Character sheet


Hi there,

As a long time RueQuest fan (right from the first printing) I will be getting hold of this book when it comes out. I do have one nitpik before it is even on sale.

I've just looked at the downloadable character sheet from the Mongoose web site and think it is so bland. Don't get me wrong apart from one or two products over the years I've found the actual physical quality of Mongooses products very, very good (and Iown most of them) but this character sheet just doesn't do it for me.

I think its the failing of most game makers nowadays that they spend so much time on the production of the book that the character sheets seems to be left behind till the last minute take for example the Serenity RPG they didn't even have a character sheet (which upset a lot of people).

I'd like to see a top notch character sheet for what looks like being a top notch game. I don't want all singing all dancing full colour (think of the printing costs for the gamers please designers) but someting that reflects the feel of the game and maybe even inspires the players at the same time.

Anyway will get of my soap box now (come on who's nicked my ladder) and just want to close by saying to Mongoose keep up the good work can't wait to add this to my Runequest shelf at home.

If you skim down the list of forum topics, you'll find a 10-page discussion already on the topic of the character sheet. Some of your concerns may be addressed there.
And Malakor put up a great looking character sheet, though I don't remember which thread it is in. Anybody else remember where it is?
If you don't like the current character sheet, you should have seen the first one Mongoose had up. :shock:

Good thing Malakor was around. :D
Lakritsploppen said:
:D :D Malakor Rules!!!! :D :D

It's official when i'm going to run MRQ i will be using Malakors Charsheet!!!

:oops: Thanks for the praise.

Remember, once the game is released, We can all see if there is anything I need to tweak on the sheet and I'll have the journal available a week or so later for anyone who wants it.
One of the best things of RQ 3 was that you only had a character sheet of one page (and the back of it for notes).
I would like if MRQ would also be so confortable. :-)


Osentalka said:
One of the best things of RQ 3 was that you only had a character sheet of one page (and the back of it for notes).
I would like if MRQ would also be so confortable. :-)



I have a hard enough time whittling a character sheet down to two pages :P

Someone else will need to take up that gauntlet. :D
Malakor said:
Osentalka said:
One of the best things of RQ 3 was that you only had a character sheet of one page (and the back of it for notes).
I would like if MRQ would also be so confortable. :-)



I have a hard enough time whittling a character sheet down to two pages :P

Someone else will need to take up that gauntlet. :D

Well, there is always the orginal 1 page sheet that Mongoose put up fist (before we all expressed out dislike of it).

Or we could print up one of Malakor's 2 pagers in reduced format, or just print it double sided.
My wife could do it. She is a whiz with that kind of thing. Somebody would have to send a box of chocolates, however. For fuel. :roll: :lol:
andakitty said:
My wife could do it. She is a whiz with that kind of thing. Somebody would have to send a box of chocolates, however. For fuel. :roll: :lol:

If she has Adobe Illustrator, I could send her the originals if she wanted to work from those