Definition of All hands to Bulkheads etc special action.

I am a little confused by this one.

Say ship A fires at ship B with beam weapons and ship B has done the all hands to bulkhead command thingy.

There are 4 DD SAP Beam hits.

Roll for criticals etc and score 1,4,5,6

The one needs to be rolled for by the defender 1D6 a 5,6 no effect otherwise 1 hull and no crew.

The 4+5 would normally do 4 hull and 4 crew so the defender rolls 4 dice. each one that comes up a 5,6 saves one point of hull damage though the crew is still reduced by 4.

Lets say the critical rolls up as 2 hull, 2 crew and some minus speed.

Normally as it is a DD beam this would be 4 hull and 4 crew and the speed reduction. Because of the special action the defender would roll 4 dice, each 5,6 would reduce the hull damage by one though the 4 crew and the speed effect would stand.

Is this correct?


Cpt Kremmen
are you asking about the "All hands on deck" special action thingy or the "close blast doors and activate defense grid" special action thingy?

I'm not entirely sure of what you just said. But you do roll 1d6 for each point of damage, yes damage not each hit, to negate the damage.

Say you shoot at a ship with a DD beam and deliver 2 hits. You then roll for the hits normally. Let's say that those hits turn out to be a 4 & a 6. Well, as you know, that turns out to be 2 solds hits with a critical effect. You would then roll the critical effect normall. Now, let's say that you score a 1/5, which would result in 4 extra damage and 2 extra crew in addition to a speed -4. The defender, assuming he made use of "CLose Blast Doors & Activate Defense Grid", would roll 1d6 for each point of damage, which totaled upto 8 points, and for each 5-6 he would ignore 1 point of damage. So, if the defender rolled two 5's and one 6 then he would take a total of 5 damage and 6 crew; the crew damage is taken no matter the results of the dice and the critical effect cannont be negated.
We divided up Close Blast doors SA into 3 different ones.

Reinforce Defence Grid
Gives +1 hull to max of hull 6, Only fire one weapon

Close Blast Doors
CQ 7, saves crew on 4+, No Damage Control. If fail still no Damage Control

Brace for Impact
CQ7, saves damage 4+,No Damage Control. If fail still no Damage Control

It has been working well in our games.
your version of close blast doors would be insane for a white star...
only need a 2+ roll to get that 4+ save for crew. with no ill affects for weapons fire or maneuver, it increases their "survivable life" by about 40% I'd say.

I would be very, very, very careful about messing with Special Actions, espeically automatic ones. This feels pretty life-altering; In particular, Hull 5 single-function ships (Sulust, tourney Targrath, Solarhawk, Bimith?, Drakh Light Cruiser and Heavy Cruiser, Tinashi, Sharlin!) get way outsized on that Reinforce Defense Grid.
SylvrDragon said:
I'm not entirely sure of what you just said. But you do roll 1d6 for each point of damage, yes damage not each hit, to negate the damage.

Say you shoot at a ship with a DD beam and deliver 2 hits. You then roll for the hits normally. Let's say that those hits turn out to be a 4 & a 6. Well, as you know, that turns out to be 2 solds hits with a critical effect. You would then roll the critical effect normall. Now, let's say that you score a 1/5, which would result in 4 extra damage and 2 extra crew in addition to a speed -4. The defender, assuming he made use of "CLose Blast Doors & Activate Defense Grid", would roll 1d6 for each point of damage, which totaled upto 8 points, and for each 5-6 he would ignore 1 point of damage. So, if the defender rolled two 5's and one 6 then he would take a total of 5 damage and 6 crew; the crew damage is taken no matter the results of the dice and the critical effect cannont be negated.

Yes that is exactly what I meant. Initially I thought it was a roll per dice that scored a hit, rather than per point of damage. Different for DD and TD weapons. Everyone has confirmed that my friends interpretation was correct.

I have always ignored this special action as pointless. But it was used by my friend playing Narn yesterday when he could not get a boresight with great effect. It annoyed the hell out of me so I suppose that is to great effect isn't it!!

Chernobyl said:
your version of close blast doors would be insane for a white star...
only need a 2+ roll to get that 4+ save for crew. with no ill affects for weapons fire or maneuver, it increases their "survivable life" by about 40% I'd say.

We haven't played with ISA yet, so we couldn't really say how bad it would be but others seem to be fine.
Also have altered crit chart, fires do damage per turn as well which could be bad for whitestars if they can't do damage control.

With raising the hull SA, only to be able shoot 1 wpn is a reasonable minus we have found so far but then we only play 5pt tourney raid so haven't seen what happens in bigger games but if your ship has raised it's hull then your opponent might be saving hull damage. Sought of evens itself out.

Also when we use CAF SA it lowers the hull by 1
Burger said:
Yarrrr, I want a stealth 5, hull 6 ship with 6AD neutron laser! :lol:

Me first, maybe Tank will fail to see my ships for a change! (probably not.... :( )

Is this not the daftest action in the rules? You'd have thought blast doors would have been closed once at battle stations really!
I think the alternate rules presented by Target sound cool, but as many have pointed out they can be very broken. Just imagine a Sharlin sitting back at 30" while using 'Reinforce Defense Grid'. That would give you a ship with 6 hull, 6+ stealth and no real penatly since the neutron laser is the only thing it can fire anyway.
The sharlin has to move, you can close the range by moving your ships. The Sharlin isn't CAF so it's not doing oddles of dam if you have a similar save up. Fighters can attack, all power to scanners with impunity because it's only firing one wpn. There's not awful lot difference between Hull 5 ship with 6+ stealth and hull 6 at stealth 6+ considering you are probably firing a SAP at that range, it's the 6+ stealth that is the problem. The Sharlin probably would rather CAF instead raise it's hull and rely on it's stealth.
We honestly haven't had any problems.