Is the time right for a Star Wars RPG based on Traveller rules?

Considering the current state of Star Wars I'd rather see a good knock off faithful to the good stuff rather than the woke garbage.
Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One, Mandalorian season 1 only, Andor - the good stuff.
Solo I'm willing to give a pass to, the cartoons are not bad either, and maybe Ashoka.
Considering the current state of Star Wars I'd rather see a good knock off faithful to the good stuff rather than the woke garbage.
Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Rogue One, Mandalorian season 1 only, Andor - the good stuff.
Solo I'm willing to give a pass to, the cartoons are not bad either, and maybe Ashoka.
Again, I wouldn’t want to get drawn into those types of argument.

However, what is good or bad stuff is surely subjective. What is objective is the value of holding the license. Anybody can do a Star Wars knock off but ultimately, it can be instantly dismissed out of hand by any audience too. If you have a Star Wars license, however, people will take notice (whether they like it or not).
I don’t see this happening for a number of reasons
1) the license is way to expensive and probably would be a loss unless they could really get fan support which is unlikely since the Fan Base is at a all time low.
2) Edge Studios just republished in the last 6 months the Fantasy Flights Star Wars RPS Core Rule Book so the license is not currently available.
3) I’m not sure the Traveller mechanics are a good fit. While I’m not saying they couldn’t do it I think they would have to create a new CRB for a Star Wars setting so it would be even a more different line than 2390. There are sub points to this
A) the Technology is very different while Star Wars the Grav tech for example seems to have different capabilities and so tech has much lower TL ratings (AI, Weapons,etc)
B) Character keep developing even after they leave the service so a better improvement system would be needed.

All in all I just don’t see this happening and I think I’d rather they pursue other less well known licensing. Hammers Slammers was a good example of the type of licensing I think they should pursue. There are tons of good settings that they could license that have neither the costs or baggage of big names like Star Wars and Star Trek
I don't think the current Star Wars landscape is a good place to dive into with how expensive the licensing from Disney would be, combined with the lack of clear vision for what is and is not canon. As cool as Star Wars as a setting is, the reason The Old Republic works is because it's 1000 years before the movies. Any attempt at this point to create an RPG that exists within the current IP setting is going to be met with extreme polarization that would likely end up being a financially unstable mess for Mongoose. It might be successful, or it could crash and burn. If they want to go down the Star Wars rabbit hole, then I would aim for the Old Republic setting or a completely new era away from the main setting.
Unless anybody here is an insider, I don’t think anybody here knows the actual cost or current licensing situation. That would be for Mongoose to sort out if they were to go for it, but I’d suggest that some critics were saying the same type of arguments way back in the 1980s when WEG originally took out the Star Wars license. They clearly overcame those challenges and it became a game changer for that company.
It would be the first line of Traveller products I wouldn't invest money in, but if Mongoose decided they would make money doing it (and it was actually available, which I doubt), then they should do so.
I would suppose it would be similar to whoever has the Marvel license, assuming it got renewed in the last decade or so.

Value of Star Wars should be half of that, and the value of Marvel should be half of whatever it was a decade ago.
Unless anybody here is an insider, I don’t think anybody here knows the actual cost or current licensing situation. That would be for Mongoose to sort out if they were to go for it, but I’d suggest that some critics were saying the same type of arguments way back in the 1980s when WEG originally took out the Star Wars license. They clearly overcame those challenges and it became a game changer for that company.
We know that Edge currently has the use of Fantasy Flights license that still in effect other wise Edge would not have just spent a ton of money on Core Rule Book Reprints. We might not know the specifics but it’s safe to say that the license is not currently available
We know that Edge currently has the use of Fantasy Flights license that still in effect other wise Edge would not have just spent a ton of money on Core Rule Book Reprints. We might not know the specifics but it’s safe to say that the license is not currently available
Reprints don’t necessarily cost a ton of money, in as much as they maybe needed to do that to justify their license and didn’t want to spend any money on developing a new edition. Again, without inside knowledge we have no idea how long the license has left to run. This is a speculative thread, so there is no sense in getting bogged down in unknowns.
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Considering that Traveller 20 (T20) and d20 Star Wars are both D&D3.5 compatible, you should be able to use Star Wars characters from that version with T20.

No need to reinvent the wheel.

If you want them for Mongoose, that's a bit different.

Here are some conversion tables:

And a conversion discussion on this forum:
