It is hard to judge, because we have examples of the Old Expanses table of battle in Imperial Navy and there's the older Sector Fleet (which is 3rd party, but by a regular contributor to official material) which gives a lot of info on the Spinward Marches fleets. But we don't know how that compares to the strength of their neigbhors. I suppose I could bust out my Fifth Frontier War game and count counters
I do think it was deliberate that the Imperium was not a military conquest Empire. They do have warfighting ability, but I don't think that the Navy was ever designed for conquest. Even the Pacification campaigns were a highly divisive deviation from prior (and subsequent) Imperial policy from what was written.
Doesn't mean there isn't also some Worf effect going on. Or just a desire to sell wargames that both sides have a chance to win
I do think it was deliberate that the Imperium was not a military conquest Empire. They do have warfighting ability, but I don't think that the Navy was ever designed for conquest. Even the Pacification campaigns were a highly divisive deviation from prior (and subsequent) Imperial policy from what was written.
Doesn't mean there isn't also some Worf effect going on. Or just a desire to sell wargames that both sides have a chance to win