Psionic Rules Clarifications and Suggestions (Core22)


Cosmic Mongoose
Below are all psionic related questions with regard to Core2022. I am posting these here to get feedback. Perhaps if these are agreeable, they could be used in a future rules update.

"Such a shield is automatically in force at all times and requires no PSI expenditure to maintain but can be lowered to allow telepathic contact or use of telepathic powers."

I have seen ref's interpret this to mean that one must lower the shield completely to use any psionic power whatsoever, leaving the telepath vulnerable to attack. If that is the rule design intent then the ability is near useless when under telepathic threat. Also it would contradict with the Send Thoughts power which states; "Telepathic individuals are normally open to such transmissions but may close
their shields against them if they become bothersome or threatening."

I would clarify that yes, Sheild is always up, but that the "lowering" to allow telepathic contact or use of powers is dynamically flexible and will allow telepathic traffic that the Shield owner wishes and block what is not desirable. I would not require my telepaths to state whether the sheild is up or not and then if up, they are closed off to any attempts to contact nor can they use their powers at all. To do it that way makes the sheild almost as much of a problem for the telepath as it can be a benefit.
Benefits should be beneficial, imho.

Enhanced STR, Enhanced END, Fortitude:
These should have a different rule for a successful roll effect level 0 (either minimum 10 min for both effect 0 or 1, or at least treat effect 0 as a 1 point PSI fail).

Personally, I don't like the inconsistency of results that are considered "successful" but give the same result as failure. This means they could pay more in PSI than if they just rolled 1 lower. I think a "zero effect" success should have a minimum of 10 min.

May need a clarification for multiple inspiration checks in the same minute.
Personally, if they pay their PSI and make their rolls they can apply the inspiration +2 to any one check (but cannot stack them on that one check). They already have the "next minute" rule so if they want to do 6 inspiration checks to try to get +2's for every combat round in the next minute, I'd let them. Of course, that's 6 minor actions, or 2 turns doing only Inspiration checks.

"Any manipulation is treated as if the Traveller was physically handling the item but physical danger, pain or other stimuli are not present.

This should maybe have a rule clarification that there is no limit to number of objects in each 10 kilo times Psi activation. For example; it only costs 1 PSI to lift 10 kilo's worth of loose coynes from a table. You don't need to do an activation for each coyne.

You do need to account for all actions that might expend require use of that 10kg force. For example, to lift and fire a gun would cost the weight of the weapon, it's trigger pull weight and the kilogram force (kgf) weight of the recoil if unbraced and trying to control it. In most cases, the weight of the weapon is the least of the expenditures of the 10kg. Trigger pull and recoil are greater.

Glock 19 Gun Example:
Weight of Pistol: .88kg
Trigger pull: 2.5kg
Recoil in Kilograms: 9kg

Total PSI to pickup and fire Glock19= 2.5kg+.88kg=3.38 or 1 PSI if the shooter does not care about recoil or if it is braced somehow. If not braced, then weapon will fly back opposite from the target out of control. (thank goodness Glocks have internal safeties!)

Total PSI to pickup, fire and still control the weapon: 2.5kg+.88kg+9kgf=12.38kg or 2 PSI points.

All this said, another clarification might be that the psionicist should be required to state exactly what they intend to use and do with their 10xPsi kilo budget for that one activation unless they intend to track the amount during the duration of that activation. Meaning, if I activate my telekinesis for 2 psi and get a duration of 5 combat rounds, but instead of using all 20kg, I use only 15 kilos, either I don't get 5kg in "change" to use during that duration…

… or maybe I do.

If the ref has to track then I would say you don't get your change.
If the player tracks it, honestly, then they DO get to use their "change" during that activation. Overlapping activations can happen but this could be confusing, but if the player can track it cogently, maybe not.

This should have a clarification added that you must also possess the skill needed. You can do the microsurgery but you need to have the Medic skill. Etc.

This should have a clarification stating that very flammable items such as fuel etc can be ignited at 0-4 effect.
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The Telepathy one you could turn it into skill use. That's the same opposed check as Assault uses.

