What do you want?


Hopefully you've seen my announcement in another thread about "Plain Wrap" Supplements for RuneQuest. I've got the first three supplements in development -- five classic fantasy monsters, five unique fantasy monsters, and elemental options -- but I'm curious as to what you would LIKE to see.

So, tell me, what would you like to see in a line of no-frills, high-quality RuneQuest PDF supplements?
Scenarios and campaigns for me - preferably Glorantha friendly - given licensing issues I dont know how easy it is to base them there; if you cant then as easy to fit into a gloranthan setting as possible.
Oh , and books of crunch - legendary abilities, weapons, spells, cults etc. The commonly derided 'splat' books :wink:
zanshin said:
given licensing issues I dont know how easy it is to base them there; if you cant then as easy to fit into a gloranthan setting as possible.

Basically, you can't mention Glorantha or any part of it, or anything unique to it that isn't in the SRD.

So you can have Runes, Ducks, and not mention anything else Glorantha-specific :) (at least, not without licencing the setting)
I would like to see A Campaing setting with 5 to 6 counties set on larg Islands Like the real world Britton or Ireland, or 5 Island natins on the same world like Earthsea, with each Island being a differnt coulture, for example 1 Celtic, one asian, one aztec, one polenesin, one african and one nordic. With Each detailing 3 to 4 non human races found with each coulture.

If I was a better wrighter I might try this my self, but I would like to see this.


PS wold like to see each race take about a 1/2 page to page, and not be standerd elf ext. 8)
cjfodel said:
I would like to see A Campaing setting with 5 to 6 counties set on larg Islands Like the real world Britton or Ireland...

Hmm. That might go a little beyond the scope of the "Plain Wrap" Supplements for RuneQuest line.

mthomason said:
So you can have Runes, Ducks, and not mention anything else Glorantha-specific :) (at least, not without licencing the setting)

Right, exactly. So I could do like a "Duck Village", because Ducks are in the SRD, but not have it challenged by a band of Broos on the outskirs of Pavis.

You would think that if they could get Ducks in the SRD, they could have gotten Broos in there.

*deep sigh*
Subjects for a Plain Wrap book iI would like to see.

NPC writeups both patrons and villians.

Locations to drop into a story, examples are taverns, warehouses, vilages,and mansions.

Books on detailing a section of a city like the merchant section, temple quarter, Noble quarter.

More magic items and spells.

Looking forward to this series of products.
Tim Huntley, asked what I would like to see,so i told him. I would expect no mor te 20 to 30 pages in a suplamen like that that I mentanon above, and it wold be moe like a plane wrped culture on an Island, thant could be added to others or droped into a campaing seting (al la Glorantha).

Fiddler said:
NPC writeups both patrons and villians ... Locations to drop into a story, examples are taverns, warehouses, vilages,and mansions.

Those are both good ideas; I like the first one specifically. Something like the old 1E AD&D Rogues Gallery.
iamtim said:
You would think that if they could get Ducks in the SRD, they could have gotten Broos in there.

*deep sigh*
Thay aren't in the SRD?

Odd, they're in the core book. I wonder if this will change when the SRD is made generally available?
Sigtrygg said:
Thay aren't in the SRD?

Odd, they're in the core book. I wonder if this will change when the SRD is made generally available?

Very unlikely. The SRD is supposed to be a subset of the core book with the bare minimum of rules text, examples taken out, and any Glorantha references taken out to (quite rightly) prevent people using Gloranthan setting info in third-party products. We're actually lucky they left the Ducks in! (I'm rather surprised, but also grateful, that they did...)
Sigtrygg said:
I wonder if this will change when the SRD is made generally available?


I apologize, too; I keep forgetting the SRD hasn't hit general release yet, and I keep talking about it like everyone has a copy.

And yes, to touch on Matt's point, I'm glad ducks are in the SRD. That makes me happy. But I can still wish that broos were in there too. :)
iamtim said:
But I can still wish that broos were in there too. :)

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out alternative names for a similar type of creature - unfortunately "Chaos Beastmen" would likely cause even more legal trouble than "Broo" :)
iamtim said:
Yes, but... isn't just plain "beastman" sufficiently generic?

Should be okay with that. I'd avoid making them "Creatures of Chaos" though (they can be as chaotic as you want but a Chaos origin would put it in that grey fuzzy area)
iamtim said:
mthomason said:
unfortunately "Chaos Beastmen" would likely cause even more legal trouble than "Broo" :)

Yes, but... isn't just plain "beastman" sufficiently generic?

Warhammer has had bestmen since the 80s, and they're chaotic. Their depiction is suspiciously familiar too...

Simon Hibbs
Chaos beastmean, sounds very Morcoockian to me, almost something that Elric or an Eturnal Champion would fight.
