The core problem with playable races is that they have to be playable. That makes it very hard to move them far from the human mindset, because they are being played by humans. NPC only races are much easier to make inhuman, because the author or Referee only needs to play them in short bursts and, generally, in scenes that they are somewhat expecting.OK, going all the way back to the OP here...
If I ever decide to do a Not Charted Space Traveller game, the Pentapods are DEFINITELY gonna be part of it. Including the Kaefer would really depend on how gun happy the PC group is. I'm hoping that the upcoming 2300 Invasion boxed set will expand on the wonderful work of The Kafer Sourcebook instead of just condensing it as the Aliens of Charted Space series does.
If I were to ever design a Major Race, I have more of an idea of what I DON'T want than what I do want:
- No human in a fuzzy suit tropes
- No 'hawt' bimbos with blasters
- A culture that isn't based on historical Earth tropes [aka 'Aslan = Thundercat samurai']
- A culture with enough depth that they have to be taken as they are, not as a meme, trope, or StarTrek/Wars equivalent
All this is based off of several previous attempts to introduce minor races in Traveller games that players weren't interested in learning about. I don't know, maybe it's a lack of imagination on my part but I've come up with ideas in the past that I thought were worthwhile and other PCs though were dumb.
A player playing a genuinely alien race has to be able to be in that mindset all the time, in every situation. That is extremely difficult. Which is why you have races like the Aslan get turned into Thundercat samurai, when that is not at all what they were written like originally. Even if you don't give an alien a 'hat', players will tend to do so so they have a grasp of how they are supposed to act.