Fortify Shield to Block Incoming Thoughts
While a Shielded mind is receptive to incoming thoughts, a Psion can strengthen their Shield to Block those incoming thoughts more effectively. If the sending Telepath is persistent, they both make opposed Telepathy checks. If the sender wins, the sending Telepath gets their message through.
Check: Average (8+) Telepathy check (1D seconds, PSI)
Reach: Distant
PSI Cost: 1

You could even make the duration equal to PSI strength or Telepathy skill in hours.
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It protects from incomming psionic emissions. Doesnt interfere with outgoing psionic emission.
Send Though isnt contradictory, it implies that ESPer have a degree to know what kind of psionic emission is being sent to them. I can see Lore wire requiring the lowering of the ESPer shield, but mechnically, the lowering is so fast, there isnt a window for any offendering ESPer to do anything with.

Increase END, STR and Armor.
I dont find this contradictory.
It just means you dont use awareness powers, when you're in a time senative area. Talent use are just skill checks. You can take additiona time for a +2 on the check.

I dont know what inspiration is.

Traveller doesnt really wanna care about that fine granuality of detail. As a community I dont think we want psi talents to come with a paragraphs of edge cases on what bigbsy graspy hand can do.
Though since we're on the topic. Whats the trigger pull on a chainsword or a plasma rifle?

Microkensis. No it doesnt. Its an illustrative example, not a literal use of the Talent. It allows you to do things at that scale of physicality. Doesnt embue any ability.
If this is a concern, then we need the Telekenis skill to say, that it doesnt grant, Atheltics, Gun Combat, Melee, Electronics, Engineering, Mechanics, Medic, Drive, Fly, the boat skill.

An interesting house rule for your table.
If we're getting worried about trigger pull, why arent we concern with combustion tempatures. Though that would requre pressure.
I think a lot of us would agree that gasoline fumes are very flammable but their combustion temp is over 500f, which to me, doesnt match the description of MoS 0-4.
If you raise me to 500 degrees, that would be serious 3rd degree burns with chunks of meat falling off, fully charred.
Late Addition:
This is a new addition and appears to be the only invasive telepathic power that does not have any description regarding if and how shielding protects the target. Some powers state shielding completely blocks. Another says an opposed roll is made.

I am thinking the same rule for probe would apply. Ie. It will be automatically blocked if shields are up. It also could be automatically detected even with shields down, as with telempathy.
It protects from incomming psionic emissions. Doesnt interfere with outgoing psionic emission.
Send Though isnt contradictory, it implies that ESPer have a degree to know what kind of psionic emission is being sent to them. I can see Lore wire requiring the lowering of the ESPer shield, but mechnically, the lowering is so fast, there isnt a window for any offendering ESPer to do anything with.

Increase END, STR and Armor.
I dont find this contradictory.
It just means you dont use awareness powers, when you're in a time senative area. Talent use are just skill checks. You can take additiona time for a +2 on the check.

I dont know what inspiration is.

Traveller doesnt really wanna care about that fine granuality of detail. As a community I dont think we want psi talents to come with a paragraphs of edge cases on what bigbsy graspy hand can do.
Though since we're on the topic. Whats the trigger pull on a chainsword or a plasma rifle?

Microkensis. No it doesnt. Its an illustrative example, not a literal use of the Talent. It allows you to do things at that scale of physicality. Doesnt embue any ability.
If this is a concern, then we need the Telekenis skill to say, that it doesnt grant, Atheltics, Gun Combat, Melee, Electronics, Engineering, Mechanics, Medic, Drive, Fly, the boat skill.

An interesting house rule for your table.
If we're getting worried about trigger pull, why arent we concern with combustion tempatures. Though that would requre pressure.
I think a lot of us would agree that gasoline fumes are very flammable but their combustion temp is over 500f, which to me, doesnt match the description of MoS 0-4.
If you raise me to 500 degrees, that would be serious 3rd degree burns with chunks of meat falling off, fully charred.
You might be singing the older edition blues:
Inspiration is on Core22 page 233

I agree with your interpretation of Shield. Indeed I even said as much in my post. However, after reading 1e Psion (Book 4), it does seem like the designer intent was to say you have to advise if shields are up or down and that blocks you as much as they.... of course "IMTU" and all that.

Regarding END, STR and Armor. Sure you can make more time to get +2 but that does not solve the issue I am pointing out. If spend 4 PSI and you only roll an 6, then add +2 for taking your time, you succeeded because you rolled 8+ with the DM! Right? Wrong. You succeeded for 0 minutes duration. Your effect is 0 and if the duration is "for number of minutes equal to the Effect of the Awareness check x 10" then that is zero minutes. You just burned your 4 PSI for your success of zero minutes.
Now If you failed by rolling only a 5, then you would have just burned 1 PSI for failing.

