One of my fave quotes from 2000Ad by Dredd (and it will soon by a t-shirt! check the 2000Ad site
Right after Judge Fear says "Gaze into the face of Fear!"...
Dredd responds with "Gaze into fist of Dredd!" And plant his fist right through Fear's head.
Ahhh... a classic.
And @ anvil, not to nitpick, but it's Joe, not Joseph. Only in the movie did they give him the name Joseph. To my knowledge Judge Dredd's first name is just Joe.

Right after Judge Fear says "Gaze into the face of Fear!"...
Dredd responds with "Gaze into fist of Dredd!" And plant his fist right through Fear's head.
Ahhh... a classic.
And @ anvil, not to nitpick, but it's Joe, not Joseph. Only in the movie did they give him the name Joseph. To my knowledge Judge Dredd's first name is just Joe.