The so called CPU as you point out is a member of one of the younger races. But as you failed to note it is a member of the younger races whose body has been implanted with shadow tech implants and conditioning as can be seen when they recover some pilots. Not only are thier ships piloted by others "teeps" but they are forced to do so via thier technology... I for one would find it hugely coincidental if the Teep attacks that disrupt the shadow vessels were not able to do so because it also disrupted the technology that keeps those brains from being focused on flying the ships
Hmmm... let's see... what would be more logical, telepathic jamming disrupting the brain (which we KNOW can be affected quite easily by TP), or the implant tech (which we also know can be affected by telepathy, but it taxed the enhanced Lyta to do it!), or the rest of ShadowTech (which we don't know anything definite about, except that teeps scanning it seem to go mad - Psi Corps trilogy)
I'd say, teepy jamming affects the brains, and not the tech... maybe the "interface" between tech and brain - but more likely from the brainy side.
also the shadows themsevlves are never actually shown or described as piloting the vessels themselves directly, at least not in the role that the captured teeps perform, but more likely as a commanding officer issuing commands to this bilogical CPU from on the ship. Therefore shadow or not onboard I seriously doubt that is either here nor there.
Well, yes,
now. But while now they stay at home on Z'ha'dum while directing their ships via the Eye, some time ago they must have piloted their ships themselves. And when they went "beyong the rim" after Coriana, they certainly didn't book passage on an EA liner :wink:. AND we know from the TM trilogy that fully activated technomages can merge and unmerge with ShadowShips without trouble - all that led me and others to assume that Shadows can do it too. Especially since they seem to be more "hands on" kind of people then the Vorlons - they have to be, since their hibernation cycle doesn't allow them long-time manipultion tactics.
But there is more - current era YR-CPU-controlled ShadowShips are portrayed as weaker then Vorlon ships of comparable size, while the Shadows are mentioned to be quite a bit older then the Vorlons (actually the oldest of the "First Ones" {more accurately "second ones" as lorien was before all of them, and had the same status to them as they now have to the "younger races"}, older then the Walkers "by a smidge" according to JMS").
And considering their conflict-oriented nature, it seems inconcievable that the Shadows were slackers in that tech department, so there must be a reason why their ships seem so weak compared to other ancients.
And the one that makes most sense is that they build them as "cheap" and "quick to build" attrition units, because They don't have to die when one of those vessels goes pop, and it makes sense for them to do so in face of their long inactivity periods to quickly get their fleet to the levels they need in their "kicking over the anthill" strategy.
Yet from this follows that in the times before they used younger races, they must have piloted their ships personally, and then they would likely have taken more time, effort and care to build them (as they as ancients have low birth rate and therefore must protect their lives more carefully), resulting in ships that probably outmatched the other ancients (oldest of them And kinda warlike focus).
But of course, we never see Those ships in the show, because they are not really used by the Shadows during that time.