Have you used these rules much? (honestly I have not) Still, it seems to me the first thing a Traveller might try is to lift and fire a weapon using this power. That and try to lift multiple objects at the same time. Get it wrong and you are either giving them the farm with the weapon example or stripping them of all their PSI points in the coyne example. (I like to write "coyne" instead of "coin" because of the Droin... I mean "Droyne")

To answer your question about chainsword and plasma rifles: about 4 kilos. This is based on the assumption that these are military weapons and military weapons typically have a 4 kilo trigger pull for safety. The chainsword can have whatever pull the owner would like though since that is a silly weapon meant for show.

Answer: Because I know more about trigger pull than I do about flashpoints of fuel vs wood etc. Trigger pull is interesting because it is normally greater than the weight of the weapon. So there, nyah. Also thanks for responding! :)
Late Addition:
This is a new addition and appears to be the only invasive telepathic power that does not have any description regarding if and how shielding protects the target. Some powers state shielding completely blocks. Another says an opposed roll is made.

I am thinking the same rule for probe would apply. Ie. It will be automatically blocked if shields are up. It also could be automatically detected even with shields down, as with telempathy.
Is Suggestion an unwanted telepathic interference? If so then shield stops it.
For my table, I would say you can totally do an oppose test for suggestion.
Its just, very silly thing to do. As you turned what is meant to be a denable, illusive ability, into a brick. At that point, may as well just use a gun.
Inspiration. The talent. Ah. Didnt read it as that to me. Mechnicaly, its pretty terrible to use Inspiration to help with other Talents, since it cuts into Psi point pool and will likely lower your Psi stat DM for other talent checks.
End, St and Armor.
As far as rolling and getting not a lot out of Psi. Yep. Thats traveller.

Not that big of a deal. Detect surface thoughts, is way more useful.
Its also not really a combat ability. Neither is Punch really.
If if were my table, and someone wanted to pick up and fire a pistol. Then the TN would be at least 14. They cant aim down the sights, they cant brace it. I would be fine with them doing all the fiddling with the gun. Switching safeties, pulling the slide and even exchanging magazines.
I also dont see a reason why cant TK use multple objects at once.There is a fuzzy limit of reasonableness, which I cant define because when I am player with psionic ability, I am not interested in pushing edge cases. And when I am the GM, I do other weirder stuff with it.

Silly TK tricks to use, like switching the safety of a gun, wouldnt have much impact depending on the NPC experience. They pull the trigger, feel it not depressing. Check the safety, flip it and then pull again. That seems very reasonable to do in six seconds.
Pulling the pin on a grenade. Thats a good trick. With TK being short, this is quite the gamble.
Other dipshit things to do. Is like untie someone shoes and then try to tie them together. That might work. Though as a GM, I would be annoyed that I now have to care about NPC footware.

What makes TK dastardly, like so many psionic ability, is that it doesnt require line of sight to use. You can be touching stuff from behind walls. Just wouldnt know how its going all that well. Great if you want to shove a pillow oever a dudes face, or razor blade their wrists in their sleep.
I may have posted these before, but my first character ended up being psionic. That made me go through the rules as written and think of any holes in them that we could sort before they caused arguments during gameplay.

Here are my thoughts.

Life Detection​

The range is distant, but by upping the number of PSI points used you can get it up to Continental, which is a range of 5,000 km. The rules as read (by me), mean that the Traveller is aware of all the minds, animal and sophont in the area (a sphere of up to 5,000 km) and knows what they are and who they are, if he is familiar with them.

This is silly. The Traveller would be overloaded with information.

This needs to be restricted. The Traveller should be able to concentrate on an sub-area. Within that area what can they do?

Suggestion: Once casting the psion, The Traveller is aware of a fuzziness of minds and can concentrate each round on an area of a 20m radius sphere and get details (animal or sophont and who they are, if familiar with them) in that area.

Also what is the duration?

Suggestion: Go for, number of minutes of the Effect +1. The +1 is to alleviate the problem of being successful and unsuccessful at the same time as discussed below in the telekinesis psions.

