Forth any one interested?

Mage said:
OH oh I got a n idea for the forth:
an air unit that can drop a bunch of smaller remote controlled mecha, like those spider yokes.
But it would hae to look weird, like a ufo but more elipse, and pointy...

And they could be called "Throwing Stars" by the MI perhaps? :wink:

I sent the following info to Mongoose when they were asking for new weapons ideas for BF:Evo. It is being considered as a real possibility in the near future... :shock:

What I was thinking of would be a hovering UAV, either disk or spherically shaped. A "Bluetooth of Death" if you will. :roll:
Let me clarify my post above ('cuz I wrote it badly, lol). The part about being considered wasn't meant as by Mongoose as it was the Pentagon. :wink:
Silver and freys, like the way you call greens those models before they are made real.

And shurikens sounds better for my idea, one word, but throwing stars are nice.