J. L. Brown
Emperor Mongoose
If the rules are intended to make sense -- and there is no guarantee that is true -- then build a recharging station with a ridiculously large 1} accumulator / collector array, and 2} a much expanded Jump Capacitor in Breakaway Hull pods. Transport (via dedicated small-craft) only the Jump Capacitor pods -- empties go to the station, charged units go to ships.Build a space station closer to the star and have a much larger collector - as accumulator pods are charged they can then be transported to the highport...
A 30 dTon modular cutter module can be:
0.6 dTons of 'Breakaway' hardware (1.2 MCr);
1.5 dTons of 'Cockpit' (0.01 MCr);
0.3 dTons of TL 15 Fusion Powerplant (0.6 MCr);
0.6 dTons of Fuel (40 weeks operation; 0 cost); and
27 dTons of Jump Capacitor (51 MCr).
This is enough capacitor to provide J-1 to a ship up to 5400 dTons, or J-6 to a ship up to 900 dTons. Or, you know, skip exchanging pods full of capacitors -- just hook some cabling up and allow the charge to run from the pod to a ship's J-drive until the drive in the ship is fully recharged.