Mind Link​

This is used by two telepaths to talk to each other. In most cases a Comdot will be better, but there are two scenarios where I can see Mind Link being useful.

Where privacy is required – arrange it over normal comms. No issues. Could even set up a code word or phrase to do this so no-one else is aware that it is happening.

Where one telepath is in danger and unable to communicate via any other method, e.g. been kidnapped.

So if Bob has been kidnapped and needs to call Alice to arrange a rescue, how does Alice know when Bob is calling? I would suggest that if two telepaths know each other, one can call the other (using Mind Link) and the second knows that the first is calling and can cast their Mind Link psion in order to speak. The psions’ duration starts when both Mind Links are active.

Duration of some telepathy psions​

Some other psions give no indication as to how long they last. These are:

Assumption: you get to do it once.

Read surface thoughts
Suggestion: this lasts for number of rounds of the effect (+1), see the discussion on telekinesis duration.

Send thoughts
Suggestion: this lasts for number of rounds of the effect (+1)

This seems to be a long lasting psion, in that from the description a full scale interrogation can be carried out.

Telekinesis duration​

For some psions, especially telekinetic ones, The Effect of the check determines the duration of the telekinesis in combat rounds. This can mean success and unsuccess at the same time.

Example: For Flight, the target dice roll is 10. Rolling an 8 with a bonus of 2, means that the Traveller makes the check, but the effect is zero, meaning that the duration is zero!

More silliness.

Suggestion: Increase the duration by an extra round, so a net roll of 10 means the duration is one round, a net roll of 11 means 2 rounds etc.

Psions affected by this rule change:
  • Mind Link
  • Tactical Awareness
  • Telekinesis
  • Flight
  • Microkinesis
  • Fortitude
  • Enhanced Strength (but is in 10s of minutes)
  • Enhanced Endurance (but is in 10s of minutes)
Note: This rule effects other skills, e.g. first aid. Though at one place in the rules it does say a minimum of one point. This clarification means that an Effect of zero and an Effect of one have exactly the same effect.


The description states, ‘The clairvoyant Traveller must state the range at which they are applying the power and will generally sense the most interesting or important feature at that range. The Effect of the check determines the level of accuracy and clarity.

Suggestion: For clarity, the words range are replaced by the word location. I would expect that the size of the location is determined on a case by case basis.

This also affects the Clair… psions.


I assume the replacement of lost characteristic points is instantaneous.

Can the Traveller choose which stats to regenerate? So if he has lost END and STR, can he choose which to regenerate first or are the points allocated equally?

Suggestion: they are allocated equally, similar to rule for ‘Medical Care’ on page 83.

The regrowth of lost limbs and organs is not instantaneous. So how long does it take to regenerate them and how many psi points does it cost? Presumably you have to cast regeneration multiple times.

Suggestion: 30 days’ worth of successful casting of regeneration for a full limb or organ, a missing hand or finger would be less (a week or a day respectively).

E.g. a Traveller loses an arm, wakes up and immediately starts to cast regeneration once per day. As the days progress, the arms begins to grow back, but for two days, for some reason, the Traveller was unable to cast it and so it takes 32 days in total to regenerate the arm. Casting the psion more than once per day has no effect.

Since then, I've tried to use telekinesis to push a wheeled chair and accelerate it along the ground, but since it was heavier than the 10kg limit, the rules as written did not allow it whereas common sense means it should have been possible.
Inspiration. The talent. Ah. Didnt read it as that to me. Mechnicaly, its pretty terrible to use Inspiration to help with other Talents, since it cuts into Psi point pool and will likely lower your Psi stat DM for other talent checks.
End, St and Armor.
As far as rolling and getting not a lot out of Psi. Yep. Thats traveller.

Not that big of a deal. Detect surface thoughts, is way more useful.
Its also not really a combat ability. Neither is Punch really.
If if were my table, and someone wanted to pick up and fire a pistol. Then the TN would be at least 14. They cant aim down the sights, they cant brace it. I would be fine with them doing all the fiddling with the gun. Switching safeties, pulling the slide and even exchanging magazines.
I also dont see a reason why cant TK use multple objects at once.There is a fuzzy limit of reasonableness, which I cant define because when I am player with psionic ability, I am not interested in pushing edge cases. And when I am the GM, I do other weirder stuff with it.

