Your Mongoose accolades


I had an idea for this thread.

Recently a lot of people have been putting their Mongoose tourney standings and such into their sigs.

While this is good, tthere is only so much room in your sig, and it clogs the forums a little. So I thought everyone could post their Mongoose run, or MI run tourney standings, S&P submissions, MI deployments, etc in a post on thios thread for everyone to see. You can come back and edit your posts when you gain something else of merit, and if we're really lucky, the Mongoose mods will sticky this to keep it near the top.

I'll start with the first post.

Mongoose/Mongoose sponsored tournaments/events:

1st Mongoose Open Day, November 6th 2004, attended, participated in ACTA demo

1st MGT ACTA tournament, Into the Fire, Feb 26th 2005, Battleground of the Lucky 14, I placed 13th (I think, this is where the nickname last but one came from). ISA fleet chosen

SST Miniatures game, Pre release open night, Thursday 12th April 2005

2nd Open Day, June 4th 2005. Claudia Christian in attendance. i miseed my best mate's wedding to attend this :lol:

SST Minis Tournament, Alpha Strike, September 17th 2005, Attended.

5th November 2005, GENCON UK ACTA tournament, got through to top 8 (Second round), beaten by eventual 4th place winner in second round. ISA Fleet selected.

2nd MGT ACTA tournament, Wheel Of Fire, Nov 26th 2005, 12th of 18, ISA Fleet Chosen, Unofficial bad sportsman award

B5 RPG 2E Launch Day, March 25th 2006, played in the B5 2E RPG session (thanks to Low-Roller for giving me his spot), GM'd by Mongoose Steele, guest player Claudia Christian as Ivanova, played ISA Minbari Ranger Taronn (Claudia also phoned my dad to tell him off for saying she was old, as if!)

SST Minis tournament, War of the Species I, April 29th 2006, Attended, JAFO status

Mongoose Open Day 22nd July 2006, Demoer of ACTA and Paranoia Mandatory Bonus Fun Card Game

Sat 16th September 2006, ACTA Tournament III - Into The Fire II
Placed 21/24 (I think, MSPrange please put the results up)
Joint 3rd (Among many) in the trivia quiz but I beat Reborn (A few of the answers I got as soon as I looked at Armageddon when I got home
Maximum Sportsmanship points this time round, I'm proud of that.

SST Evo Playtesting at MGT, Swindon Sat 30th Sep 2006, attended and gave feedback and stats breakdown on artillery deviation rules.

Confirmed attendee of Masters of War tournament, Nov 11th 2006.
Registered for the A Call To Arms Tournament.
Placed 5th last (14 out of 18, got my PB win, 17/3) 17/20 for Sportsmanship

Demoing ACTA at Leicester Phat Cats Games Demo day, Sat 25th Nov 2006

Attended BF : Evo Open Day at Mongoose, Swindon on 10th Feb 2007

Signed up for Admirals of the high Seas, March 24th 2007 at Mongoose HQ
Came 10th of 10 (Last, I know, but I got the booby prize of the PMBFDNCCG)

Signed up for the BF:Evo doubles tournament, 7th April 2007
Went, partnered with Low-Roller and won the tournament.
This makes Low Roller and I undisputed BF:Evo World Doubles Champions! (Until the next doubles tournament at least)


Signed up for "The Final Victory" ACTA tournament 5th May 2007
Came 16th out of 18, ahead of Greg Smith and Low roller.

Signed up for the BF:Evo "Who Dares Wins" tournament on June 16th, playing EFTF. Came in 2nd place, behind Low Roller, which still makes us the best 2 BF:Evo players :lol:


Signed up (first) for the Claudia Christian RPG Session at Mongoose Hall '07. Also intending to take part in the Death Race with a borrowed pimped up technical. CC RPG session was cancelled, transferred to the BF:Evo tourney which also got cancelled. Came second in one heat of the Death Race, demoed ACTA with a Battle Royale scenario, came near bottom in another heat of Death Race and bought some stuff :lol:

Signed up for the ACTA 2E tournament on 13th Oct 2007. Battle on the Rim
ISA fleet, 2 WS, 3 WS-2
Game 1(Space Superiority), vs Centauri 0-20 (Centauri win)
Game 2 (Call to Arms) vs Centauri 7-13 (Centauri win)
Game 3 (Rescue) vs Minbari 20-0 (ISA win) (Stealth, what stealth :?: )
Game 4 (Planetfall) vs ISA 17-3 (My ISA won)

