Forth any one interested?

Xorrandor said:
And since the first several contacts with Forth were probably just with their war machines (not counting any reconaisance... probes they might have done), the MI couldn't agree on a suitable derogatory term. Forth stuck, because they're the fourth intelligent race out there. (Humans are, of course, number 1. Only science weirdos, like perhaps the Forth, use zero-indexing.) Slang is hard to guide, sometimes.

like Cordas I'd have expected a name like "mechs" or something. There is a precedent set by Heinlein, what i dislike is it was ignored. In fact I even remember Matt saying (in response to a message I posted saying NATO style codenames would be great) that that was indeed what was planned, then we get "Forth".
We've been told it is based on where they were encountered and not that they are the "Fourth" race, that is just incredibly coincidental..... :wink: :roll:
Well, name aside, this planet name and fourth race stretches credibility, even for sci-fi.

I never heard of the (but imagined there would be) guidelines the Heinlein estate laid down for the races and names.

As far as I know the Forth are Greys with snake tails instead of legs (correct me if I am wrong, somewhat like Nagas). Cool idea, but IMHO, does not fit as well as other races (Skinnies almost resemble greys, having another race like that?).

I do like the Forth unit names however, but the subtitile 'fighting machine' is a bit, well, too Victorian a name for my taste. Battlesuit, exosuit, Forth Marauder, bio armor, and others all sound better, but that could be in with what the Heinleins lay down.

I like the colour schemes on the forth, and would find it hard to do red and white mself, but they seem a bit vibrant to be the first official colour scheme for the race, but I do like them. I just do not think they work with the universe, but hey, that can be remedied with an item known as a paintbrush.

Also, EP, I am unaware of the NATO naming thing you mentioned, if you could be so kind as to elnglithen me.

A race of biological living weapons, different to arachnids, more uhmanoid, would be cool, also being sentient, with say, biolasers and rockets, would be nice.

And guys, chill. If you feel strongly about something, that is cool, don;t go on and on (this is at all of you). Remember there are other human beings at the end of the monitor. If something is annoying you a lot, take ten minutes to calm down and clear your head before you post something that may insult or hurt someone else.

I was not on the forum for the last day or two, but like Cordas, I was shocked to find this 5 page monster.
Not interested in them, nor is my local gaming area by the looks of things.

I don't like them as in my opinion they aren't new and add nothing new to the game.

How well they'll sell will show if they are a hit or a miss.

I think it's a shame as SST really does need a 4th race to help add more variety.
I think adding more races into the mix will be very much for the improvement of the game. I am sure that as soon as we start getting more stuff we can actually use for SST:Evo that people will stop moaning and get back to playing, and arguing about the units / rules and possibly broken bits.
Ok, so we've sorted the Forth thing havent we?
Its split into two camps;
The ones who think the Forth name and race design are cack;
And the ones who don't care about names or fluff in their wargames.

On a far more important note, I wonder what the S&P preview will be this month?
If its as lacklustre as the last two Im going to go out on a limb and predict that we wont be seeing the game released by August (Which means we can spend plenty more time arguing about the fluff :D).

I'm really interested to see what a year and a halfs developments produced tbh, so I've come to look forward to the releases of S&P, since this is about the only avenue we have to see how well Mongoose is supporting our favourite game, and sadly, if the push doesnt start soon, its going to be way too late to cause a splash...
Mage said:
As far as I know the Forth are Greys with snake tails instead of legs (correct me if I am wrong, somewhat like Nagas).

Also, EP, I am unaware of the NATO naming thing you mentioned, if you could be so kind as to elnglithen me..

Like the Indian snake things?

NATO code names for military vehicles, eg the "Hind", "Flanker", "Frogfoot", "Badger"

Allows for an easily understandable name where the foreign name is unknown or not easy to understand.
They are also used by the UN forces in the "Full Thrust" background because they don't know the correct names for the Kra'Vak warships, so you get "Kylie" or "Kermit" class :wink:

I'd have expected more of that then "Fenos" or "Berekose"
Then again they'd probably take aay from the exotic stlye with more techincal names.

I think names of monsters would be cool: leviathan, Cerberus, etc.

And yes, those indian snakes things, I think.
:shock: That is so freaking cool dude!
I'd actually take back every single thing I ever said about the forth if they stopped showing that grey picture and gave them all designations of monster names!
Awesome indeed. I just ripped of the name of summon monsters from final fantasy, which rip of myth.
The nick name of "forth" given to them by the MI is fine, and actulay makes more sence than the MI just calling them somthing like "kruklakars2 or whatever may sound alien like.

what gets me is they are like snakes yet their machines are bipeds on average ??? WHY !!!! why not give the machines snake like tails like the riders, they would base their technology on thier physyology, like humands have biped mechs for example.

still probbaly get a force of them.
Wheels are mechanicaly very simple. Biped walking machines are very difficult.... 4 legs and more (in even numbers) make it considerably more easy as weight balance is a lot easier.

However as this game is firmly Sci Fi I ain't going to quibble about it.
OK, here is fluff for why the Forth use bipedal machines.

In the dim past of their history, an alien spaceship crashed on the Forth home world. As this was obviously from a very advanced culture, the ancestors of the Forth tried to understand the message that it was sending them.

They sorted through the contents of the spaceship, and found the creature's bodies puzzlingly different in that their biology was bipedal. They noticed that there were larger devices that were made to fit as extensions of the creatures legs (found in a cargo area) that extended and enhanced the mobility of the creatures. A cult soon grew around these strange alien beings, none of whom survived the landing.

Knowing that the spacecraft was from a superior Race, the early Forth tried to emulate this efficient biological design into their later transportation machines once they went through their industrial age. When the level of technology of the Forth allowed the production of advanced war machines, they too were patterned off of the ancient bipedal design. The first views of an Arachnid Warrior gave them the added idea of a four-legged machine for added stability.

What the Races that later met the Forth did not know and would never find out was that what gave the Forth their mobility and their inspiration to reach out to the universe was the equivalent of
a circus transport with stilt-walkers aboard. This alone set the Forth on a path to gain technological ascendance to threaten the other sentient inhabitants of space.

The universe is not without a sense of humor and irony, it seems. :wink:
Mr Evil said:
The nick name of "forth" given to them by the MI is fine, and actulay makes more sence than the MI just calling them somthing like "kruklakars2 or whatever may sound alien like..

please enlighten us as to why
Hiromoon said:
Well, at least it's not based on physical description....

Seriously, Bots?

Bots would be lame (but so is Fo(u)rth) :p

but based on physical description is the pattern established by "Bugs" and "Skinnies"

there's plenty of techy/metal/armour nicknames