Silly TK tricks to use, like switching the safety of a gun, wouldnt have much impact depending on the NPC experience. They pull the trigger, feel it not depressing. Check the safety, flip it and then pull again. That seems very reasonable to do in six seconds.
Pulling the pin on a grenade. Thats a good trick. With TK being short, this is quite the gamble.
Other dipshit things to do. Is like untie someone shoes and then try to tie them together. That might work. Though as a GM, I would be annoyed that I now have to care about NPC footware.

What makes TK dastardly, like so many psionic ability, is that it doesnt require line of sight to use. You can be touching stuff from behind walls. Just wouldnt know how its going all that well. Great if you want to shove a pillow oever a dudes face, or razor blade their wrists in their sleep.
I actually was not posting to try to figure out how to use them to any advantage for myself. I was trying to patch what I see are holes in the rules.

I think you are vastly underestimating the power of "Inspiration". I think it is the best psi ability there is. +2 DM on *ANY* check for one little PSI point? Yes, please! Again, that is *ANY* task. Nothing says it can only be PSI checks. The significance of that +2 is contextual, but I would see my PC using just about every turn for any task that was important to me while I had PSI to spend. They actually had to gimp it down from 1e's "Enhanced Awareness".

I am not trying to work out the value of TK, but how it works in play.
btw, if you read the power carefully, you can make the case that the player can aim it and fire normally without any special penalty. This is what it says; "Any manipulation is treated as if the Traveller was physically handling the item but physical danger, pain or other stimuli are not present. Telekinesis includes a limited amount of sensory awareness, sufficient to allow intelligent manipulation."
Now, if you want to quibble over the use of the word "limited", then you can make a case saying they get special penalties. I'd just let them shoot the dang thing.
Grenade example: Short can be 10m and grenades only effect up to 6m, if I recall. Still if you pay only 4 PSI, you can make it Long which is 250m! (2 PSI gets you out to Medium or 50m max)
The real limit is the 10kg per PSI point.

Other than Teleportation, I don't see anything in the rules that speaks for or against needing eyes on target. That should be clarified.
I may have posted these before, but my first character ended up being psionic. That made me go through the rules as written and think of any holes in them that we could sort before they caused arguments during gameplay.

Here are my thoughts.

Life Detection​

The range is distant, but by upping the number of PSI points used you can get it up to Continental, which is a range of 5,000 km. The rules as read (by me), mean that the Traveller is aware of all the minds, animal and sophont in the area (a sphere of up to 5,000 km) and knows what they are and who they are, if he is familiar with them.

This is silly. The Traveller would be overloaded with information.

This needs to be restricted. The Traveller should be able to concentrate on an sub-area. Within that area what can they do?

Suggestion: Once casting the psion, The Traveller is aware of a fuzziness of minds and can concentrate each round on an area of a 20m radius sphere and get details (animal or sophont and who they are, if familiar with them) in that area.

Also what is the duration?

Suggestion: Go for, number of minutes of the Effect +1. The +1 is to alleviate the problem of being successful and unsuccessful at the same time as discussed below in the telekinesis psions.

Mind Link​

This is used by two telepaths to talk to each other. In most cases a Comdot will be better, but there are two scenarios where I can see Mind Link being useful.

Where privacy is required – arrange it over normal comms. No issues. Could even set up a code word or phrase to do this so no-one else is aware that it is happening.

Where one telepath is in danger and unable to communicate via any other method, e.g. been kidnapped.

So if Bob has been kidnapped and needs to call Alice to arrange a rescue, how does Alice know when Bob is calling? I would suggest that if two telepaths know each other, one can call the other (using Mind Link) and the second knows that the first is calling and can cast their Mind Link psion in order to speak. The psions’ duration starts when both Mind Links are active.

Duration of some telepathy psions​

Some other psions give no indication as to how long they last. These are:

Assumption: you get to do it once.

Read surface thoughts
Suggestion: this lasts for number of rounds of the effect (+1), see the discussion on telekinesis duration.

Send thoughts
Suggestion: this lasts for number of rounds of the effect (+1)

This seems to be a long lasting psion, in that from the description a full scale interrogation can be carried out.

Telekinesis duration​

For some psions, especially telekinetic ones, The Effect of the check determines the duration of the telekinesis in combat rounds. This can mean success and unsuccess at the same time.

Example: For Flight, the target dice roll is 10. Rolling an 8 with a bonus of 2, means that the Traveller makes the check, but the effect is zero, meaning that the duration is zero!

