Official Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition Character Sheet On Roll20 Is Live!

Just wanted to tell you (again) that you did excellent work here. Last year I made a couple of suggestions and you immediately implemented those. You rock!
Thank you for your kind words Stringray_tm, I am fortunate that being retired I can spend lots of time on my hobbies ;-)
Next release should be in a few days and compendium work is proceeding apace,
~ Coryphon ~
Hi All,

The latest release of the character sheet is live with the following changes:

- Removed italics from skill mods for clarity
- Added 'Ask for Difficulty' checkbox which will show a difficulty dropdown and calculate success/failure for characteristic/skill rolls
- Changed Psionics powers to reflect the rules with reach, difficulty, check time etc. This also calculates success/failure and displays in roll
- Added custom psionics repeating row
- Fixed animal darkmode combat rolls
- Minor formatting fixes

Screenshot showing 'Ask for Difficulty' toggle, no italics on Mod values and upgraded Psionic Powers:


When 'Ask for Difficulty' is set:


Defaults to Average difficulty, and when clicked the roll template shows values plus success/failure:


Best regards,

~ Coryphon ~
Super work @Coryphon ! I used the character sheet on Sunday for a one-shot game, and found the style really amenable to the gameplay.

Only thing that wasn't standing out for me was the Prime/Skills/Inventory/... ribbon. Maybe give these menu items a nice orange background, instead of the same white backgrounds that are used on the data fields? Some more contrast would have been helpful, anyway :)
Super work @Coryphon ! I used the character sheet on Sunday for a one-shot game, and found the style really amenable to the gameplay.

Only thing that wasn't standing out for me was the Prime/Skills/Inventory/... ribbon. Maybe give these menu items a nice orange background, instead of the same white backgrounds that are used on the data fields? Some more contrast would have been helpful, anyway :)
Thank you for the feedback Limpin.

Will look into making those contrast changes 👍

~ C ~
I have just switched to the new sheets for both my games. Yet to get player feedback, but my initial observations are that this is a great improvement. Love the implementation of Jack-of-all-Trades, and the addition of difficulty levels. One criticism is that the reversion of the Trained tick/cross icons to a single colour is a backwards step in my view. I much preferred the green/red coloured icon that make it easier to spot what skills you are trained in.
I have just switched to the new sheets for both my games. Yet to get player feedback, but my initial observations are that this is a great improvement. Love the implementation of Jack-of-all-Trades, and the addition of difficulty levels. One criticism is that the reversion of the Trained tick/cross icons to a single colour is a backwards step in my view. I much preferred the green/red coloured icon that make it easier to spot what skills you are trained in.
Hi Gavain,
Thank you very much for the feedback. I will look into the colours for the trained tickbox,
~ C ~
So, I had a thought about how it isn't possible to add new Characteristics to the Dropdown menu for skills...but sometimes you want to have a Skill be based on one of those new characteristics.
What do you think about this as a fix? Perhaps you could add a "Custom" Slot to the skill Dropdown? This why if you wanted to base a Skill Roll off of Luck, you could choose the Custom Slot in the characteristic dropdown (which would be a 0 Mod), and just add the mod by hand when the roll asks for a mod?
Hi hi,

That definitely sounds possible, I have some other changes to do to the sheet (adding ships locker and npc crew to Ship sheet) so will look at adding this at the same time.

Next release of sheet has been waiting on the Roll20 Traveller Compendium which I’m developing for Mongoose,

~ Coryphon ~
That is fun! I added a few new ideas over on the Roll20 forum.
Basically, the old sheet had a repeating section on the first tab for Life Path events and it would be great to have that back.
It would also be great if the study period section could also be a repeating section.

I had made some customizations for my own Ship sheet that might be useful to ponder--
I added a fourth column to the list of ship components: Bonus/Penalty. This helps remind the players that their Sensors give a +2 to Detect or they can Jump at 90D or what-have-you.
You have a section for the various components and their power cost...I put check boxes on all those components because sometimes the crew has to take some things offline...or they can't run everything simultaneously...I meant to include the option to have the Basic Ship Systems be Halfed or not. Oh! I just remembered, the ability to add things to the power requirements would be good...the Pirates of Drinax Harrier has that Holographic Hull which takes up a huge amount of and needs to be juggled. So maybe the power section could be a repeating section you add things to, like the weapons section, with checkboxes like the carred/non carried section in equipment.
It would be great if there were something similar for the computer programs. Often the crew cant run all the programs noting which ones are on or off is useful.
I also had a set of boxes to represent the Total M Thrust available and the current Thrust available for that engine (i.e. lower it if the engine has taken damage), and you can click on the boxes to show how much you have used.

Part of the point of what I was doing was making it so that the various Players has something on the ship sheet that represented what they could do in ship combat, the pilot and note how much thrust they are using. The Engineer can power up or down systems. The gunners can press the buttons to fire the weapons, the sensor Op can press buttons for sensors, etc.
I'd love to see an Initiative button for the ship and just a bit of an expansion for the ship/vehicle section.
I'll attach what I've worked up so far as an idea of what I mean in case it might be helpful!

Oh wow, that’s all awesome!

I will read and digest and add these as Feature Requests to work through. Thank you for sharing, great ideas,

~ C ~
Oh wow, that’s all awesome!

I will read and digest and add these as Feature Requests to work through. Thank you for sharing, great ideas,

~ C ~
Thank you for considering them!
I've been thinking a lot about how to make the sheets something really fun and useful for the players when in space/vechicle combat.

I was also just looking at the Trade tab, which is really cool. I was thinking of what could make it more useful. Having a space to enter the ships total cargo space and available cargo space that is reduced as they add cargo. It would also be useful to include the name of the planet passengers/freight are picked up and the name of the planet it is going to--not just the UWP...and have that included in the data that is saved on the trade page. This way the players can look and see..."Oh, we picked up this freight in Acis and need to drop it off on Theebus, etc.