"Judge talk" and quotes

One of my fave quotes from 2000Ad by Dredd (and it will soon by a t-shirt! check the 2000Ad site :) ):

Right after Judge Fear says "Gaze into the face of Fear!"...
Dredd responds with "Gaze into fist of Dredd!" And plant his fist right through Fear's head.
Ahhh... a classic.

And @ anvil, not to nitpick, but it's Joe, not Joseph. Only in the movie did they give him the name Joseph. To my knowledge Judge Dredd's first name is just Joe. :)
Dredd to a visiting alien dignitary who is about 3 foot high;

Dredd: 'There seems to be an alien dwarf on my desk!'
Chief Judge: 'He's a very important visitor from the planet Xpleen* - I need you to look after him - and don't upset him because we've a really important bunch of stuff we need to do to keep this planet happy**.'
Alien VIP - 'My name is Qu' Qu Quaxxann III - Ambassador from the Planet Xpleeen*'
Dredd - 'I'll just call you "Shorty"'

Dredd arrests said alien later on in the story. It was funny :)

*I made the names up - I am not digging through all my back progs to get the quote perfect...
**from (a really poor) memory so will be a mis-quote but the gist is right
Yes, Joe comes form Joseph, but he's only even called Joeseph in the movie. I think I read somewhere that his name is Joe and only Joe.
(Joe can also come from other names, I guess, but usually Joseph... now that I think on it)

Ah, here's one place where they mention it... in the Wikipedia article:
Under the Movie section...

But I've read elsewhere, too, that his name is only Joe.

Like I said though, I'm nit-picking... so no worries. :)
It just may be that Joe is just Joe after all, and has nothing to do with Joseph.

Joe is Joe as the original creator might have intended it.
Yup, exactly :)

The movie changed a bit (or lot...) about the Dreddverse (if you will).

But that's movies for you... Could have been worse, I suppose.. it coulda been like what Constantine did to Hellblazer... Now there's a can of worms. :P
numanti said:
A pretty much direct quote from the original Block Mania story - no idea why Stallone hesitates so much when he delivers that line though. I am in the minority in that I don't think the problem with the movie was Stallone. His acting in other movies is often more than adequate.

I think the director was too inexperienced for such a big budget film, and that the whole thing was a missed opportunity and could have been so much better.

I figured he stalled cause he was displaying anger and or righeous indignance.
I've read in multiple sources that the director of the Judge Dredd movie often had "disputes" with Stallone on the set and the director has since vowed never to work with a "big name" actor because of these.

I'm willing to bet that one of this "disputes" was when or whether Dredd actually takes his helmet off.

I didn't really care for the over all costume, either. It was tights with a crotch and shoulderpads. It should have looked more like, well, a uniform.

Here's a funny comic if you haven't read it. :)
Not sure Danny Cannon will get many chances to work with big name actors again after the Dredd film.

I do appreciate that the movie would not have been an easy experience for a new director, and that had it been me directing, the result would have been far worse i'm sure, but that film was a mess and the director has to take some of the responsibility for the result.

As I have said before, it was a huge missed opportunity.

Dredd could make a great film - the basic premise is so simple as to be brilliant - take any cop movie and take away the requirement for the good guys to have to prove guilt in order for justice to be done, (and almost every action-cop film ignores that need anyway, as the good guys generally kill all the bad guys and there is never a scene at the end where thier actions are investigated) then twist that and show how the good guys given this free reign can easily become the bad guys, then show them being really bad and oppressing the people they were supposed to be protecting - the original movie tried this with Fergie getting arrested for hiding inside that vending droid (which, itself, had the best line in the entire movie in, 'Eat recycled food! It's good for the environment and OK for you!') but all the intended pathos failed because Fergie as he was in the movie was an insufferable twat...
The big problem for me in the movie was that Dredd spends most of it on the run!

For a first movie this was a really bad way to introduc Dredd to a wider audiance.

The first movie should, without a doubt, have been about criminal investigation (done by dredd through the normal JD channels) and busting heads. Where it could have differed from other cop movies was the shear volumn, whackiness and violence of the crimes solved and criminals dealt with in the claustraphobic skyscraping city.

Instead we got a futoristic 'Fugitive' film (which in itself was OK as action movies go) but little real capturing of the instant justice to the average citizens that the comic strip shows - Why 'start' with a block war - instead build towards it as these are major events (and common) in a Judge's shift.

Once the Dredd character had been established on film (say by film sequel 3 or 4) then by all means introduce a 'framing' event so the viewers can really sympathise.

Oh yeah - and real lawmasters anyone? - but that is a whole different moan.

