Ooh, yeah, that sounds like a pain... that sort of thing would just stop me dead from working on something. I hate it when tools misbehave. Good luck!
Tenacious-Techhunter said:Ooh, yeah, that sounds like a pain... that sort of thing would just stop me dead from working on something. I hate it when tools misbehave. Good luck!
wbnc said:One option I considered was using a Half ton reactor. Nowhere in the rules does it say that have to be installed in one-ton increments.
msprange said:wbnc said:One option I considered was using a Half ton reactor. Nowhere in the rules does it say that have to be installed in one-ton increments.
We are going to leave the text 'as is' on this. We are unlikely to do any half ton reactors in 'official' designs, but we would be happy to consider this a viable 'hack' if ship designers want to do it in their games/supplements!
Condottiere said:Well, a half tonne fusion power plant would be quarter of the power output of it's larger tonner cousin.
Tenacious-Techhunter said:Sounds a bit low... look up the power storage of an electric car sometime.
Condottiere said:Checking up on HG smallcraft design, sA fusion plant is one and one fifth tonnes, with the overhead at point three tonnes.
In theory, you'd end up with point six tonnes, and a third of the power output.
Tenacious-Techhunter said:Something that I just remembered, but forgot on account of other details:
“Ultra light small craft” sounds like you’re talking about Ultralight Aircraft. Which, you’re really not.
Tenacious-Techhunter said:Something that I just remembered, but forgot on account of other details:
“Ultra light small craft” sounds like you’re talking about Ultralight Aircraft. Which, you’re really not.
Condottiere said:I came up with the term ultralite for smallcradft smaller than ten tonnes a while ago, it's an obvious progression.
The term pocket is applied to rather larger craft, that aren't as large as conventionally presumed.