More silliness.

Suggestion: Increase the duration by an extra round, so a net roll of 10 means the duration is one round, a net roll of 11 means 2 rounds etc.

Psions affected by this rule change:
  • Mind Link
  • Tactical Awareness
  • Telekinesis
  • Flight
  • Microkinesis
  • Fortitude
  • Enhanced Strength (but is in 10s of minutes)
  • Enhanced Endurance (but is in 10s of minutes)
Note: This rule effects other skills, e.g. first aid. Though at one place in the rules it does say a minimum of one point. This clarification means that an Effect of zero and an Effect of one have exactly the same effect.


The description states, ‘The clairvoyant Traveller must state the range at which they are applying the power and will generally sense the most interesting or important feature at that range. The Effect of the check determines the level of accuracy and clarity.

Suggestion: For clarity, the words range are replaced by the word location. I would expect that the size of the location is determined on a case by case basis.

This also affects the Clair… psions.


I assume the replacement of lost characteristic points is instantaneous.

Can the Traveller choose which stats to regenerate? So if he has lost END and STR, can he choose which to regenerate first or are the points allocated equally?

Suggestion: they are allocated equally, similar to rule for ‘Medical Care’ on page 83.

The regrowth of lost limbs and organs is not instantaneous. So how long does it take to regenerate them and how many psi points does it cost? Presumably you have to cast regeneration multiple times.

Suggestion: 30 days’ worth of successful casting of regeneration for a full limb or organ, a missing hand or finger would be less (a week or a day respectively).

E.g. a Traveller loses an arm, wakes up and immediately starts to cast regeneration once per day. As the days progress, the arms begins to grow back, but for two days, for some reason, the Traveller was unable to cast it and so it takes 32 days in total to regenerate the arm. Casting the psion more than once per day has no effect.

Since then, I've tried to use telekinesis to push a wheeled chair and accelerate it along the ground, but since it was heavier than the 10kg limit, the rules as written did not allow it whereas common sense means it should have been possible.
Life Detection:
I actually do not have a problem with your example but just keeping it rules as written. The data detail itself is very limited (unless it is your homeworld you grew up on with everyone alive you ever knew there) even though the quantity of it may be great. The data can be expressed as if they are looking at a real time geographically mapped graph of population numbers by species. True, to much to digest all at once, but you can let them ask for numbers they might care about and drill down into the info. Include an INT roll of whatever difficulty you think if you feel their query is a bit extreme. As for all their family and friends ever, ever? Just describe it as if they are looking at a giant page of friends profile pix marked on a massive map, professor X style.

Durations of effect 0:
I am so with you on this. I did take another look at core rules for 0 effect and they do mention that this should be a success but with some type of catch. Giving a +1 to all effects I don't think is the answer. Stating minimum*1 maybe or perhaps saying the roll fails but costs 0 PSI if you want to keep it that 0 effect does not do as much as effect 1. I do take your point about the First Aide minimum of 1 though.

Agreed. Don't know why they would specify range as that could be a 360 degree band... is that the point? I like location better, but with some other limiters so they don't try to get the whole building.

I would keep this one simple. Yes, instant. Even if it is a limb and yes they get to pick which stats. Traveller can be deadly enough. I lean heavily toward what is easier for the players when it comes to healing. Healing is usually not the most fun part of RPG game play.

Wheelchair example:
Ref should have pulled out a number that makes sense for how much kilogram force it would take to cause it to roll. ChatGPT says this is 4.5kg depending on the surface being rolled on. 4.5kg=1 PSI. Do enough of these calculations and you can make good ballpark guesses.
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Here is another way to handle effect= zero durations based on Core22 p61's comments about how to handle "Marginal Success".