Max sportsmanship points for a total of 52, placed 7th of 24 (Personal best)

Didn't go to Admiral of the High Seas II on Nov 24th 2007, but I didn't need to as by then I was the only person to have attended every Mongoose Open Day, the title was mine :lol:

Signed up for the Earth Centauri War tournament at Mongoose 26th Jan 2008.
Hoping to field ISA. Did, won first 3 games with support and reinforcement, lost the next 2, won the last and assisted by supporting another table to win that one. EA and allies won! Got the campaign medal and free credit and ducat coins.

Signed up for Standing Together at Mongose Towers on Sat MArch 8th 2008.
Will play ISA with EA allies played by Low Roller.
We came 2nd last, abysmal dice riolling by my WS.

Attended Mongoose Hall 2008, Sunday May 11th.

Attended Babylon 5 Day, Oct 18th 2008, managed not to drool on Ms Christian too much :P

Attended Corporation RPG Launch event on Feb 28th 2009

Attendin Sleeping in Light ACTA Campaign weekend May 9th-10th 2009. Fielding ISA. ! Tara'Lin, 4 WS, 2 WS Scout, lost all 7 games and so I suppose I came last, but I had fun, and robbed Kenny of a clean win by forcing a VP decision :lol: New owner of the Sheridan Standee.

Attended Mongoose Trav Open Day 1st May 2010, played in Fires of Rebellion and Judge Dredd : Simpson scenarios.

Attended Living Traveller Day July 10th July 2010

Attended Corp Open Day #2, October 23rd 2010

Attended noble Armada Launch Day on 19th March 2011

Competed in A Noble Duel tournament on 7th May 2011, came joint 4th and joint top sportsman, very close to actually placing in the top 3.

Competed in Lord of the Fading Suns tournament on 16th July 2011, came joint 4th and joint top sportsman, very close to actually placing in the top 3, AGAIN!!!

Other Mongoose Accolades

Character namesake in Matthew Sprange's first B5 novel "Visions of Peace" (Page 134 near the bottom)

Character named for me in "The Athena Strain" B5 RPG adventuer module

Supplier of forward recon ground intel for "The Battle of Cricklade Road" (S&P Wargamer #37)

Newest and baddest moderator on these here forums, read those mod privileges and weep 8)

Frequently designated as "Freak-boy" by MSprange on these here forums, and also twice in real life, once at War of the Species, once at the July 22nd 2006 Open Day.

Unofficial Rules Lawyer (Awaiting a date to sit the bar)

SFOS Playtester (I'm even in the credits)

GM (Sometimes infrequently) of Anger Of The Righteous

#1 poster on forums, Executive Mongoose

Winner of Caption Competition in S&P # 17.

Contributor to and mirror hoster of Obsidian's ACTA ShipViewer:

Original (Pre-SFOS)




There are errors when you view those pages, nothing I can do, it's the servers fault. If you want to download them for offline use here are links to zip files of the three versions) (EDIT : I'm not sure if all the files are intact, but I know the Armageddon one is, blooming BT Yahoo messing with my files)

Original (Zip file)

SFOS (Zip file)

Tournament (Zip file)

Armageddon (Zip file)

Mongoose Infantry LT., Bristol, UK, commanding 2 MI Troopers, stationed aboard the UK-TFD George Armstrong Custer

Owner of the unpainted "Carlsberg" fleet (Probably the biggest unpainted ACTA Fleet in the world) :lol:

Owner of the ISA/IKEA fleet (Flat packed for home assembly)

Attended every Mongoose Open Day at Mongoose Towers to date, except for the 2nd VAS tournament.

Founding Member of the Sunflower Cafe Brigade

Official Tony Lee Minion

Contributor to World Record Attendance at 2007 Spanish Grand Prix, 1 of 140,700 spectators

That's it for now.


