World Builder's Handbook

If it's less than 1 (any Orbit# less than 1.0), then it starts at 0, so it becomes 0 + 0.4 * (Orbit#) in the case of Orbit#0.11 that becomes 0.044 AU.
I was so close!!! I think I can manage it from here now. I have no idea why I could not wrap my head around that. Thank you so much for your help.
That was short lived. When it says HZCO -1.01 to 2.0, is that the the orbit number, such as my first plant is -7 orbits beneath my HCZO, or is it the orbit# as in 0.22, which is only 0.54 less than my HZCO? I keep getting confused on when I should use the orbit slot vs. the actual orbit number. I think it's is a problem of my orbits being so tight combined with zero knowledge of stellar creation, so I have no idea what range I should be expecting. Common sense tells me it should be hot, but unless I am misunderstanding, I just roll on the normal atmosphere table because the "Hot atmosphere" doesn't start until HZCO -1.01. I'm only at -0.54 so it's not considered hot? Then it also say to divide by 10 for an HZCO below 1.0. What am I dividing by 10? The dice result or the orbit#? Neither of those seem to give me a useful result.

I have the same issue with the temperature modifiers. It says if orbit# is less than HZCO-1, then also says to to adhere to divisional differential value translation when HCZO# or Orbit# is less than 1. I know that was probably covered somewhere, but I can't find it. If I assumed that the -1 refers to the orbit# (mine of 0.74) so I just did a straight roll of 5, plus the atmosphere modifier (at the time I thought it was D for +2) which gave me a temp result of 7, or 15 degree. That seemed highly unlikely and which is why I am now questioning my entire atmosphere setup.
"That was short-lived" I laughed so hard at this! This is Me in a nutshell. lol
Just out of curiosity, why do Trade Routes have no bearing on Importance?

For example, 291-540 in the Trojan Reach. It is a stop on the Florian Route. First problem. It is a Class-E Highport and no downport. Second, it is a required stop on a major trade route, but somehow has an Importance on the Travellermap of -3. How can a place have negative Importance and still be an "important" stop on a major trade route?

Although, in all honesty, the routes that the published material says the trade routes follow is stupid anyway. Why does the Florian Route go through the middle of the Borderlands instead of going Fist-Iilgan-Exocet-Blue-Torpol-Oghma-etc. The current route has it going Fist-Wildeman-Cordan-Arunisiir-Blue. Why make your trip longer? Fist to Blue through the Borderlands is 4 jumps, through Exocet it is only 3 jumps

Also, the most efficient Hierate Route is J-4. Tobia-Fist-Cordan-Tech World-Tyokh. Starport classes A-B-A-A-B 2 months there and 2 months back, 56 days total. 6.5 times a year versus 434 days for the J-2 route and 336 days for the J-3 route. I cannot imagine that making a delivery one or less times a year is more profitable than 6.5 times per year. This is what happens when the writers fail to worldbuild properly. Mortgages, crew salaries, maintenance, etc. None of the math works. The Trade Route, as written, does not work, even if you ignore the fact that, by the rules, there is no way to make money on the Hierate Route. They literally chose the way more expensive way to go about sending goods. What company does that and stays in business?
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