Traders and Gunboats - Has Landed!

Mongoose only recently adopted it. Up until last year they were sending the product to print and releasing the pdf concurrently. As a result erros were spotted in the pdf that were already baked into the peint copy.
It only took a year of complaints and suggestions before they finally adopted the pdf release->error check by purchasers->corrections made->off to the printer.
And as usual you are making up things that are easily fchacked and shown to be your opinio rather than fact. Certain companies release pdfs ling before printing so they can have us error check, but the biggest selling game does not.
Apparently you didn’t read what I was commenting about because the individual was saying releasing the PDFs before the hardcopy was going out of style. Many companies use a PDF release as a final edition.
You have no idea. Again it is your opinion and gut feeling with no data to back it up.
A subscription model would bring in additional revenue and may bring in new customers not interested in buying the books.
The books would still be bought, the pdf sales would continue, the subscription would generate additional revenue.
So do you work for mongoose or any other gaming company? Here a clue from someone who’s actually been a part of the industry game publishers are not big money maker and subscription do not produce nearly enough revenue to support new publications. As for new customers historically it’s just the opposite subscription tend to discourage new customers since the feel that they don’t own the book. As for books being sold that to would drop as one of the major driving forces for the purchase of new book would be gone. This is based on actual knowledge not your opinion driven by you desire. You yourself have indicated that you would need are want to buy Traders and Gunboats if this new mechanic was added to your Highguard PDF what makes you think that others would not do the same.
A digital subscription for the JTAS would actually work and has worked in the past. That said the production costs for a magazine is a fraction of the cost of a source book. The writers a paid a lot less the art works is similar cheaper and the printing cost are a lot less so its much more viable to run a digital subscription for a physical product like a magazine. Also bindings and cover quality have a major effect on the minimum print run size. A hardcover’s minimum print run is much greater than a good quality softcover which in turn has a larger minimum than most magazines covers. For example most small print shops can do the average magazine print but once you get to the better quality books you have to deal with larger printing companies.

But to do something like this for the JTAS mongoose would have to commit to a schedule for the magazine.
Top view art would be nice for ships and vehicles as it can be used in VTT games for star port maps and tokens. But the book's art is top notch.
Apparently you didn’t read what I was commenting about because the individual was saying releasing the PDFs before the hardcopy was going out of style. Many companies use a PDF release as a final edition.
Yes I read it. Apparently you lack reading comprehension, is english your first language?

Mongoose released a deluxe set of the 2022 core rule book update. They released it at the same time as the pdf. It was too late to correct the obvious mistakes in the £100 book. Now they have adopted the sensible policy of pdf first before anything goes to the printer, thus ensuring a much better final product.
Do you understand now?
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So do you work for mongoose or any other gaming company?
I have written stuff that has appeared in print.
Here a clue from someone who’s actually been a part of the industry game publishers are not big money maker and subscription do not produce nearly enough revenue to support new publications.
And here is a hint from someone who can read, go and look up the actual data and stop making stuff up based on your limited and unsuccessful experience.
As for new customers historically it’s just the opposite subscription tend to discourage new customers since the feel that they don’t own the book.
So I don't own any of the magazines, cds or books sitting on my shelves that I subscribed to? Good to know. When do you think they are coming to take them back?
As for books being sold that to would drop as one of the major driving forces for the purchase of new book would be gone.
Again that is your opinion. I buy books and pdfs, I prefer books but I can't read them without great difficulty so getting a free pdf is a great addition.
This is based on actual knowledge not your opinion driven by you desire. You yourself have indicated that you would need are want to buy Traders and Gunboats if this new mechanic was added to your Highguard PDF what makes you think that others would not do the same.
You have provided zero evidence just opinion statements. I bought Traders and Gunboats within minutes of it being put up for sale. So what is your point again?
I have written stuff that has appeared in print.

And here is a hint from someone who can read, go and look up the actual data and stop making stuff up based on your limited and unsuccessful experience.

So I don't own any of the magazines, cds or books sitting on my shelves that I subscribed to? Good to know. When do you think they are coming to take them back?

Again that is your opinion. I buy books and pdfs, I prefer books but I can't read them without great difficulty so getting a free pdf is a great addition.

You have provided zero evidence just opinion statements. I bought Traders and Gunboats within minutes of it being put up for sale. So what is your point again?
Can you guys take this to PM? At this stage you're just yelling and insulting each other.
So, looking at the Aslan Clan Liner from Traders and Gunboats, the fuel storage is scattered in shaded areas across the lower deck and smaller segments on the upper deck.

Question is: how do they refuel this beast? Are there separate 'fuel caps' for each section, meaning some poor Aslan mechanic has to run around filling each one individually? Or is there a hidden plumbing setup connecting everything to a central fuel point?


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So, looking at the Aslan Clan Liner from Traders and Gunboats, the fuel storage is scattered in shaded areas across the lower deck and smaller segments on the upper deck.

Question is: how do they refuel this beast? Are there separate 'fuel caps' for each section, meaning some poor Aslan mechanic has to run around filling each one individually? Or is there a hidden plumbing setup connecting everything to a central fuel point?
Hidden and non-hidden. many times the actual hull boundary is a little bigger than the bold outlines on deckplans show.
So, looking at the Aslan Clan Liner from Traders and Gunboats, the fuel storage is scattered in shaded areas across the lower deck and smaller segments on the upper deck.

Question is: how do they refuel this beast? Are there separate 'fuel caps' for each section, meaning some poor Aslan mechanic has to run around filling each one individually? Or is there a hidden plumbing setup connecting everything to a central fuel point?
All the tanks have to be connected some ways and often the shown tankage is no where near the total area taken by the tanks.
All the tanks have to be connected some ways and often the shown tankage is no where near the total area taken by the tanks.
Sometimes Deckplans outright omit large areas of nothing but fuel tanks. I know I do, especially when trying to limit the number of pages one takes up.
Sometimes Deckplans outright omit large areas of nothing but fuel tanks. I know I do, especially when trying to limit the number of pages one takes up.
Yeah, we started doing that a while ago - a whole deck of one fuel tank is not... interesting :)

We only really add fuel to plans when it intrudes on populated decks - we also omit the plumbing between different tanks.
Yeah, we started doing that a while ago - a whole deck of one fuel tank is not... interesting :)

We only really add fuel to plans when it intrudes on populated decks - we also omit the plumbing between different tanks.
I know I am an outlier and maybe even disturbed, but I like the complete deck plans and am not a fan of the partial plans. Silly me maybe, but it is true. :)
I do think having full/complete deck plans in a PDF to be used in a VTT has merit.
I also see how in a dead tree version those are mostly wasted pages.
I do think having full/complete deck plans in a PDF to be used in a VTT has merit.
I also see how in a dead tree version those are mostly wasted pages.
Which is why if deckplans are absolutely required, I usually have to create My own to make them "accurate" or accurate-ish anyhow.
I do think having full/complete deck plans in a PDF to be used in a VTT has merit.
I also see how in a dead tree version those are mostly wasted pages.
A VTT deckplan is meant to be used as a travel/battle map. What is the point of a map that has no accessible points on it? Or even one that has one elevator shaft connecting it to the levels above and below?