Cosmic Mongoose
Below are all psionic related questions with regard to Core2022. I am posting these here to get feedback. Perhaps if these are agreeable, they could be used in a future rules update.
"Such a shield is automatically in force at all times and requires no PSI expenditure to maintain but can be lowered to allow telepathic contact or use of telepathic powers."
I have seen ref's interpret this to mean that one must lower the shield completely to use any psionic power whatsoever, leaving the telepath vulnerable to attack. If that is the rule design intent then the ability is near useless when under telepathic threat. Also it would contradict with the Send Thoughts power which states; "Telepathic individuals are normally open to such transmissions but may close
their shields against them if they become bothersome or threatening."
I would clarify that yes, Sheild is always up, but that the "lowering" to allow telepathic contact or use of powers is dynamically flexible and will allow telepathic traffic that the Shield owner wishes and block what is not desirable. I would not require my telepaths to state whether the sheild is up or not and then if up, they are closed off to any attempts to contact nor can they use their powers at all. To do it that way makes the sheild almost as much of a problem for the telepath as it can be a benefit.
Benefits should be beneficial, imho.
Enhanced STR, Enhanced END, Fortitude:
These should have a different rule for a successful roll effect level 0 (either minimum 10 min for both effect 0 or 1, or at least treat effect 0 as a 1 point PSI fail).
Personally, I don't like the inconsistency of results that are considered "successful" but give the same result as failure. This means they could pay more in PSI than if they just rolled 1 lower. I think a "zero effect" success should have a minimum of 10 min.
May need a clarification for multiple inspiration checks in the same minute.
Personally, if they pay their PSI and make their rolls they can apply the inspiration +2 to any one check (but cannot stack them on that one check). They already have the "next minute" rule so if they want to do 6 inspiration checks to try to get +2's for every combat round in the next minute, I'd let them. Of course, that's 6 minor actions, or 2 turns doing only Inspiration checks.
"Any manipulation is treated as if the Traveller was physically handling the item but physical danger, pain or other stimuli are not present.
This should maybe have a rule clarification that there is no limit to number of objects in each 10 kilo times Psi activation. For example; it only costs 1 PSI to lift 10 kilo's worth of loose coynes from a table. You don't need to do an activation for each coyne.
You do need to account for all actions that might expend require use of that 10kg force. For example, to lift and fire a gun would cost the weight of the weapon, it's trigger pull weight and the kilogram force (kgf) weight of the recoil if unbraced and trying to control it. In most cases, the weight of the weapon is the least of the expenditures of the 10kg. Trigger pull and recoil are greater.
Glock 19 Gun Example:
Weight of Pistol: .88kg
Trigger pull: 2.5kg
Recoil in Kilograms: 9kg
Total PSI to pickup and fire Glock19= 2.5kg+.88kg=3.38 or 1 PSI if the shooter does not care about recoil or if it is braced somehow. If not braced, then weapon will fly back opposite from the target out of control. (thank goodness Glocks have internal safeties!)
Total PSI to pickup, fire and still control the weapon: 2.5kg+.88kg+9kgf=12.38kg or 2 PSI points.
All this said, another clarification might be that the psionicist should be required to state exactly what they intend to use and do with their 10xPsi kilo budget for that one activation unless they intend to track the amount during the duration of that activation. Meaning, if I activate my telekinesis for 2 psi and get a duration of 5 combat rounds, but instead of using all 20kg, I use only 15 kilos, either I don't get 5kg in "change" to use during that duration…
… or maybe I do.
If the ref has to track then I would say you don't get your change.
If the player tracks it, honestly, then they DO get to use their "change" during that activation. Overlapping activations can happen but this could be confusing, but if the player can track it cogently, maybe not.
This should have a clarification added that you must also possess the skill needed. You can do the microsurgery but you need to have the Medic skill. Etc.
This should have a clarification stating that very flammable items such as fuel etc can be ignited at 0-4 effect.
"Such a shield is automatically in force at all times and requires no PSI expenditure to maintain but can be lowered to allow telepathic contact or use of telepathic powers."
I have seen ref's interpret this to mean that one must lower the shield completely to use any psionic power whatsoever, leaving the telepath vulnerable to attack. If that is the rule design intent then the ability is near useless when under telepathic threat. Also it would contradict with the Send Thoughts power which states; "Telepathic individuals are normally open to such transmissions but may close
their shields against them if they become bothersome or threatening."
I would clarify that yes, Sheild is always up, but that the "lowering" to allow telepathic contact or use of powers is dynamically flexible and will allow telepathic traffic that the Shield owner wishes and block what is not desirable. I would not require my telepaths to state whether the sheild is up or not and then if up, they are closed off to any attempts to contact nor can they use their powers at all. To do it that way makes the sheild almost as much of a problem for the telepath as it can be a benefit.
Benefits should be beneficial, imho.
Enhanced STR, Enhanced END, Fortitude:
These should have a different rule for a successful roll effect level 0 (either minimum 10 min for both effect 0 or 1, or at least treat effect 0 as a 1 point PSI fail).
Personally, I don't like the inconsistency of results that are considered "successful" but give the same result as failure. This means they could pay more in PSI than if they just rolled 1 lower. I think a "zero effect" success should have a minimum of 10 min.
May need a clarification for multiple inspiration checks in the same minute.
Personally, if they pay their PSI and make their rolls they can apply the inspiration +2 to any one check (but cannot stack them on that one check). They already have the "next minute" rule so if they want to do 6 inspiration checks to try to get +2's for every combat round in the next minute, I'd let them. Of course, that's 6 minor actions, or 2 turns doing only Inspiration checks.
"Any manipulation is treated as if the Traveller was physically handling the item but physical danger, pain or other stimuli are not present.
This should maybe have a rule clarification that there is no limit to number of objects in each 10 kilo times Psi activation. For example; it only costs 1 PSI to lift 10 kilo's worth of loose coynes from a table. You don't need to do an activation for each coyne.
You do need to account for all actions that might expend require use of that 10kg force. For example, to lift and fire a gun would cost the weight of the weapon, it's trigger pull weight and the kilogram force (kgf) weight of the recoil if unbraced and trying to control it. In most cases, the weight of the weapon is the least of the expenditures of the 10kg. Trigger pull and recoil are greater.
Glock 19 Gun Example:
Weight of Pistol: .88kg
Trigger pull: 2.5kg
Recoil in Kilograms: 9kg
Total PSI to pickup and fire Glock19= 2.5kg+.88kg=3.38 or 1 PSI if the shooter does not care about recoil or if it is braced somehow. If not braced, then weapon will fly back opposite from the target out of control. (thank goodness Glocks have internal safeties!)
Total PSI to pickup, fire and still control the weapon: 2.5kg+.88kg+9kgf=12.38kg or 2 PSI points.
All this said, another clarification might be that the psionicist should be required to state exactly what they intend to use and do with their 10xPsi kilo budget for that one activation unless they intend to track the amount during the duration of that activation. Meaning, if I activate my telekinesis for 2 psi and get a duration of 5 combat rounds, but instead of using all 20kg, I use only 15 kilos, either I don't get 5kg in "change" to use during that duration…
… or maybe I do.
If the ref has to track then I would say you don't get your change.
If the player tracks it, honestly, then they DO get to use their "change" during that activation. Overlapping activations can happen but this could be confusing, but if the player can track it cogently, maybe not.
This should have a clarification added that you must also possess the skill needed. You can do the microsurgery but you need to have the Medic skill. Etc.
This should have a clarification stating that very flammable items such as fuel etc can be ignited at 0-4 effect.
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