We played Twin Peaks - the main story-line with about 5 of the subplots - and (with the full cooperation of one player) had Demon Bob possess one of the PC's, who then attacked the other PC's...
Basically we had got a player who had become indestructable. This was in the GW days, and this guy had increased his CS and I scores to such a high levelthat nothing could touch him. Until he had to face Demon Bob / other PC - his stats were roughly equal to the indestructable PC, and once possessed by the demon, it was actually a fair fight. The possessed PC killed the 'indestructable' PC after a long and epic fight.
Now, we live in a part of the world where it rains a lot. Manchester, UK. Ever wondered why Morrissey is such a whiner? It'sbecause he comes from here. The whole City is grey, and drizzly. Hence, the player who had the indestuctableJudge, who had just finally been killed, had at his disposal an umbrella.
The conversation went like this:
GM: As You lie dying, you see that your collegue is, in fact, possessed by the demon Bob Robinson... he stands above you as you breathe yourlast. You die knowing that Laura Palmer's killer is now in residence inside a Judge. You fought well, but youknow that your life is at an end.
Dead player {Steve} (giving an evil look to Peter, the player controlling the possessed judge): You bastard.
Possessed Judge (Peter): Hehe. I am Bob Robinson and I am all powerful! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
Dead Judge: I'm going to stick this umbrella right up your arse. AND OPEN IT!
We have not let Steve forget this in the 10 years since we played it! He was serious!
Not very Judge-like but it was very funny at the time