Traveller Comic coming in September!


Staff member
The all new Traveller comic, from our friends at Markosia, is off to print!

The clarion call of a starship in distress cannot be ignored, but sometimes there's no one there to help. The crew of far trader Slowhand travels the dangerous frontier worlds of Aramis Subsector. Just honest merchants trying to make a Credit — without being killed in the process!

Traveller is the role-playing game of the far future, first published in 1977 and now brought to you by Mongoose Publishing. Traveller: Far Trader is a foray into Traveller's celebrated Charted Space setting, where ordinary spacers take on extraordinary challenges.

Expect to see issue 1 available in early September!

Now that is something to look forward to. Will there be more teasers, closer to the time? Frequency of issues, e.g. monthly? Crew of the protagonists' vessel?
Now that is something to look forward to. Will there be more teasers, closer to the time? Frequency of issues, e.g. monthly? Crew of the protagonists' vessel?
Each issue has backup features that will be useful to players and referees. The first issue back matter contains a primer on a Vargr corsair group, the Ueknou-class corsair starship, character stats, and a unique bladed weapon that this particular band use during boarding actions.

We're saving the crew and ship stats of the Slowhand for the final issue of the story arc (issue #4!).
On the one hand, I'm looking forward to this.
OTOH, the Makosian Comics website hasn't been updated since 2017, so....
And to reply to @Evil Aardvark , most Makosian comics are advertised as being on Drive Thru Comics. It doesn't seem unreasonable that Far Trader likely will tool.
What formats will it be in? Is it printed only, or will PDF copies be available?
It will be printed and also made available on various online comics sites, such as Comixology and DriveThruComics. The print versions are going to be very nice. Card-stock covers. They call that "prestige format" in the comics biz.
It will be printed and also made available on various online comics sites, such as Comixology and DriveThruComics. The print versions are going to be very nice. Card-stock covers. They call that "prestige format" in the comics biz.

Good to know it will be available in Digital formats, thanks for the update.