Hmm? A suitable proxy for the Omicron and the Dark Star?

theres always my zues class frigate from the earth/centauri war supplement which I have a counter for but no model, but rules are good i think :D
[Shipbuilder said:
M1ndr1d3rs said:
The Charybdis looks a bit too powerful for a light cruiser IMO. How about Urobach's boreas?

The Boreas is propably too light.
An smaller version of the charybdis is an option.

Haven't seen it..
How bout your pegasus? It still has a decent number of guns.. and looks "light" enough ;)
M1ndr1d3rs said:
[Shipbuilder said:
M1ndr1d3rs said:
The Charybdis looks a bit too powerful for a light cruiser IMO. How about Urobach's boreas?

The Boreas is propably too light.
An smaller version of the charybdis is an option.

Haven't seen it..
How bout your pegasus? It still has a decent number of guns.. and looks "light" enough ;)

Its an option, also. But this line of ships (the boreas, quasar, pegasus, nike etc...) have its own history and background. All people who owns the pegasus mini or the charybdis can and want to use it, I´am sure.
And the rest...? Looks for an new design?
I'm onboard for anything [Shipbuilder]Urobach comes up with for the Omicron. His creations have always go over well with his fans... and it has been way too long since the Urobach shipbuilding yard has produced new vessels.
KONNOC said:
I'm onboard for anything [Shipbuilder]Urobach comes up with for the Omicron. His creations have always go over well with his fans... and it has been way too long since the Urobach shipbuilding yard has produced new vessels.

Oh yeah... really an long time.
I was fallen in an "hole" the entire time, no inspirations, no ideas.
But kickaha have done an great job during this time, also. And his work had given me an little "kick" in the A**. :lol: But I am sceptism. Hope this is the right time for an project. The end of the license...and so one :?
So, tried out building two of the designs at the weekend

Dark Star & Psi Chronos


Side View


Top View


Comparison with The enemy,

(Ignore the Voss Cruiser in background, my intended shot didn't make it).


Found both ships easy to make, partcularly the Psi Chronos, once you get past the sawing the scout in half, (its not the sawing, its the psychic screaming that get you).

Design wise, Psi Chronos same as concept, however altered the Dark Star front for a couple of reasons; (1) I originally intended short tendrils at the front by trimming back those of the scout, however I aimed to keep the conversion easy so moved them back, (although they are shortened in height - which is mauch easier to so) and, (2) This style looks better in the design, see the side view.

Added a spare gun I had created for another project as the molecular slicer beam on the top of the ship & two paperclip wire phasing pulse cannons on the front Oh and just made a simple bridge from green stuff.
Guess what I will be ordering from Iron Wind this week.

Gearing up for the Telepath War in the, possibly vain, hope that some kind soul, might write a suitable PDF some time in the future. :lol: :lol:
[Shipbuilder said:
Urobach"]Great sketches, really.

Thanks Urobach,

Never used to sketch, designed straight mind to reality which worked fine fior the dozen or so ship designs I created last year, however for various reasons was first forced into sketching this year and find it very good for recording ideas, (that and being that my memory not what it once was). First time I have bothered for conversions though. the Dark Star hit a nerve/neuron whatever, I guess.

Looking forward to seeing your Omicron.
The Shadow Chronos looks a bit too bulky for my taste..

I really like the Dark Star better.. Looks like it could be a serious threat to the White Star. I bet it'd be a terror to behold when finished.. :twisted:
M1ndr1d3rs said:
The Shadow Chronos looks a bit too bulky for my taste..

I really like the Dark Star better.. Looks like it could be a serious threat to the White Star. I bet it'd be a terror to behold when finished.. :twisted:

Agree totally, the Psi Chronos is different ship and would never be a "Dark Star" contender, but I think is a worthy ship in its own right and should have different stats more in line with its 2 root ships, a precursor or maybe even an advance on the "toast rack"? (i would have said only pre curser but the recent dates on the battle level ship seem quite early)

Will be a few weeks before I can paint my own Dark Star other painting priorities unfortunately as well as a few other build project deadlines but
from the sound of it Da Boss may well have a painted one sooner.

Agree she should look "a terror to behold".

& of course they also always come in pairs or they will at least when I build another. :lol:
Stats for Psi Chornos - first thoughts

Eclipse Class Assault Frigate
(Chronos Variant) Raid
The Chronos design proved to be hardy and resiliant which made it an excellent candidate to be merged with Shadow technology. Designed to operate in defense of installations, annhilitating any trespassers - the creators of the Eclipse made no attempt to hide its heritage. The incorporation of a intergrated human CPU made it more flexible but vulnerable to telepathic disruption.

Service Date: 2269+,
Speed: 12,
Hull: 6,
Turns: 2 x 45,
Craft: none,
Traits: Anti-Fighter 2, Flight Computer, Interceptors 2, Self Repair 2, Shields: 3/3,
Damage: 20 / 4,
Crew: 12/ 2,

Heavy Phasing Pulse Cannon.........12........6.......Mini-Beam, Twin Linked
Medium Pulse Cannon...................10........8.......Twin Linked
Medium Pulse Cannon...................10........8.......Twin Linked

Notes: The Eclipse has a HEL track array, granting it a +1 bonus to all attempts to break through a target's Stealth.
The Eclipse is subject to the Shadow rules regarding telepathic disruption
a couple of points/questions/observations

it is 50% faster than the standard Chronos

25% more damage

??missing the troops??

missing arcs for the weapons (guesstimate F for the HvyPhasingPulseCan and P & S for the MedPulseCan)

I think the number of AD are a tad high, like double of what they reasonably should be

Pic is beautiful, btw

[Omicron said:
Urobach"]Here is my very first idea for an possible design, now.
Comments are welcome. 8)

Very advanced looking design Urobach. Nicely visioned.

Style quite different form anything else EA has, in fact might be nice for your to develop as a entire fleet look for another race. The first thought that occurs is that it would make a hell of a nice design for a Hyach stealth cruiser, even down to the spinal laser.

Of course it could also be EA's attempt at developing better stealth tech.

Like it.
[Omicron said:
Urobach"]Here is my very first idea for an possible design, now.
Comments are welcome. 8)


I definatly see the Hyach insperation in the design

However, It looks more like a Star Destroyer then a Crusade era warship... Maybe if you lost the aft armoured wings, trimmed up the center a bit and attatched a pair of missile pods (missile pods seem to be a staple of crusade era ships... well at least the larger ones). I think then you'd have the perfect design.
The designs and custom builds shown in this thread are fantastic so far. Kickaha, your modelling skills are impressive. Wish I had the balls to cut up my, soon to be rare, B5 mini's and try something similar.

As it stands, I've been looking on the interwebz looking for suitable proxy's for the ships mentioned and I've been unsuccessful so far.

Anyone interested in being commissioned? :lol: