What's with all that spam lately?


Banded Mongoose
Recently too many spam topics surfaced. I see they are being hammered down by the admins, but still... In the recent years since I have been lurking here, I haven't seen anything like this. Has someone realized how profitable the Mongoose business is??? 😎
Recently too many spam topics surfaced. I see they are being hammered down by the admins, but still... In the recent years since I have been lurking here, I haven't seen anything like this. Has someone realized how profitable the Mongoose business is??? 😎
A number of years back was a much worse run of spam.

Speaking seriously, the spammers have been rolling out more advanced "AI" spam platforms. Stuff like Commune is making it frightfully easy to clog up every possible social outlet online with inane marketing drivel. I blame Canter & Siegel for that USENET thing in 1994...
Another thing about spam is it breeds. Spammers notice which sites they get through in, and how long their crap stays up there, and the places that do not have excellent hygiene end up getting deluged.