hdrider67 said:
How are the starship shares being amortized?
I made a mistake when a character I rolled up got 40 shares of a yacht (nice!)
Anyway, if each share is 1MCr then wouldn't that mean only 4MCr would need to be calculated with interest (a bit shy of 9MCr) rather than 60% of the entire value of the ship (26MCr and change)?
If it is being calculated as part of the payoff, shouldn't that initial number of shares (the 5 or 10 shares needed to get a loan) be dropped prior to figuring out the loan balance? When I use the straight formula for the yacht I end up with payments of 120K instead of 114K when I drop the first 10 shares from the price of the ship and then run the formula.
I know, it's nitpicky.
I have a more pertinent question about advancement. Is the DM for the advancement roll tied to the current rank or number of terms? The checklist (Rule 8a - which seems like it would be correct) is different from the rule written into career descriptions.
You're assuming far too much logic and good sense on my part. Currently, the ship shares are mainly wild guesses.
DM is tied to the number of terms at the moment, but I may switch back to rank. Or just a flat roll, but bring up the chances of being kicked out.