  • Enhanced Strength = 5 min duration then decrease -1 per minute (this is half of a 1 effect)
  • Enhanced Endurance = same as STR
  • Fortitude = duration is same as 1 effect (thus 1 round only) but armor increase is only 1/2 PSI spent rounding up
  • Mind Link = duration is 30 seconds (this is half of a 1 effect)
  • Tactical Awareness = duration is same as 1 effect (thus 1 round only) but environmental effects still impede at half (rounding down in favor of the Psion) and hidden foes can only be revealed with Additional Awareness or Recon checks done as free actions and costing zero additional PSI.<=== this one is a toughy. I know it is a bit convoluted.
  • Flight= duration is same as 1 effect (thus 1 round only) but max speed is 7m instead of 15m
  • Telekinesis = duration is same as 1 effect (thus 1 round only) but weight limit is only half of effect 1 (thus 5kg for each PSI spent)
  • Microkinesis = actually this does not specify a duration and given some of its suggested uses (micro surgery etc) it would suggest a far longer time frame than telekinesis does in only combat rounds. PSI cost is high too. So in lieu of a game designer's decision, I am going to house rule this duration as 1Dx10min. This would allow for lock picking, micro surgery or more importantly, tiny ship in bottle construction, they they might have to make more than 1 check/PSI expense, and be sure to have rolled 5-6's.

    Other than Tactical Awareness's janky specificity (which is already innate in the power itself) and Microkinesis's total full on home ruling (due to missing published rules), I think this table provides consistent expectations for 0 effect in the spirit of Core22 p61.

    I would love to hear if you see any problems with this. Thanks!
Late Addition:
This is a new addition and appears to be the only invasive telepathic power that does not have any description regarding if and how shielding protects the target. Some powers state shielding completely blocks. Another says an opposed roll is made.

I am thinking the same rule for probe would apply. Ie. It will be automatically blocked if shields are up. It also could be automatically detected even with shields down, as with telempathy.

I submitted that one. I'm not sure I thought it through too well. And it doesn't matter anyway since someone at Mongoose changed it.

It's a way of Sending Thoughts. But you might be on to something. Combine Send Thoughts with Probe?
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I submitted that one. I'm not sure I thought it through too well. And it doesn't matter anyway since someone at Mongoose changed it.

It's a way of Sending Thoughts. But you might be one to something. Combine Send Thoughts with Probe?
Not combining them, just fill in the missing rule by using the same rule that exists for Probe. That rule states if shields are up, then Probe fails, ergo if shields are up, then Suggestion fails... and the target knows you tried.

Now if shields are down, does a telepath at least get any sort of defense at least just because they are a telepath? An opposed roll maybe?
Mind Link is supposed to be easier than Send Thoughts and Read Surface Thoughts, because it was supposed to be something only Telepaths could do.
Not combining them, just fill in the missing rule by using the same rule that exists for Probe. That rule states if shields are up, then Probe fails, ergo if shields are up, then Suggestion fails... and the target knows you tried.

Now if shields are down, does a telepath at least get any sort of defense at least just because they are a telepath? An opposed roll maybe?
I think that's right with Probe.

An opposed roll sounds great to me.
Mind Link is supposed to be easier than Send Thoughts and Read Surface Thoughts, because it was supposed to be something only Telepaths could do.
Only telepaths can do all 3 of those.
Mind link is for 2 telepaths that want a "Psionic VPN", so to speak with each other. It is easier because it is more persistent in duration of effect.
I think that's right with Probe.

An opposed roll sounds great to me.
You know, for a minute I was thinking that all invasive telepathy on other telepaths should be opposed rolls. I was also thinking that shields should be allowed in all of these cases without any "is it raised or is it lowered", just that it is there.
Problem then becomes, if you consider it a problem, that then you really do not need any special entry for the Shield power. It just gets abstracted as flavor for the opposed roll.
They are always on. There is always the opposed roll even if the shield is up. Why have an entry for it as a separate power? When would it not be used?
Only telepaths can do all 3 of those.
Mind link is for 2 telepaths that want a "Psionic VPN", so to speak with each other. It is easier because it is more persistent in duration of effect.
Actually you can Send Thoughts and Read Surface Thoughts with someone who isn't a Telepath.

And I know what Mind Link is supposed to do. I wrote it. Some of it got changed, tho, after I submitted it. Like the name.

You know, for a minute I was thinking that all invasive telepathy on other telepaths should be opposed rolls. I was also thinking that shields should be allowed in all of these cases without any "is it raised or is it lowered", just that it is there.
Problem then becomes, if you consider it a problem, that then you really do not need any special entry for the Shield power. It just gets abstracted as flavor for the opposed roll.
They are always on. There is always the opposed roll even if the shield is up. Why have an entry for it as a separate power? When would it not be used?
That would make sense when it's Telepath to Telepath.

But like it says in Assault, doing it to a non-Telepath is automatic.
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