Emperor Mongoose
It's why you hire bodyguards.
And meatshields.
And meatshields.
No, they shouldn't be directly compared to each other. However, most of the time that this topic comes up, it is a result of people trying Traveller after first having played D&D or its many derivatives. So they come in thinking that adventure design is "go somewhere cool, have fights" and then people try to explain the differences.For my AD&D and Traveller games combat is mostly a last resort. AD&D is predicated on adversarial encounters with few ranged weapons whereas Traveller is more exploratory in nature and the plethora of high damage ranged weapons demands a different approach.
Totally different games with different foundations - IMHO they should not be directly compared as both have great strengths and some weaknesses.
Combat is always an option, where the consequences in Traveller can be more severe than in AD&D, horses for courses
The problem with hiring security is twofold:It's why you hire bodyguards.
And meatshields.
Mooks are there to rack up experience points.
Or ambiance.
Usually, killing isn't profitable in Traveller.
Antagonists are there so that the adventure isn't a walkover.
Great blast from the past! I remember my teenage RPG group resorting to this rule often. In our defense, we were like 14 and consuming all the classic war movies, so of course we loved the panic fire rule.My favourite rule from LBB:4
Panic Fire: At medium range or less, players may voluntarily chose to use panic
fire, if firing small arms slug throwers. Panic fire uses all rounds in the weapon, and
hits are resolved as if the weapon were being fired at its highest setting (four round
bursts, etc.). The player may take up to three normal fires (or less, depending on
how much ammunition is left in the weapon when panic fire is initiated), all of
which are made at a DM of -2. When firing rifles treat them as assault rifles on
automatic setting Players firing carbines treat them as submachine guns.
My own food-for-thought is along these lines:I don't know if I'm right, but there it is as food-for-thought.
Ah, but I was going to sneak back and add an edit...Not about much, is it . A wonder they manage to fill all those books.
I always thought Traveller was about bikini food in time for next summer's beach visit,Ah, but I was going to sneak back and add an edit...
which I will now do as a separate post:
Traveller isn't about combat
Traveller isn't about the Third Imperium
Traveller isn't about the crew of a ship
Traveller isn't about trading
Use your common sense or maybe your none-the-wiser ? (Only joking.)"Common Wisdom"
I have never found wisdom to be common.