Why would larger ships take more critical hits?


Cosmic Mongoose
So, you get +1 to hit per 1000 tons of the target ship (max +6). Seems logical, bigger targets.
But since you get more Effect for "over hitting" then you will end up with more and higher Effect rolls, which will mean more critical hits. Right? Only just realised this, and it struck me as odd.

What am I missing here?

From HighGuard (2022) page 27:
Ships larger than 2,000 tons ignore critical hits from turrets and barbettes.
(and so on with bigger ships needing even bigger weapons to score crits - on a dice roll - 10% increments always count)
Thank you, on a related note, there is one other things that arose the other day.
Sustained damage.A ship makes a level 1 critical roll if it loses 10% of its hull points.

What if it loses 20% by a single shot? I assume it makes 2 rolls

What if one of those critical damage effects itself causes further loss of hull points . Can that trigger a further critical role? ( If so, one shot kills on smaller shIps are possible but unlikely, which is fine)
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By no means an authoritative answer but I believe yes, cascade failure is intended. One roll per 10%, taking the greater result or increasing Severity by +1.

I think it’s meant to model a rule in T5 where excess damage can carry over to adjacent compartments. So a crit can indeed generate another crit, which can also crit, and so on.
Thank you, on a related note, there is one other things that arose the other day.
Sustained damage.A ship makes a level 1 critical roll if it loses 10% of its hull points.

What if it loses 20% by a single shot? I assume it makes 2 rolls

What if one of those critical damage effects itself causes further loss of hull points . Can that trigger a further critical role? ( If so, one shot kills on smaller shIps are possible but unlikely, which is fine)
I would make one roll with severity 2 roll rather than 2 rolls with severity 1.