V1.0 Rules Clarifications Thread

Mongoose Gar

Ground rules first - this thread is just for clarifications of the v1.0 playtest document. It's not for discussions of changes to the rules, or suggestions for improvement. We want those too - but not here (stick 'em in another thread or mail them to mongoosetravellerplaytest@gmail.com).

If I get a few minutes, I'll run through the big sticky thread and grab unanswered questions from there.

Other than that - ask away!
Yes, you can. You just loop right back to Step 6 (so you stay in the same specialisation).

I'll clarify the checklist in the next iteration.
Including Drifter?

How many times may I submit to the draft?
Is the Aging roll 1d6 or 2d6?
What is the correct DM to advancement rolls?
In the checklist, step 6c, if you fail you survival roll, events have forced you from your career, roll on the mishap table and go to step 5. Should this be step 3?
QUESTION: When two players meet over a Connection/Event, does that count as the Event for both players? Or is it just the Event for one player and the other guy just fits it in?

QUESTION: Does having Science (biology) give me a related skill in all of the other specialties? Or any of the other Specialized skill categories? This comes up because it is almost impossible to get an Engineer who can run a ship on his own (Jump, Electronics, Life Support) etc.
How are the starship shares being amortized?

I made a mistake when a character I rolled up got 40 shares of a yacht (nice!)

Anyway, if each share is 1MCr then wouldn't that mean only 4MCr would need to be calculated with interest (a bit shy of 9MCr) rather than 60% of the entire value of the ship (26MCr and change)?

If it is being calculated as part of the payoff, shouldn't that initial number of shares (the 5 or 10 shares needed to get a loan) be dropped prior to figuring out the loan balance? When I use the straight formula for the yacht I end up with payments of 120K instead of 114K when I drop the first 10 shares from the price of the ship and then run the formula.

I know, it's nitpicky.

I have a more pertinent question about advancement. Is the DM for the advancement roll tied to the current rank or number of terms? The checklist (Rule 8a - which seems like it would be correct) is different from the rule written into career descriptions.
Mongoose Gar said:
Yes, you can. You just loop right back to Step 6 (so you stay in the same specialisation).

I'll clarify the checklist in the next iteration.
Ah! So, you don't loop to Step 5, you have to stay in the same Specialization! Got it.
Tychus said:
Including Drifter?

How many times may I submit to the draft?
Is the Aging roll 1d6 or 2d6?
What is the correct DM to advancement rolls?

You can return to Drifter, good point.
You can submit to the Draft as often as you wish, and it can deposit you back in the same career. Assume for the moment your old rank is reactivated.

Aging is 1d6 but yes, I'm aware this is broken and you should probably use 2d6 even now. Use 1d6 in testing if you feel masochistic.

Correct DM is -terms, not -rank. The idea is to cause people to drop out after a few terms and get them adventuring. It'll be changed in the next iteration.
Greg Smith said:
In the checklist, step 6c, if you fail you survival roll, events have forced you from your career, roll on the mishap table and go to step 5. Should this be step 3?

Yes, it should be step 3.
Kilgs said:
QUESTION: When two players meet over a Connection/Event, does that count as the Event for both players? Or is it just the Event for one player and the other guy just fits it in?

QUESTION: Does having Science (biology) give me a related skill in all of the other specialties? Or any of the other Specialized skill categories? This comes up because it is almost impossible to get an Engineer who can run a ship on his own (Jump, Electronics, Life Support) etc.

The Connection applies to both players - you both get a skill.
Let's say Bob rolls the Event 'new contact'. He and Fred agree to take that as a Connection, and they both get a skill. Fred still gets his normal event this term - a lot can happen in four years.

You can substitute Science (biology) for any other science skill as long as you can justify it to your Referee. I'll go more into related skills in the next draft, as currently it's all over the place.

(I'm considering having Specialisations only happen when you've got Level 1 or more in the skill. So, you might have Engineering 0, but then when you get a level in it you pick a Speciality. If I go for this, then Gun Combat and so forth will be split up a lot more.)
hdrider67 said:
How are the starship shares being amortized?

