Why do we think that a research team isn't going to thrive under the Vargr model? Or a business? Sure, the CEO is going to have to maintain personal contact with his subordinates, who will do the same with their subordinates.
People think that Vargr charisma is just charm. It's competence and ability to get things done. Vargr aren't going to stay in dead end jobs working for incompetent bosses. Zombie businesses aren't going to last.
But if your science group keeps putting out cool stuff, everyone's going to be super motivated. And if Atuerzes is a better project leader than Gvargeul, he's gonna end up running the show and keeping the place productive.
Looking at the Vargr history, they keep fracturing a splintering every time a leader dies or a person with higher Charisma comes along. I can't even figure out how they manage to run ships larger than ACS. Your chief engineer raises his CHA and now it is higher than the captain. The Captain is deposed and the Chief Engineer becomes captain with an entirely different set of priorities.
Have any of you ever been part of projects in school or at work where the person in charge changes halfway through the project? The new person has their own ideas, their own priorities, and their own methodology. In general this derails the original project and the final result looks nothing like what was originally envisioned. How do you maintain a chain of command aboard a military vessel? I suppose you could use pirate ships from Earth as an example of this. Democratic, but also very chaotic. Not conducive to long-term planning. How you run a society without long-term planning, I don't know. This is kind of how the US is currently, a total lack of planning for anything lasting longer than 4 or 8 years. A Society built of Charisma is not a society built on intelligence. In US elections, the best candidate doesn't win, the most popular one does, even if he (or she eventually) is a moron. The only reason that the US hasn't failed already is because We are a bunch of money-grubbing fanatics, so Our businesses are strong (more or less anyhow) and Our political leadership is "weak" at best. I have no evidence to back this up, but I am fairly sure that the US is the most fanatically capitalist country on the planet. Which brings Me back to the Vargr, they do not seem to be as money-grubbing, so I am kind of at a loss to explain how they can even build a 100kton ship, no less crew one.
If I ever want to run adventures including Vargr or in Vargr Space, I need to figure this crap out.
Although, I avoid Solomani Space at all costs in My games. So, it is not just Vargr Space that I avoid running in currently.
If it is success, as you mentioned above, then okay, but every successful person that I have ever met, was only successful a few times, and failed a ton while constantly striving to be better. How does that fit in with the Vargr? If they judge success, but you have failed more than you have succeeded? What would that mean?