Traveller Release Schedule 2024


Staff member
Please note that release dates listed here are expected PDF releases and pre-order dates - printed editions will likely appear 3-4 months later. Though we will be updating this particular post rather than appending more, you are welcome to make comments and ask questions in this thread!

War Fleets of the Fifth Frontier War:
A deep dive into the mighty fleets of the Imperium and Zhodani clashing in the Fifth Frontier War, this book covers naval doctrines, fleet tactics and individual warships. A chapter is dedicated to each class of vessel, giving the Referee a superb perspective of what life is like on these ships, as well as the ability to set the scene if their Travellers end up serving aboard one... or are captured by one side or the other.

Opening Moves: This extended adventure showcases the state of play on the eve of the war, describing the early clashes along with activities on the periphery, such as small forces in the Trojan Reach and Zhodani allies there. Word is spreading that the Zhodani have invaded, but there are no clear orders. Best decisions must be made, making a token defence at an outmatched system and maybe surrendering.

The Borderland:
Comprising two system clusters in the Reach on the edge of the Great Rift, the Borderland is the perfect sandbox for a campaign - plenty of places for Travellers to explore but confined enough for a Referee to predict where they will go next! This book fleshes out the worlds and peoples of the Borderland as a backdrop to an entire Referee-created campaign.

Core Expeditions:
The Zhodani expeditions towards the galactic core are perhaps the greatest exploratory endeavours Humaniti has ever attempted. What drives them? What have they encountered? What is it like to be part of their scouting fleets or outpost building crews? Take part in pushing back the frontier on the very cutting edge of Charted Space.

In the works and to be slotted into the schedule in the not too distant future:

Legend of the Sky Raiders
2300AD: Invasion
2300AD: Building the Frontier
FFW: Riverland Front
FFW: Brushfires
FFW: Consular Envoy
FFW: The Lanth Campaign
The Ine Givar
Armies of the Fifth Frontier Wat

As noted before, everything is subject to change and rescheduling, but all the titles above have either already been written and are undergoing layout, or are in some stage of writing!
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FFW: Riverland Front -- Is that around the coreward end of Jewell?

(Most of the action in my current campaign is centered on Emerald, so, y'know...)
Legend of the Sky Raiders?
Are you asking what that is? Or when? When seems to be "sometime next year, not in the first quarter". Stuff in that list is being worked on, but not close enough to done to get an delivery slot.

I'm interested to see that one as well. I liked the Sky Raiders storyline, but the adventures are actually pretty terrible by modern standards. Massive railroading, "Just capture the PCs because" and "don't let the PCs kill these guys because they show up again later" type stuff everywhere. So I'd love to read a treatment that doesn't do those things. And has modern art and formating :D
Are you asking what that is? Or when? When seems to be "sometime next year, not in the first quarter". Stuff in that list is being worked on, but not close enough to done to get an delivery slot.

I'm interested to see that one as well. I liked the Sky Raiders storyline, but the adventures are actually pretty terrible by modern standards. Massive railroading, "Just capture the PCs because" and "don't let the PCs kill these guys because they show up again later" type stuff everywhere. So I'd love to read a treatment that doesn't do those things. And has modern art and formating :D
I have no idea what Skyraiders
The Sky Raiders was a trilogy of adventures published by FASA and written by the Keith brothers for Classic Traveller at the beginning of the 1980s. They are Indiana Jones style adventures going into wilderness areas looking for ruins of a legendary culture from 5000 years ago called the Sky Raiders. One of the most popular "third party" Traveller adventures ever published.
The first two adventures are among the best stuff ever written for Traveller.
The final adventure - meh.
I dunno. :) I liked the Big Damn Object concept of the third book. Though it was rough trying to reconcile going from digging up potshards in thousand-year-old ruins to wandering around inside a hollowed-out asteroid ten miles across.
I liked all of them, though I think the first two were more interesting over all. However, the sheer amount of referee fiat to keep things "on plot" that is recommended is definitely not to my taste. Of course, it's pretty easy to rewrite things so that doesn't happen. It's hardly the only adventure to make those mistakes.
Early adventure writing tended to be somewhat railroady. It's a legacy from the First Tabletop Game, back in the time of the Deep Magic, when characters were literally trammelled down endless corridors from one meat grinder room full of monsters to the next.
The Sky Raiders was a full scale campaign. One of the first.
Most of the Traveller adventures from that era were not like that. Not even most of the other things by the same author.
I wonder if that’s because of writing for GDW vs writing for FASA.

As an aside, Nomads of the World Ocean is still to this day an amazing adventure. Would love to see Mongoose update that one.
I wonder if that’s because of writing for GDW vs writing for FASA.

As an aside, Nomads of the World Ocean is still to this day an amazing adventure. Would love to see Mongoose update that one.
All of the tools are present in Solomani Front, including stats for the animals and vehicles.