Emperor Mongoose
And yet using historical example to extrapolate a possible future is the bread and butter of futurists everywhere.Um, yes.
Using a historical military organization to limit what another person does with their fictional, futuristic one is gatekeeping of the worst sort.
When I'm citing a historical example I try very hard not to say 'no you can't', but rather 'that was tried before by [x] in [y] era with [z] results'. When I play the veteran card, I'm careful to cite my experiences as my own opinion and use terms like 'most likely' or 'it's possible'.
And one thing we all must remember, even if High Guard is basically 'Aubrey Harrington Hornblower in Space', is that NOTHING is forever in a military system. I'm a Civil War reenactor and a military historian. In the Civil War era, it was impossible for professional officers to think that the US Army would depart from Indigo Blue as its uniform color, but 40 years later the first khaki uniforms were being issued en masse. The only two things in any military that will always stay the same is that officers are officers and there is a certain class of old geezers who are NOT officers that the wise private does not eff with.