Travellers Needed! Traveller's 50th

“As I recall the albatross was a ship’s good luck until some idiot killed it... yes, I’ve read a poem... try not to faint.”
-Malcolm Reynolds

As long as there are karens gatekeeping, the 3I and Charted Space will be dead in a generation. I guess when Mongoose release their brand new setting for Traveller, the grogs will be left stranded like pond fish in a drought.

When the main gaming community look at Traveller and make assumptions that it's still 1977 and crack jokes about "failed survival roll in chargen" you know the grognards have had their say too long.

You want Traveller to be forgotten by 2027, 2037, 2047?
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that nobody is suggesting that.

I also suspect that a majority of players want the 3I setting to both stay alive, and not get nuked/changed/retconned into unrecognizability (is that a word? It is now!)

However, and correct me if I’m wrong here, but there might be room for both? As I understand things, the Fifth Frontier War will not change the “core setting” of the Third Imperium/Charted Space. It will rather be an (optional) sub-setting within the main universe.

Every player and group can choose for themselves wether to advance the storyline or not, the same way each group can choose to be Pirates of Drinax, or not be Pirates of Drinax.

Other changes to the Charted Space setting could be handled the same way, with expansions that advance the timeline and changes things. Perhaps by the year 1205 every ship has collectors as standard?

The book/line/series Traveller - Third Imperium 1205 (working title!) could explore this and allow for multiple sourcebooks and adventures to be related within this sub-line.
My only issue with that is that to advance the timeline you have to decide what "officially" happened. Which can be a problem when you have a lot of different potential campaigns. :D I would prefer that they just make a Star Vikings setting rather than say: "Oh, the future of Charted Space is this".
Fine, call it Traveller: Third Imperium - 10,105. There was a dark age of wars, Empress Waves and loss of records.

Ten thousands years later, mankind and the other races have once again ventured out among the stars….

Better? 😛
I agree.

Each era could be a stand alone campaign and individual referees can choose how it all comes together.

If the MgT Fifth Frontier War is as open ended as it has been described then I will start the campaign for The Rebellion and the Star Viking to be done the same way.
Hard Times was great. So was T:NE as a setting. Feeling that GDW needed to decide how everyone's campaign played out was not fine.

Publish a supplement: Wanna have a civil war? Here's how". Don't publish: Sorry, if you don't have a civil war, you are out of luck on anything we publish ever again. IMHO.
Dying in chargen is an option even today. Companion 2024 page 13 "Iron Man" has the official rules for it :) Thankfully OPTIONAL rules.

And it WAS still an option in the 2nd Edition (MegaTraveller) but they did make it a "GM / group decides if the want it" even back then.

3rd edition (TNE) was the first without it. GURPS did not have it for obvious reasons. Not sure about T4, T20, MgT 1e since I either do not own them (T4, MgT 1e) or ignored the rule if they where in there at all.
T:NE was 30 years ago. FYI :p
I'd like to know which edition began to list Rule Zero, as found currently on page 4 of the latest Core Rulebook.
Not enough people read that rule. If I'm in some dive bar in Liverpool and I hear that someone in Sydney, AU has introduced light sabres into their OTU, it's not up to me to police them. Not up to anybody, really. Let Calvin sit in his cardboard box and fight the Emperor's mightiest henchperson.
Take a look at what was in the 1977 edition of LBB:1

Crucial to the continuing campaign is the referee; he actually creates a universe, and then catalogs the creatures and societies which populate it.
In order to begin, the referee creates a star map and generates the specifics of the worlds noted on it (Book 3 gives details for this procedure). Initially, however, only clues (sometimes misleading or false) as to the nature of the universe will be available to the players.
The referee may also indicate possible quests for the characters, using rumor, barroom conversation, or so-called general knowledge. For example, rumor may indicate the sources of potential wealth or power; subtle or not-so-subtle clues might exist which could lead to devices or techniques to save the world from cataclysm. The possibilities are endless.
In any case, the referee can make or break a campaign, as it is his imagination which the other players use as a springboard to adventure.
The referee is responsible for maintaining the master maps and charts of the universe, and for determining the various effects of natural forces, chance, and non-player characters on the adventures. He must settle disputes concerning the rules (and may use his own imagination in doing so, rather than strictly adhering to the letter of the rules). He also acts as go-between when characters secretly or solitarily act against the world or their comrades.

