Third Imperium."
-This is Free Trader Beowulf, p. 114
It might have been bad programming but 1 does it really matter in this instance? 2 all it takes is a few and again how does it affect this conversation? 3 they haven’t changed it yet while it might have been an programming error it’s never officially been strikes from canon it’s not the first time that a error has become canon in Traveller. Until mongoose advances the timeline to the Rebellion we only have existing canon to go by.

Free Trader Beowulf is a history of how the game evolved (which as far as I can see was only available through the KS) not a book on the canon of the setting.
Mongoose owns the IP.
A Mongoose publication acknowledges that it was due to an error and not a valid in-universe occurrence.
Thus, removed from canon.

Relevant to prototyping TL 20 tech? No, but neither was your TL 16 example. It would have been more accurate to lead with the TL 18 requirement.

Mongoose might choose not to re-enact the Rebellion, meaning that that particular potentially alternate future is a non-canon product of a faulty edition.
Not really Darrian was TL 16 at it’s highest, by the time of the rebellion as much as 30% of the TL 15 worlds of the imperium had advanced their infrastructure to TL 16 matching Darria at it’s highest this limits advance prototypes to TL 18 according to High Guard. Since the lowest base line TL of a disintegrator is TL 20 that doesn’t actually work. But the Black Globe tho TL 16 and available at the hight of the imperium was actually found in numbers and first used when the hight of the imperium TL was only 13.
Except that Darrian in Mongoose (still) had Antimatter power, which in 2E seems to be TL 20 (Rather then 17 as in MT or CT). So assume the Darrian antimatter plants were prototypes/experimental, there would have had to been some early Tech 18 development on Darrian before the Maghiz, to account for the antimatter powerplants. (The one that blew up on Mire during the Maghiz, and the one on the co met that serves as the base for the Sigma Fleet.

So technically there might have been one Darrian disintegrator-it was probably destroyed in the Maghiz though.
Except that Darrian in Mongoose (still) had Antimatter power, which in 2E seems to be TL 20 (Rather then 17 as in MT or CT). So assume the Darrian antimatter plants were prototypes/experimental, there would have had to been some early Tech 18 development on Darrian before the Maghiz, to account for the antimatter powerplants. (The one that blew up on Mire during the Maghiz, and the one on the co met that serves as the base for the Sigma Fleet.

So technically there might have been one Darrian disintegrator-it was probably destroyed in the Maghiz though.
Where in a 2e book does it say Darrian had Antimatter power? Please give the reference
Stop saying that. It was bad programming, not an intentional thing (anymore than T4 having Vlad with Population 3) :

"Despite that, there were some problems with the
data, not just in the de-canonised regions, which left some sectors in
inconsistent states but also thanks to a problematic random number

generator that Fugate had used, which infamously vastly increased the
number of Tech Level 16 planets in the Third Imperium."
-This is Free Trader Beowulf, p. 114
Stop saying that. 🙀
It is canonical in printed form and still available electronic supplements. No matter the source it passed editorial standards and was used in the only GDW adventure of the MT era. The worlds of the Imperium were advancing to TL16 by 1116. 👩‍🎓
The game police can f**k off. :ninja:
TL 15 jump 6 xboats and commercial vessels had been common in the Imperial core since 1093, the IN has been building TL15 ships since the 700s. ☕

Going by MgT rules TL14 worlds can be producing experimental TL16 stuff.☕
Perhaps the personal energy screen technology introduced at TL15 is the final part of the tech puzzle needed to advance worlds from TL15 to TL16... 💡
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Stop saying that.
It is canonical in printed form and still available electronic supplements. No matter the source it passed editorial standards and was used in the only GDW adventure of the MT era. The worlds of the Imperium were advancing to TL16 by 1116.
The game police can f**k off.
TL 15 jump 6 xboats and commercial vessels had been common in the Imperial core since 1093, the IN has been building TL15 ships since the 700s.

Going by MgT rules TL14 worlds can be producing experimental TL16 stuff.
Perhaps the personal energy screen technology introduced at TL15 is the final part of the tech puzzle needed to advance worlds from TL15 to TL16...
Editors make mistakes and this seems like one of them. Previous materials aren’t canon for MgT. It is canon now. What is in Traveller Map might get an update or might not but in any case, anything other than MgT is just an alternate setting now. That likely hurts and I’m sorry for that, but here we are.
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Only part of my post was serious, the rest somewhat tongue in cheek.

Personally I couldn't care less, I gave up expecting consistency a long time ago.

Looking at the typical Traveller adventure put out by any company you can get by with three TLs

TL 1 wild west with lasers

TL 2 modern/near future action adventure techno thriller

TL3 either of the above but with starships (does it really matter if it is jump 1 or 6, there is a jump 6 TL12 ship in the latest JTAS)
Thanks! So if I am reading this correctly, the base-sized Advanced disintegrator as a 5DD weapon would do 30 x 10 (DD) damage, which if it gets the standard spinal mount x1000 damage would be a maximum of 300,000 points of damage from the base weapon? And then you get the chain reaction effect? That's suitably impressive.
Where in a 2e book does it say Darrian had Antimatter power? Please give the reference
The references are in the 1E Darrian sourcebook, Alien Module 3. Either it got retconned or just a lot of stuff was cut out since the new Darrian writeup is just a portion of a larger book rather then an exclusive sourcebook. Here are the references though:

Alien Sourcebook 3: Darrians Page 68 (Sigma Naval Base)
A TL17 antimatter generator is installed at the other end of
the comet, however the research scientists are forbidden to
reactivate the technological wonder. The admiral in command
of the base recalling the historical account of what happened to
the experimental antimatter power station once located on Mire.

Alien Sourcebook3: Darrians Page 72-73 (Energy Technology)
At their height, the Darrians finally cracked the problem of
economically feasible antimatter production and built several
variant generating stations, capable of powering a city or
providing fuel for starships. Of the two known experimental
antimatter stations built, the one located in orbit around Tarnis
was annihilated during the Maghiz and the other, a ground
based plant on Mire powered by immense orbital mirror arrays,
exploded when it was reactivated after being shut down for
‘Pulse Day’.

Might have been switched out because of Antimatter tech being raised from TL17 to TL20. Who knows.