The players in my group really like the gritty feeling of the Conan rpg, but also feel it's still too fantasy-ish in regards to damage and a few other things.
Here's a list of changes I've come up with:
Every 5 years after a character's 30th year, they lose 1 point of Constitution, Dexterity and Strength to a minimum of 3. Every year a character's age is under 18, they lose 1 point from each stat to a minimum of 1.
Defence Values:
Armour class (dodge) = D20 + base combat skill + dex mod + misc bonuses
Armour class (parry) = D20 + base combat skill + str mod + shield bonus + misc bonuses (ranged attacks cannot be parried without a shield)
Critical hits:
The extra damage of a critical hit is constitution damage as well as Endurance damage. All constitution damage is considered a serious injury (broken bones etc) and carries additional penalties dependant on circumstance.
Endurance equals Constitution. For every size level above large double a monster's Endurance. For every size level below small half a monster's Endurance. Any change that affects Constitution affects Endurance. Monsters without any Constitution use Endurance as given in the LWRPG book.
Fate Points:
Each character has a maximum of 1 fate point unless otherwise noted. They may be used in one of 3 ways:
Mighty blow - If the attack hits it does the maximum possible damage and shatters the attackers weapon (it might still be possible to use it as an improvised weapon).
Last chance - Allows the character to take 20 on any one roll.
Cheat death - If a character has died, they may use a Fate Point and instead be at -5 points, unconscious and stable.
When assigning ability scores, females add two points to Charisma to a maximum of 18, and subtract three points from strength, to a minimum of 3.
Feat Changes:
The Improved Grapple feat no longer has Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite.
The Crushing Blow feat no longer has Str 17 as a prerequisite
Holy Weapons:
If a weapon with the attribute Holy successfully strikes a creature with Subtype: Evil listed as a feature, it will deal out 4d6 Constitution damage, doubled on a successful critical hit. In all other respects it is a normal non magical weapon. If the GM decides a holy weapon has been used to commit an evil act, it loses its special abilities and may be sundered (GM's decision).
Massive Damage:
Taking damage more than your Constitution forces you to make a massive damage saving throw DC is equal to damage. If saving throw is failed you are dead.
Endurance is recovered at a rate equal to a character's fortitude save per day (min of 1). Non lethal damage is recovered at 1 per hour. Ability damage is recovered at 1 point per week of rest.
Sneak Attacks:
All sneak attack class features are d3 damage per dice of sneak attack and ignore armour damage reduction.
So, combat is now very lethal, though blows are easier to parry and dodge. The grapple related feats have been changed a little to represent you don't have to be strong to use submissions techniques (though strength helps, hence it the str mod addition to the grapple chack in the first place).
The Pheonix on the sword bit has been replaced with a more general rule, to represent the fact all cultures have legendary evil fighting weapons. Of course, these would never be simply handed out to players: there are probably only a handful in existance at any one time.
I'll have to play test this a lot...
Anyone have any comments?
Here's a list of changes I've come up with:
Every 5 years after a character's 30th year, they lose 1 point of Constitution, Dexterity and Strength to a minimum of 3. Every year a character's age is under 18, they lose 1 point from each stat to a minimum of 1.
Defence Values:
Armour class (dodge) = D20 + base combat skill + dex mod + misc bonuses
Armour class (parry) = D20 + base combat skill + str mod + shield bonus + misc bonuses (ranged attacks cannot be parried without a shield)
Critical hits:
The extra damage of a critical hit is constitution damage as well as Endurance damage. All constitution damage is considered a serious injury (broken bones etc) and carries additional penalties dependant on circumstance.
Endurance equals Constitution. For every size level above large double a monster's Endurance. For every size level below small half a monster's Endurance. Any change that affects Constitution affects Endurance. Monsters without any Constitution use Endurance as given in the LWRPG book.
Fate Points:
Each character has a maximum of 1 fate point unless otherwise noted. They may be used in one of 3 ways:
Mighty blow - If the attack hits it does the maximum possible damage and shatters the attackers weapon (it might still be possible to use it as an improvised weapon).
Last chance - Allows the character to take 20 on any one roll.
Cheat death - If a character has died, they may use a Fate Point and instead be at -5 points, unconscious and stable.
When assigning ability scores, females add two points to Charisma to a maximum of 18, and subtract three points from strength, to a minimum of 3.
Feat Changes:
The Improved Grapple feat no longer has Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite.
The Crushing Blow feat no longer has Str 17 as a prerequisite
Holy Weapons:
If a weapon with the attribute Holy successfully strikes a creature with Subtype: Evil listed as a feature, it will deal out 4d6 Constitution damage, doubled on a successful critical hit. In all other respects it is a normal non magical weapon. If the GM decides a holy weapon has been used to commit an evil act, it loses its special abilities and may be sundered (GM's decision).
Massive Damage:
Taking damage more than your Constitution forces you to make a massive damage saving throw DC is equal to damage. If saving throw is failed you are dead.
Endurance is recovered at a rate equal to a character's fortitude save per day (min of 1). Non lethal damage is recovered at 1 per hour. Ability damage is recovered at 1 point per week of rest.
Sneak Attacks:
All sneak attack class features are d3 damage per dice of sneak attack and ignore armour damage reduction.
So, combat is now very lethal, though blows are easier to parry and dodge. The grapple related feats have been changed a little to represent you don't have to be strong to use submissions techniques (though strength helps, hence it the str mod addition to the grapple chack in the first place).
The Pheonix on the sword bit has been replaced with a more general rule, to represent the fact all cultures have legendary evil fighting weapons. Of course, these would never be simply handed out to players: there are probably only a handful in existance at any one time.
I'll have to play test this a lot...
Anyone have any comments?