Except their initial -1DM was only to gun combat. Now it is all sight-based skill rolls. Place those door charges in the dark -1DM, drive up on an enemy base in the dark -1DM and so on. Assuming an 8+ target on a 0-skill roll your 33% weaker. On a 1 skill the effect is more and back to 33% on a 2 skill.The Vargr are (other than the -2 vs -1 on Str) the same or better than they have been since they were first introduced.
Nope, the -2 STR and -1DM on sight skills is worse than they’ve ever been (even v D20!!)
But even stat munching aside, it just detracts from the fearsome Corsair image that to my way of seeing them was core to their character. Aslan, based on Larry Niven’s kzinti, were/ are big bruising samurai-like warriors. Vargr were the swashbuckling buccaneers. The -1DM in dark makes the buckle less swashy.