Skills and the Referee: It is impossible for any table of information to cover all aspects of every potential situation, and the above listing is by no means complete in its coverage of the effects of skills. This is where the referee becomes an important part of the game process. The above listing of skills and game effects must necessarily be taken as a guide, and followed, altered, or ignored as the actual situation dictates.
In some game situations, actual die roll results must be concealed from the players, at times allowing them to misconstrue the reasons for their success or failure. In other situations, the referee may feel it necessary to create his own throws and DMs to govern action, and may or may not make such information generally available to the players.
In order to be consistent (and a consistent universe makes the game both fun and interesting), the referee has a responsibility to record the throws and DMs he creates, and to note (perhaps by penciling in) any throws he alters from those given in these books.

the referee should always feel free to impose worlds which have been
deliberately (rather than randomly) generated. Often such planets will be devised
specifically to reward or torment players

The technological level tables have several spaces or holes, and such gaps
should be filled in by the referee or the players when they discover items or devices
of interest.
Hey everyone,

2027 marks Traveller's 50th birthday, and we have been knocking around some possible ideas on how to celebrate the event.

So... what would you all like to see?
I'd like to see Mongoose Traveller versions of stuff that has shown up in other versions of Traveller over the years, minor races, interesting locations, etc...

I'd also like to see a large, sweeping -scale campaign that takes the group on a grand tour of Charted Space - Capitol, Vland, Terra, and into the spaces controlled by the other Major Races.
Traveller is not the Third Imperium.
I was never all that taken with DGPs tour - it acutally highlighted just how different people see the Third Imperium in different ways. They also missed some key setting details as they got closer to Capital.
How about a compilation book of now-out-of-copyright science fiction properties - EE Doc Smith (I think), H.G. Wells, Jules Verne and maybe some generic Steam Punk and/or Cyber Punk stuff or something else I haven't covered?
An homage to the LBBs with the MGT2e rules: The BBBs Bigger Black Books, say 8.5x11, 144 pages in paperback? A more portable version of the dead trees versions many of us are fond of. 1) strip out the artwork, 2) compile the extant MGT2e rules from all of the currently published materials in a set of three books of text focused on, say, Characters; Worlds; and Starships. 3) Incorporate the edits which the community has provide freely, and revise for clarity as needed.

A veritable encyclopedia of rules, for those of us who would love to have a concise (well, not really) reference work, rather than having to cross reference so many books. I don't think you'll cannibalize sales of your flagship product, I believe many of us would purchase a compiled work of rules to assist our search and cite missions. And I suspect it would whet the appetite for more flagship product of anyone who purchased it as a cheaper way into the game.
An homage to the LBBs with the MGT2e rules:
Great minds - we did consider this.

Take the original box set, duplicate it but swap out Classic rules for current where needed. Would also form a nice 'starter' set.

Trouble is... who would buy it, beyond die hards and collectors? We just could not see a greater appeal, despite really liking the idea ourselves :(
You kickstart it.

You offer a deluxe metal box or hard plastic box (you can take my money now), and also a much cheaper standard cardboard.

Rules wise strip it all down (Explorer's Edition like) and see how much you can fit in the three LBB or BBB depending on format.

(original CT LBB 1-3 was 132 small pages)
TRAVELLER ...................................................................................................... 1
Required Materials and Equipment ......................................................... 1
Playing the Game ...................................................................................... 2
Die Roll Conventions ................................................................................. 2
The Referee ................................................................................................ 3
CHARACTER GENERATION ............................................................................ 4
Initial Character Generation ..................................................................... 4
Naming ....................................................................................................... 4
Acquiring Skills and Expertise ................................................................. 5
Retirement .................................................................................................. 7
Mustering Out ............................................................................................ 7
Aging .......................................................................................................... 7
The Universal Personality Profile............................................................. 8
Non-Player Characters .............................................................................. 8
A Note on Gender and Race ..................................................................... 8
Skills and Benefits ................................................................................... 12
Other Benefits .......................................................................................... 21
Rank and Service ..................................................................................... 23
Character Generation Example .............................................................. 23
PERSONAL COMBAT ..................................................................................... 26
Basic Concept .......................................................................................... 26
Procedure ................................................................................................. 26
Surprise .................................................................................................... 26
Range ........................................................................................................ 27
Escape and Avoidance ............................................................................ 28
Movement ................................................................................................ 28
Combat Resolution .................................................................................. 30
The Effects of Characteristics ................................................................. 31
Expertise ................................................................................................... 32
Weight ...................................................................................................... 32
Morale ...................................................................................................... 33
Combat Equipment ................................................................................. 33
Antique Equivalents ................................................................................ 40

