Most fabricators need to be jailbreaked to reproduce copyrighted (or dangerous) designs; and I am sure that there are markers incorporated into the items to indicate their copyrighted status. If one of the PCs is a dedicated Fabber engineer with the research background to have ended up with this prototype, then modifying various existing designs might not be too difficult -- but some of the processes might be patented, too & that is harder to work around. Buying one (pre-jailbreaked) through the black market on Theev would cost an amazing boatload of credits -- but worth far more, to the point where it seems unlikely to ever be able to find a non-scam arrangement.
Deconstruction chambers are neat, too; but it seems like they are limited to their own TL -- no free copies of TL-25 stuff with a TL-15 chamber! If the players acquire a design for a TL-17 chamber, then their TL-17 fabber could make one. Or they could feed their TL 17 fabber into the TL-17 deconstruction chamber to get a design... but then how would they build it? I would give them hell about a 1000 liter design not being the same as a 1 liter design scaled up 1000x, too.
If I was being particularly mean, I would force the players to come up with TL-17 fabber 'ink' instead of just random raw materials. I mean, the fabber can make the ink, given the raw materials (probably easier if given TL-15 or TL-16 'ink' to work with) -- but it is an extra step, and has its' own costs.
Either way, I hope you folks have fun. I have been thinking about fabbers for PoD; either a TL-15 Early Prototype or a TL-16 Prototype of an 'Advanced' fabber. I don't plan to throw any Ancients stuff into the mix, so I have been thinking of how to rein in the abusable properties of a TL-17 'Santa Claus' machine in a less cinematic adventure. A TL-17 fabber which can produce a half dTon per hour can create ships at blisteringly faster speeds than all other shipyards can manage -- but even confiing it to turning out robots still makes it pretty potent.