Travellers Needed! Traveller's 50th

Hey everyone,

2027 marks Traveller's 50th birthday, and we have been knocking around some possible ideas on how to celebrate the event.

So... what would you all like to see?
What I'd like to see? A party, maybe several. Conventions, people playing the game. It's all nice to get new stuff to read, but even us old grognards prolly haven't played everything. In person, virtual, parties at Origins and Gencon (maybe Garycon) among others (and that's just in the US). I'd like to see Mongoose in coordinating activities like this.
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It would be great if Mongoose and other publishers, Independence Games, Stellagamma, Zozer, MoonToad, etc. (we’re all one “family”) would provide “referee support” for hosting at conventions. Thank you for your Bundles of Holding, I shall never want for reading material.

D&D and Pathfinder provide adventures to referees (called “Dungeon Masters”) to run at local game stores and conventions on a regular basis. Pazio and Hazbros (fka WOC fka TSR) engage new players on a regular basis. These RPG rockstars have their own designated areas at conventions, while Traveller players are relegated to the Brig or the Head, if they can be found at all.

I’ve hosted my own Traveller adventure at MEPACON and TravellerCon. Would Mongoose and other publishers provide an “official” module to run at conventions and some swag for the players? maybe some USB sticks with the Adventure file, Basic Rules, etc. that the referee could award to players for showing up? – hardcopies are also nice. Updating an existing adventure for a new audience seems like light lift.

I would referee at another convention or three, with “support” as an unofficial emissary of any Traveller system. From a business perspective, publishers find out who’s running your games at what conventions based on who’s asking for “the swag.”

You can also offer similar support to referees willing to run a game at local gaming stores, bookstores, record stores and other endangered habitats. I’d love to go to a gaming store and see Traveller, and not just MTG cardies, Warhammer, HazBros and boardgames.

The above opinion is provided free of charge and is worth at least that much. Individual results may vary.
This is what I am running for our Summer Learning Program at the library.
If you are in South Florida stop on by.