TRAVELLING ....................................................................................................................... 1
Travelling Between Worlds ........................................................................................ 1
STARSHIP ECONOMICS .................................................................................................... 5
Starship Purchase ....................................................................................................... 5
Operating Expenses .................................................................................................... 5
Revenue ....................................................................................................................... 7
Incidentals .................................................................................................................... 8
STARSHIP CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 9
Starship Design ........................................................................................................... 9
Required Starship Components ............................................................................... 10
Optional Starship Components ................................................................................ 14
Starship Crews .......................................................................................................... 16
Non-Starships ............................................................................................................ 17
Expendables .............................................................................................................. 18
Standard Starship Designs ....................................................................................... 18
Custom Designed Ships ........................................................................................... 20
Starship Design Checklist ......................................................................................... 21
STARSHIP COMBAT ......................................................................................................... 22
Basic Parameters ....................................................................................................... 22
Turn Sequence .......................................................................................................... 22
Preparation for Play .................................................................................................. 24
Movement .................................................................................................................. 25
Planetary Templates ................................................................................................. 26
Gravity ........................................................................................................................ 29
Laser Fire ................................................................................................................... 29
Laser Return Fire ....................................................................................................... 29
Ordnance Launch ...................................................................................................... 30
Computer Programming ........................................................................................... 30
Detection .................................................................................................................... 33
Damage Definitions ................................................................................................... 33
Special Situations ...................................................................................................... 34
Starship Encounters .................................................................................................. 36
Comments.................................................................................................................. 36
DRUGS .............................................................................................................................. 38
EXPERIENCE ..................................................................................................................... 40
Self-Improvement ..................................................................................................... 40
Alternatives ................................................................................................................ 41
TRADE AND COMMERCE ................................................................................................ 42
Procedure ................................................................................................................... 42

WORLDS ............................................................................................................................. 1
Star Mapping ............................................................................................................... 1
World Creation ............................................................................................................ 2
Comments on Basic Planetary Characteristics.......................................................... 8
Technological Index .................................................................................................... 9
Star Mapping and World Creation Checklist ........................................................... 12
EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................................................... 13
Personal Equipment .................................................................................................. 13
Personal Devices ....................................................................................................... 13
Vision Aids ................................................................................................................. 14
Tools ........................................................................................................................... 14
Shelters ...................................................................................................................... 15
Food and Overhead ................................................................................................... 15
Vehicles ...................................................................................................................... 16
ENCOUNTERS .................................................................................................................. 19
Routine Encounters ................................................................................................... 19
Random Encounters .................................................................................................. 19
Patrons ....................................................................................................................... 20
Employees and Hirelings .......................................................................................... 22
Nobility ....................................................................................................................... 22
Non-Player Character Reactions .............................................................................. 22
ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS ................................................................................................... 24
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 24
Procedure ................................................................................................................... 24
Creating Encounter Tables ....................................................................................... 24
Using Encounter Tables ............................................................................................ 26
Encounter Table Creation Checklist ......................................................................... 28
Animal Definitions ..................................................................................................... 30
PSIONICS .......................................................................................................................... 33
The Psionics Institute ................................................................................................ 33
Psionic Strength ........................................................................................................ 33
Training ...................................................................................................................... 34
Range ......................................................................................................................... 35
Telepathy ................................................................................................................... 35
Clairvoyance .............................................................................................................. 37
Telekinesis ................................................................................................................. 38
Awareness ................................................................................................................. 39
Teleportation ............................................................................................................. 40
Special ........................................................................................................................ 41
Recover ...................................................................................................................... 41
Psi-Drugs .................................................................................................................... 41
Public Prejudice ......................................................................................................... 42
Great minds - we did consider this.

Take the original box set, duplicate it but swap out Classic rules for current where needed. Would also form a nice 'starter' set.

Trouble is... who would buy it, beyond die hards and collectors? We just could not see a greater appeal, despite really liking the idea ourselves :(
As my mother ex law from Dublin would say Great Minds think alike... and Fools seldom differ. Maybe it's a UK joke as well, but as a Yank, I thought it was funny, never having heard the caveat.

I appreciate the business perspective, but also consider how this could affect your VTT future. You want to sell as many books as possible. On this forum you are speaking to a small crowd that wants to buy as many books as financially feasible. Most of the books contain a lot of adventure and background material, in addition to the rules. People are still going to buy those for the content. For new players, BBBs could provide an easy entry point to a life-long compulsion purchasing.

Yes, it's several dTons of editing. But layout is minimal, and no art expense. @Sigtrygg Hell Yes!
While I am here, let me reiterate, please look at the Kobold Press model for VTT's. Buy the VTT Module (from their website, not from FG), get the PDF for half price. As a referee, it encourages me to buy more from them, which I hope translates into more profit for them.