Traveller on Roll20 - Looking for beta testers



So, we've started to build Traveller for Roll20.

However, I'm no expert with Roll20 so we're looking for a couple of folks who know Roll20 well and want to run games of Traveller.

If that's you or you know someone who's not here, then please send me a message so we can talk about it, or comment here. You need to be on Discord though so we can chat about it. I'm in the UK, so UTC +1 at the moment.

The official Character sheet should be released tomorrow (hopefully), and it's been updated to fit better with the official look and is being worked on to allow drag and drop to work with it.

We're building the compendium for the Core Rulebook first - it's underway but we're a team of just 2 folks. If you can help us then it will help speed up the release.

So we'd like a group or two to help test what's been/being built and offer feedback/comments/ideas - anything is welcome. From that we can decide on what needs to be worked on next etc.

Folks helping will get any content they test on Roll20 for free once it's released, and those in the beta testing will get the Core Rulebook, Central Supply Catalogue and High Guard upon release.

We're also on the look-out soon for adventure content creators - are you able to build content for Roll20, are you interested in converting an adventure? Reference Books are a different beast with Roll20, ie the Aliens/Sector books - so if that interests you then also get in touch.

Colin (aka MBM)

I'd be happy to run a game on Fridays PST (UTC-7). Probably for a smaller group of 3 folks.
Hey Wiggles,

How are you? Long time.

Splendid, we have two names if you are cool (we got an email from someone).

So no more help required if Wiggles and his crew are game.

If you are doing an official character sheet for roll20 please look at the current one on there by one of the forum members (whose name escapes me, sorry). It has a great versatility allowing for PCs, ships, vehicles and creatures to all be inputted.
Hey Wiggles,

How are you? Long time.

Splendid, we have two names if you are cool (we got an email from someone).

So no more help required if Wiggles and his crew are game.

Do you want me to DM via discord? I am on the Mongoose discord.

For the other folks- probably 90 minuet game once a week.
Planet bound game, doing bounty hunter stuff. With the campaign goal, and its conclusion in acquiring a tramp trader. (And how do you do that? With a shit ton of cash.)

So, we've started to build Traveller for Roll20.

However, I'm no expert with Roll20 so we're looking for a couple of folks who know Roll20 well and want to run games of Traveller.

If that's you or you know someone who's not here, then please send me a message so we can talk about it, or comment here. You need to be on Discord though so we can chat about it. I'm in the UK, so UTC +1 at the moment.

The official Character sheet should be released tomorrow (hopefully), and it's been updated to fit better with the official look and is being worked on to allow drag and drop to work with it.

We're building the compendium for the Core Rulebook first - it's underway but we're a team of just 2 folks. If you can help us then it will help speed up the release.

So we'd like a group or two to help test what's been/being built and offer feedback/comments/ideas - anything is welcome. From that we can decide on what needs to be worked on next etc.

Folks helping will get any content they test on Roll20 for free once it's released, and those in the beta testing will get the Core Rulebook, Central Supply Catalogue and High Guard upon release.

We're also on the look-out soon for adventure content creators - are you able to build content for Roll20, are you interested in converting an adventure? Reference Books are a different beast with Roll20, ie the Aliens/Sector books - so if that interests you then also get in touch.

Colin (aka MBM)

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Me! Me! Me! I am based in the US and have a day job. I have been running a Traveller Roll20 game for about 2 years. We play every other week.
We had some great International players but play Wednesday nights at 7:30 CST. Pretty hard for the players from UK, Australia, and Turkey. Playing mid week did not interfere with life as much, as opposed to weekend time.
It is great that we're getting an official Mongoose Traveller 2e character sheet on Roll20. However, I most sincerely ask you take notes from the current sheet and try to implement the same amount of features as it does. For some reason, Roll20 doesn't like multiple sheets for the same game, so yours is likely to override the old one now and I would hate it to be a downgrade. Especially now that we finally, after many years, had someone (Coryphon) develop and improve the previous very bare-bones sheet a lot (and even add support for optional rules, like the wound level rules from the Companion).

Here's hoping the new sheet will be just as good, if not even better, than the old sheet!
I would like to throw my hat into the ring, use roll20 for other games, have one already set to run was just waiting to finish my current campaign in another game before running it. Just let me know if you want me to.
Hey folks, the Character Sheet is now live. So we can move forward with this. I'll be in touch over the weekend with the next steps via DM's to folks above.
It is great that we're getting an official Mongoose Traveller 2e character sheet on Roll20. However, I most sincerely ask you take notes from the current sheet and try to implement the same amount of features as it does. For some reason, Roll20 doesn't like multiple sheets for the same game, so yours is likely to override the old one now and I would hate it to be a downgrade. Especially now that we finally, after many years, had someone (Coryphon) develop and improve the previous very bare-bones sheet a lot (and even add support for optional rules, like the wound level rules from the Companion).

Here's hoping the new sheet will be just as good, if not even better, than the old sheet!
We've been in touch with the chap who was looking after the 'old sheet' and he's taken that as a base and is updating it with official stuff, and we've been discussing Drag and Drop from the Compendium....
Hello! I'm a streamer who has been running The Gamblers, a Pirates of Drinax campaign on Twitch for about two years now? We just started up our fifth season. I do a lot of building Roll20 Assets to help make my campaigns move smoothly (combat overlays, etc), I've done sheet modding, and generally trying to get the most out of Roll20 for Traveller. I'd be interested in Beta Testing stuff if you needed more folks.

What is the current state of us making stuff for Traveller for Roll20?
Hello! I'm a streamer who has been running The Gamblers, a Pirates of Drinax campaign on Twitch for about two years now? We just started up our fifth season. I do a lot of building Roll20 Assets to help make my campaigns move smoothly (combat overlays, etc), I've done sheet modding, and generally trying to get the most out of Roll20 for Traveller. I'd be interested in Beta Testing stuff if you needed more folks.

What is the current state of us making stuff for Traveller for Roll20?
I've seen your streams! I love how you've gotten your Travellers to interact with each other. You also did the City of Light and Shadow about Paris Resistance in WWII!