LAST EDIT 0954 hrs GMT Sun 24th Oct 2010
Here's mine:

GenCon Indy '05, ACTA: Best Painted (Minbari)

Chicago '06 ACTA Tournament I: Facilitator

Chicago '06 ACTA Tournament II: 1st Place (out of 8, Earth Alliance)

Chicago '06 ACTA Tournament III: 4th Place (out of 14), Best Painted (Minbari)

Vassal ACTA Tournament I: 3rd Place (out of 8 )
Mongoose Events -

B5 RPG 2E Launch Day, 25 March '06, attended, played as Centauri soldier in Nick the Greek's adventure.

Demoed Starship Troopers for Mongoose Publishing at Salute, April 22nd '06.

SST Minis tournament, War of the Species I, April 29th '06, Placed 3rd/14, Marauder Platoon chosen. Christened "Beaker" by LBH for my repetitive use of the word "Meep".

Mongoose Open Day July 22nd '06 - SST Demonstrator

Masters of War (Starship Troopers) - 2nd Place

Other Mongoose Accolades

Apprentice to Last Best Hope.

Mongoose Infantry, Lieutenant, 13th Company, UK-TFD George Armstrong Custer.

Colours Wargaming Show, September 8th & 9th 2006 - ACTA & SST Demonstrator

Warfare Wargaming Show, November 18th & 19th 2006 - ACTA & SST Demonstrator

Battlefield Evolution Playtester

Starship Troopers Evolution Playtester

Noisiest Intern of the Year '06 at the Mongoose Offices
Greg Smith said:
lastbesthope said:
While this is good, tthere is only so much room in your sig, and it clogs the forums a little.


But you still have yours listed in your sig. :roll:
He was drunk at the time :lol:

I, on the other hand, have no excuse :(
Hosted "King of the Jumpgate" at ConQuest Sacramento 2006
Hosted "King of the Jumpgate II" at KublaCon 2006
Hosted "King of the Jumpgate III" at Kublacon 2007

1st place San Diego 2E ACTA tourney September 2007

Unofficial rules law clerk :wink:

Creator of several play aids (ACTA Cards, VAS cards, and of course, Epic Army Cards, ship sheets, terrain, B5 2E character sheet) - I like to think I took a fantastically awesome idea of others and made it marginally better :lol:
I'm the longest running Demonstrator in Kentucky AND Tennessee. :-P

Oh and I run stuff at Origins and Gencon. ;)

And not to mention that I am the bringer of cool packing cardboard mountains. :)

Reborn said:
Greg Smith said:
lastbesthope said:
While this is good, tthere is only so much room in your sig, and it clogs the forums a little.


But you still have yours listed in your sig. :roll:
He was drunk at the time :lol:

I, on the other hand, have no excuse :(

As Rborn says, I was drunbk, and it looks like I missed a few things anyway.

Plus I'm waiting to see what the Mongoose mods say about it all :lol:

Now people, let's just keep it to the accolades from here on in :lol:

(Off to edit his accolade post)
Mongoose/Mongoose sponsored tournaments/events:

1st Mongoose Open Day, November 6th 2004, attended, participated in ACTA demo and SST demo with Andy Chambers

1st MGT ACTA tournament, Into the Fire, Feb 26th 2005, Battleground of the Lucky 14, I placed 12th. EAfleet chosen

2nd MGT ACTA tournament, Into the Fire, Nov 26th 2005, 8th of 18, EA Fleet Chosen. Highest placed EA player.

B5 RPG 2E Launch Day, March 25th 2006, played in the B5 2E RPG session, GM'd by Mongoose Steele, guest player Claudia Christian as Ivanova. Not Drazi. Ranger.

SST Minis tournament, War of the Species I, April 29th 2006, Attended, 5th of 14. Highest placed Arachnid player.

Other Mongoose Accolades

My suggestion to recycle the original title of the B5 Starship combat game for the SFOS book.

One of the Sunflower cafe brigade.

Shameless use of Cut and paste. :D

I haven't played in any of the big Mongoose convention tournaments but I would sure like to.

Playtested CTA 1st edition, Dilgar Imperium, The Tournament Pack, The Drakh, Armageddon.

Currently playtesting VaS (the forthcoming published game is awesome!).

Couldn't place in the local (2 so far) CTA tournaments because I was running them.
Well for shizzle my nizzle. I think Alex is the only other on this forum who can claim the same thing!

I have the claim to fame that I may soon be scalped by TC :D
Actually that's true now. They used to really not get on when Alex first met Ted, but after Alex found out about Ted's stint in the Falklands he discovered they had a lot in common.