Minbari Sourcebook

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This is the guest that posted earlier about the Centauri Sourcebook. Someone said that it contained less cultural information, or something to that affect. Does any one have the Table of Contents, and can give me a general feel for the Minbari? Are they very utalitarian, Zen-like? What does it go into about their culture?
Alada said:
This is the guest that posted earlier about the Centauri Sourcebook. Someone said that it contained less cultural information, or something to that affect. Does any one have the Table of Contents, and can give me a general feel for the Minbari? Are they very utalitarian, Zen-like? What does it go into about their culture?

Table of Contents
Castes of the Minbari:
The History of the Minbari:
Worlds of the Minbari:
Minbari NPCs:
Designer’s Notes:

As for what they are like that varies from caste to caste.. there are some traits they as a species carry throughout but the thoughtful, cautious zen of the religious caste for example sets them apart from the aggressive, defensive nature of the warrior caste..yet both castes share a strong sense of honor and duty.
Does it also talk about their general "feel", civil administration, and their secrets? How an average family lives, what goes on, etc.?
I am not trying to be a jerk

Just go buy the book. I have yet to buy anything from mongoose that was not great.

Simple math
Do you like B5. Yes/No
Are you interested in the Minbari? Yes/No
Do you have faith in Mongoose? Yes/No

If you answered one question yes then try to find a copy to look at to get a feel for the book. If you answered yes to two of the questions then go buy the book! If you answered yes to three of the questions dope slap yourself for not already owning the book and go out and buy it!!

Just my thoughts
Hmm, the book though is made for roll players, I am a roleplayer as in there needs to be enough cultural beef. I do not want to pay $30+ dollars for something without knowing about it.
The Minbari book is not made for roll-players.

Biology: 26 pages
Psychology & Sociology: 44 pages
Organisations: Grey Council & the military: 18 pages
History: 24 pages
Worlds: 24 pages
Campaigns: 10 pages

The rules parts:
technology, characters 46 pages
NPCs 3 pages

Hope that helps.
Wow, this is... a lot of stuff!

What I would like to know, as a B5RPG-Newbie: How official is ANY kind of new B5-Universe information these guys put into their books? I mean, 24 pages about Minbari worlds alone - there has to be a lot of new stuff they just made up.

Is it somehow "checked" by JMS or close-to-JMS-staff like Fiona?

If not, from your experience, is this stuff good? I mean, does it fit into the given background, does it seem to be realistic...?
I'm not sure how official it is, but it is good.

For the most part it reflects the feel of the show very well indeed. The Narn and Centauri books have similar content to that described above, while the Earth Alliance book is slanted a little more towards the military side and games rules.
Thanks for info. Sounds good. Whether it´s official or not is not so important as to how good it is. I wouldn´t like official stuff full of nonsense just because it´s official. Even JMS once wrote an official short story about Marcus & Susan some centuries in the future that was the most rediculous thing I´ve ever read from him.

And the more militaristic approach to the EA book is something that seems quite logical to me, since most players should bring a bit of basic knowledge about human biology and psychology with them, I guess... :lol:
Ralph Kruhm said:
Is it somehow "checked" by JMS or close-to-JMS-staff like Fiona?

I won't swear to it (Matt can do that later if I'm right), but I seem to recall that all the Mongoose published stuff is JMS approved and canon (as are the books and comics).
44 pages to Psychology and Sociology! That is ALL I need to know, I will buy the books when able. (Next month)
This is the guest who originally posted this. For all, the Minbari Sourcebook is GREAT GREAT GREAT! I NEVER expected so much detail from a sourcebook. I am now a loyal customer of Mongoose, and will be ordering numerous more! It is AMAZING. I wish you had the license to publish Star Wars instead of the shallow WOTC.
First Guest to ASk Questi said:
This is the guest who originally posted this. For all, the Minbari Sourcebook is GREAT GREAT GREAT! I NEVER expected so much detail from a sourcebook. I am now a loyal customer of Mongoose, and will be ordering numerous more! It is AMAZING. I wish you had the license to publish Star Wars instead of the shallow WOTC.

Yeah, I felt the same when I picked up the Minbari book. As I said to a friend a while back, you can tell the difference when there is a real love for the source material put into a book. There isn't a single B5 book that I would say seemed to be 'by the numbers' - every one (and I have bought every one) gave me the impression that it was written with a genuine affection for the B5 universe.

There hasn't a B5 book that I've been disappointed with, or felt wasn't well worth the money. The Minbari Factbook (of the racial books) is a particular favourite of mine, but the rest are all nipping at its heels.

I love the Minbari book too. However there are a few omissions that I'd like to see elaborated upon.

Economics is the big one. Do the Minbari even have a currency? Or do they operate as a perfect communist state? Do Minbari have employers and employees? Shops, Corporations, banks, tv channels?

Telepaths. What do Minbari teeps actually do? What are they allowed to do? Do they have some sort of organisation that they belong to?
Ralph Kruhm said:
Is it somehow "checked" by JMS or close-to-JMS-staff like Fiona?

Everything - and I mean everything - is checked by either JMS or Fiona Avery (the Babylon 5 continuity manager).
Wow - to know that for sure... that´s great, guys...

On the other hand, these "experts" missed some really big continuity glitches in the Centauri novels, so I expect they won´t notice everything... my advice: Hire some continuity geeks for yourself, if you want it done right. :wink:

Though JMS & Co. will certainly say something if the general atmosphere of one of your books wouldn´t fit, but I don´t think there is a big danger of that thing ever happening, since you guys really seem to be "in" it, and so, I am happy...
The Minbari Federation book is my favorite of the "race" books.

It is just a dazzling read. Especially the history.

Ralph Kruhm said:
On the other hand, these "experts" missed some really big continuity glitches in the Centauri novels, so I expect they won´t notice everything... my advice: Hire some continuity geeks for yourself, if you want it done right. :wink:

I'm curious, what are those "big continuity glitches" are you talking about in the Legion of Fire series?
It´s a while ago, so I can´t remember the exact details; there were some timeline issues, things going on with people who weren´t there at that time, things like that. I can go looking if you want.
Ralph Kruhm said:
It´s a while ago, so I can´t remember the exact details; there were some timeline issues, things going on with people who weren´t there at that time, things like that. I can go looking if you want.

Please go looking. I remember reading "Legions of Fire" and yet don't remember any big continuing glitches.