B5 Madness!!!!

I like whats happening with B5. It's gone a long way from just the simple core book that came out like a year and a half ago. I'm also happy that their are so many fans out there supporting the RPG version. Will there be a sourcebook for any of the movie adaptions that came out during the fifth season? Such as Call to Arms?
I hope so, an ItB sourcebook would be cool. Or stats for the Thirdspace Aliens and their ships. An excuse for the Perform (Theremin) skill!

(Bonus to anyone who gets the Theremin reference)

A think a sourcebook for the ITB/Minbari War era would be a great idea. And perhaps stick the others together into a single book?
Satai Delenn said:
Another idea would be a source book about the first shadow war or one about the minbari civil war .

Technically it's the Previous Shadow War as there were plenty before that (every 1000 -10000 years or so).
frobisher said:
Satai Delenn said:
Another idea would be a source book about the first shadow war or one about the minbari civil war .

Technically it's the Previous Shadow War as there were plenty before that (every 1000 -10000 years or so).

Frobisher, you're assuming, possibly erroneously, that SD didn't mean what she said. The First ever Shadow War could be quite interesting, it would give us insight into what really kicked it all off.

Although she might have meant the most recent shadow war (not inc 2259-2261)


"The Vl'Hurg Warleader, resplendent in his red battle shorts demanded of the Guggunquavant (or something like that) leader that it take back what it had said about his mother in law"
lastbesthope said:
The First ever Shadow War could be quite interesting, it would give us insight into what really kicked it all off.

But we know that already - it was about who was "right".

The Shadows kick the younger races to cause them to weed out the less evolved, and the Vorlons try to oppose this.
frobisher said:
lastbesthope said:
The First ever Shadow War could be quite interesting, it would give us insight into what really kicked it all off.

But we know that already - it was about who was "right".

The Shadows kick the younger races to cause them to weed out the less evolved, and the Vorlons try to oppose this.

That's what the Shadows and Vorlons of c. 2258-2261 say, as does Lorien. But I'd like to know why/when they started being more proactive in enforcing their philosophies on the younger races. I mean was it as simple as "Starting a war just to honk off your neighbours" or did the 2 Old Races just stop trying to work things out with each other?

Things are never simple.

lastbesthope said:
That's what the Shadows and Vorlons of c. 2258-2261 say, as does Lorien. But I'd like to know why/when they started being more proactive in enforcing their philosophies on the younger races. I mean was it as simple as "Starting a war just to honk off your neighbours" or did the 2 Old Races just stop trying to work things out with each other?

Well, until Mongoose produce something that contradicts it (and I really hope they don't and embrace what Matt Plonski wrote), the AoG "Wars of the Ancients" pretty much covers all of this.

The Kirishiac Lords (the ancients in the asteroid type ship) were the last race to attain First One status - that is developing manipulation of hyperspace for themselves which (unaided) takes millions of years of evolution and development. Until that point, as real space FTL isn't practical in the B5 universe, races did not get out and about.

Unfortunately, the other Ancients hadn't notice this happen (who mainly kept themselves to themselves and gave each other wide berths) until the Kirishiac starting rampaging through the galaxy and attacking all the other ancients and generally making a pain of themselves. It took a gruding alliance of the ancients (including the Shadows, sort of) to bring them to heel and show them the error of their ways (basically the most developed of the ancients short of Lorien, the Triad, demonstrated exactly what they could do to the Kirishiac if the were so inclined and the Kirishiac capitulated). The Ancients then resolved that a closer eye should be kept on the developing races so that they wouldn't get suprised like that again. Lorien was happy to see the races he had nurtured willing to take on a similar role.

Unfortunately the Vorlons and Shadows couldn't agree on a method of naturing and both went their own way at this point, whilst the others were content to just observe.

Unilaterally, the Vorlons decided that rather than keep every developing race under direct observation and hoping that they would naturally cooperate when they met races of similar development to themselves, the best bet was to let them loose in the galaxy before they would naturally develop this technology themselves (and hence be a threat to the other Ancients) by letting them "discover" a large pre-established jump gate network with easily copiable technology that (whilst they wouldn't understand all the underlying principles) build themselves. This way they would know they aren't the biggest fish in the pond (like the Kirishiac had thought) and natural racial arrogance would be kept in check - or at least it would if the Shadows weren't stirring the pot...

Lorien was deeply disappointed and retreated to Za'Ha'Dum until such a time as the two races could see past their philosphies. This was several million years ago, and the Shadows moved to Z'Ha'Dum to be near Lorien, whose blessing was very important to them, but of course all communication was rebuffed.

From there on in, the Vorlons and Shadows escalated their methods until we got where we are in 2261. But fundementally, it was about who had the "right" method of nurturing the younger races, whereas of course it should have been about responsibilities...
Never read any of the AoG books, but do their books explain why the Walkers of Sigma 957 not like the Vorlons?
Yes, thanks to Frobisher, I'll be buying the B5Wars book on the Ancients at my FLGS (they still have some copies). I was tempted, but now I know I have to get it :P .

Bought their Dilgar Wars sourcebook and it's all great reading, BTW.
redlaco said:
Yes, thanks to Frobisher, I'll be buying the B5Wars book on the Ancients at my FLGS (they still have some copies). I was tempted, but now I know I have to get it :P .

Bought their Dilgar Wars sourcebook and it's all great reading, BTW.

If you can find one (and they're very scarce), you'll want Wars of the Centauri Republic as well. Another excellent piece of background.
Sadly I checked and they're out of stock for Wars of the Centauri Republic". It seems all there's left are "variants" and "showdowns". :x
They even sold the last copy of "Of Aliens and Giants" that I was hoping to buy next week-end. Oh, well. :roll:
I picked up a copy of the Dilgar war and the Ancients books at a convention during the summer. There may be some more books out there but finding them could prove to be a problem.
