Urzaeng Travellers?


Banded Mongoose
I don't seem able to find stats for building Urzaeng Travellers in Aliens of Charted Space Vol. 1.
They are mentioned on p.171 and an Urzaeng modification is mentioned on p.214, however it is intended as a modification for standard Vargr.
Problem is, a standard Vargr is STR-2, DEX+1, END-1. Applying the modification gives STR-1, DEX+1, END 0, INT-1. Hardly "physically a match for Aslan" as stated in the text.
Am I missing something? Or should the modifiers for the modification be used for a "real" Urzaeng (STR+1, END+1 and INT-1)?

Kind regards
I have always applied the stats as given and not as a modification of the "base" stats for the race.
The Urzaeng modifer on pg 214 is a genetic engineering of a standard Vargr to make them more like an Urzaeng. It is not the stats for an Urzaeng.

In Vilani & Vargr, which is for MegaTraveller, the stats for Urzaeng were +2 STR, +2 END, -1 DEX, -1 INT.

Mind you, in that ruleset, standard Vargr were -1 STR, -1 END, +2 DEX.
I don't seem able to find stats for building Urzaeng Travellers in Aliens of Charted Space Vol. 1.
They are mentioned on p.171 and an Urzaeng modification is mentioned on p.214, however it is intended as a modification for standard Vargr.
Problem is, a standard Vargr is STR-2, DEX+1, END-1. Applying the modification gives STR-1, DEX+1, END 0, INT-1. Hardly "physically a match for Aslan" as stated in the text.
Am I missing something? Or should the modifiers for the modification be used for a "real" Urzaeng (STR+1, END+1 and INT-1)?

Kind regards
Note that the -2 STR on Vargr was a mistake and has been corrected. It is only -1. This is the current version of the rules:
