Okay, I think it'd do good for everyone to take a step back and drink a nice hot beverage and then revisit the thread a bit later.
But, given I'm here and I'm a (comparatively) unblemished, freshly-faced babe to Traveller (the game) and Traveller (the OTU setting) and Traveller (the Meta-narrative) and Traveller (the other games/settings using the same game engine), I think I'm in a privileged position to offer one or two stray thoughts to this discussion.
For starters, there's clearly a problem of semantics because the label "Traveller" means different things to different people. Vormaerin has a point: the divorce of Traveller The Game Engine and Traveller The Setting needs to happen sooner or later, and sooner is best. If the upcoming Core Rulebook is one that teaches prospective Referees how to create their own, awesome universes and settings, that'll be amazing. It'll also be exactly what Marc W. Miller wanted when he created the LBBs back in '77.
But after Marc did, people started asking for a standard setting, because truth is not everyone has the time to create a brand new setting to play a TTRPG. So they went and created the Spinward Marches and thus planted were the seeds of the OTU. Does that mean that the toolbox approach is now invalidated? No, not in the slightest! It's not an or situation, it's an and situation and that's amazing!
And speaking of amazing, that's precisely what I think the OTU is, as a setting. That seed planted back with '79 with Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches, over the course of nearly five decades, has become this huge, beautiful, some might even say imposing tree that casts an impressive shadow — including, unfortunately, over Traveller the Game.
But the reason why I like the OTU so much is not only how rich it is, what with the benefit of a lot of smart people writing some very interesting things over some forty years for it, it also affords freedom.
There's a structure, yes, but it's not rock-solid. No, it's a weave: there are gaps, masterfully planned gaps where a Referee can take this proto-tapestry and within this scaffold create, together with their players, something of their own. And that's beautiful! That's amazing!
The way I feel, as a newcomer to the game and setting, is that the tree analogy of the OTU from before is also a great model of where to take it going forward, too: a strong, sturdy trunk upon which countless branches can stem from, and their leaves that give the tree its beauty.
Have a history, a world that extends to that golden, so-beloved era that is 1105, and from there? Countless branches!
Fifth Frontier war? No Frontier War? Rebellion? Lorenverse? The second coming of Yaskoydray? The ruination of the Imperium at the hand of piratical overlords from Drinax?
It's all up to you, all valid, all supported by official products.
But that doesn't mean someone can't come along and plant a new seed, and an universe of their own. One can't grow so enamoured to the tree that they loose sight of the forest, for it is beautiful too.
... and yes, you could fell down that old growth tree and chop it up and make something radically different from it, but I, for one, think the forest would be lesser for it.
At least, that's my take on all of this.