A Solomani exploration ship for a Rim campaign


Banded Mongoose
I would like to ask you for your thoughts on a Solomani capital vessel for an exploration/star trek-like campaign in the Rim. The ship is a modified Michigan exploration vessel that could act as a base of operations/main craft, something like the Deepnight Revelation vessel.
The crew capacity is increased, allowing for a lot of scientists, explorers, diplomats and SolSec minders, plus a shipment of 5000 frozen colonists from the Solomani core worlds.
As for auxiliary vessels it carries a main exploration vessel - the 2000 ton Tenzig, a 1000 ton Cimarron Support Vessel, two 100 tons Solomani Couriers and 8 25 tons utility boats.
So, what would you change?


Class: Michigan-E, TL-14, 20000 Tons
HullClose Structure Partial, Standard Hull: 8000,
Radiation Shielding: Reduce Rads by 1,000
ArmorBonded Superdense Armor: 4960
M-DriveM-Drive: 4 Efficient x3800
FTLJump Drive: 4 Efficient
Power PlantFusion TL 12 Output:14565 Small x2776,8
4x Jump Collectors3220
Fuel1 Jumps Available x 1 pc, 32 Weeks of Operation
BridgeCommand Bridge100
Main Bridge, Holographic Controls
ComputerCore/ 90
Advanced Fire Control/2
Broad Spectrum EW
Electronic Warfare/2
Jump Control/4
Point Defence/1 (Close)
Science (General)
Research Assist/3, 2 Iteration(s)
SensorsMain Sensor Array: Class IV - Improved x13
1x Countermeasures Suite2
1x Distributed Arrays6
1x Enhanced Signal Processing2
1x Life Scanner1
1x Life Scanner Analysis Suite1
1x Mineral Detection Suite
Weapons60x Double Turret: Pulse Laser, VAdv - Accurate, Adv - High Yield60
16x Triple Turret: Missile Rack16
2x Point Defense Btty: Type III -L40
6x Barbette: Particle Barbette, VAdv - Accurate, Adv - High Yield30
1x Large Bay: Particle Beam Bay (L)500
Screens4x Nuclear Damper, Reduced Size x232
Craft1x 2000 ton Internal Docking Space2200
Tenzig Exploration Vessel
1x 1000 ton Internal Docking Space1100
Cimarron Support Vessel
2x 100 ton Internal Docking Space220
USC-3A Solomani Courier x2
8x 25 ton Internal Docking Space220
UB-25EV_L x8 (pulse laser variant)
1x 100 ton Full Hangar Bay200
SystemsRepair Drones200
Fuel Scoop Installed
Fuel Processor, 300 Tons Per Day15
UNREP System: Xfer 100 tons/hour5
4x 2 ton Airlock
Armory for 250 Crew/50 Marines10
1x Biosphere, 360 tons360
2x Briefing Room8
Gaming Space, 12 person gaming capacity18
Laboratory for 16 Scientists64
1x Library4
2x Studio8
Training Facility: 25 person capacity50
6x Workshop36
Research Facilities1x (SOL) Space Science Facility + 8 Scientists (12 total)450
1x (SOL) Planetary Science Facility + 8 Scientists (12 total)130
1x (SOL) Life Science Facility + 20 Scientists (24 total, 84 patients)135
(SOL) Research Scoop10
Staterooms1250x Emergency Low Berths (5000 frozen crew/colonist capacity)1250
360 tons of Common Areas360
360x Middle Staterooms - Double (720 crew capacity)1440
Cargo1x 163,7 Ton Cargo Bay:163,7
1x Cargo Crane3,5
MagazineMissile Storage (1920 missiles)160

14 593 458 000​

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Chances are nothing, since rimward exploration is wide open to interpretation.

While I'm not too keen on collectors, self reliance is likely a requirement when it comes to fuel.

Colonists are likely pioneers and survivalists.
I would trade at least one of those collectors for a construction bay, so you can build base modules at the destination. Which then advises a need for ore processing and at least some rudimentary mining capability. A couple of the utility boats could be rock rats for the mining.
Jump collectors are non-standard tech in Charted Space, other than as tech in a Darrian science ship and Annic Nova. Your call to include them or not, so just mentioning it.
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