Cosmic Mongoose
The Solomani Hypothesis was presented by a Sylean at Sylea (Capital) to the Sylean Nobility now masquerading as the Third Imperium. The humans of the Terran region were not the ones to suggest it, promote it, or use it to claim dominance, that was the Sylean nobility.
Sylean nobles of Solomani descent used their Solomani blood to claim their superiority andgreatmajor race status in the Vilani tradition.
Sylean Solomani Supremacists were granted dukedoms etc when Terra et al joined the Third Imperium within what is now the Solomani Sphere. They brought their Sylean Solomani Supremacist notions with them.
They became the Imperial government of the Solomani Domain, and as the Third Imperium shifted towards a slightly less overtly racist stance the Sylean Solomani Supremacists caused trouble at court. They were eventually granted the Autonomous zone to shut them up and get rid off them - big mistake.
All true, though IMO I don't think there was much of a racially motivated anti-Vilani stance before powerful Vilani challenged the Sylean Solomani aristocracy. There were winners and losers in the formation of the Third Imperium. The Sylean Solomani aristocracy were winners, and Vilani populations were conquered and incorporated. The Sylean Solomani didn't have any racist stance at the time, and even among the predominantly Sylean Solomani aristocracy, there were many people of Solomani-Vilani heritage. I don't think that would've happened if there were an anti-Vilani narrative in Sylean Solomani culture.
Any attempt to label "the Solomani people" as fascists is, to me, ridiculous.
Agreed. It's simply not the case.