I made a mistake when a character I rolled up got 40 shares of a yacht (nice!)

Anyway, if each share is 1MCr then wouldn't that mean only 4MCr would need to be calculated with interest (a bit shy of 9MCr) rather than 60% of the entire value of the ship (26MCr and change)?

If it is being calculated as part of the payoff, shouldn't that initial number of shares (the 5 or 10 shares needed to get a loan) be dropped prior to figuring out the loan balance? When I use the straight formula for the yacht I end up with payments of 120K instead of 114K when I drop the first 10 shares from the price of the ship and then run the formula.

I know, it's nitpicky.

I have a more pertinent question about advancement. Is the DM for the advancement roll tied to the current rank or number of terms? The checklist (Rule 8a - which seems like it would be correct) is different from the rule written into career descriptions.

You're assuming far too much logic and good sense on my part. Currently, the ship shares are mainly wild guesses.

DM is tied to the number of terms at the moment, but I may switch back to rank. Or just a flat roll, but bring up the chances of being kicked out.
Mongoose Gar said:
hdrider67 said:
How are the starship shares being amortized?

I made a mistake when a character I rolled up got 40 shares of a yacht (nice!)

Anyway, if each share is 1MCr then wouldn't that mean only 4MCr would need to be calculated with interest (a bit shy of 9MCr) rather than 60% of the entire value of the ship (26MCr and change)?

If it is being calculated as part of the payoff, shouldn't that initial number of shares (the 5 or 10 shares needed to get a loan) be dropped prior to figuring out the loan balance? When I use the straight formula for the yacht I end up with payments of 120K instead of 114K when I drop the first 10 shares from the price of the ship and then run the formula.

I know, it's nitpicky.

I have a more pertinent question about advancement. Is the DM for the advancement roll tied to the current rank or number of terms? The checklist (Rule 8a - which seems like it would be correct) is different from the rule written into career descriptions.

You're assuming far too much logic and good sense on my part. Currently, the ship shares are mainly wild guesses.

DM is tied to the number of terms at the moment, but I may switch back to rank. Or just a flat roll, but bring up the chances of being kicked out.

I think Rank would work well, that way you could have that 20 year rank 0 guy but officers would be less likely to hang around..there are only so many positions to go around.

Mongoose Gar said:
hdrider67 said:
You're assuming far too much logic and good sense on my part. Currently, the ship shares are mainly wild guesses.

LOL. Sorry. too much time working IT at a bank.

Thanks for clarifying the advancement (for the moment at least)
Allensh said:
I think Rank would work well, that way you could have that 20 year rank 0 guy but officers would be less likely to hang around..there are only so many positions to go around.


That seems counter-intuitive and backwards to me. Promotion would actually shorten your career....

As discussed in the sample character thread, this combined with the current Anagathic rules actually will make 20 term (98 years old) characters feasible. Which brings up my questions:

Is there a maximum number of terms a player can serve before beginning play?
Is there a maximum number of skill levels a player can acquire before beginning play? (some prior version of Traveller had a max of Int+Edu)
JimG said:
Allensh said:
I think Rank would work well, that way you could have that 20 year rank 0 guy but officers would be less likely to hang around..there are only so many positions to go around.


That seems counter-intuitive and backwards to me. Promotion would actually shorten your career....

It's an artefact of merging re-enlistment and Promotion. I may have to split the two out again.

As discussed in the sample character thread, this combined with the current Anagathic rules actually will make 20 term (98 years old) characters feasible. Which brings up my questions:

Is there a maximum number of terms a player can serve before beginning play?
Is there a maximum number of skill levels a player can acquire before beginning play? (some prior version of Traveller had a max of Int+Edu)

No maximums as yet, but the Referee can set a limit on terms if he wishes.
Mongoose Gar said:
It's an artefact of merging re-enlistment and Promotion. I may have to split the two out again.

That would be interesting to me...

I like the advancement DM as a countdown for how long you can stay in a career, but it bugs me as a penalty to promotion.

By the way, I just wanted to say I like what you given us so far, and appreciate the chance to playtest it.
