We have just revealed the full breakdown of JTAS volume 15!
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JTAS volume 15
- Aslan Spice Dens: Encountered wherever a significant Aslan population is present, spice dens are the inevitable consequence of the widespread consumption of dustspice. A euphoria inducing substance used recreationally throughout Charted Space.
- Bestiary: Add four new creatures to your Traveller games, with new stats for the Rock-Sticker, Weed-Harvester, Rock Ape and Syo.
- Corporate Thief: A brand-new bounty hunting contract for Traveller. Hunt down Brad Seedran, who after syphoning several million Credits from The Royal Allure Casino, has been spotted in a remote cabin, deep within a Low Law level deathtrap. it’s now up you to bring him in…
- Eateries of Charted Space: There are many restaurants, cafes and eateries throughout Charted Space. This article will discuss two ends of the gastronomic spectrum: the high-end conceptual restaurant, Yano, and the reliable choice for belt miners, Ready 2 Eat.
- Fortune Favours the Bold: A new encounter designed to help Travellers transition from Marches Adventure 1: High and Dry to Marches Adventure 2: Mission to Mithril.
- Mercenaries of the Deep and the Dark: Learn about seven new mercenary companies found in Reaver’s Deep and ‘the’ Dark Nebula including Caledon Highlanders, Longshot Inc., Wolmaran’s Black Jackets and more…
- Nymph Provincial Merchant: An interstellar trade vessel commonly encountered in the Reavers’ Deep region. Its triple turret allows it to defend itself should it become necessary.
- Palique School of Engineering: A new pre-career choice for Travellers. With a reputation of being one of the best universities in the Mora subsector, choose from four faculties: engineering, science, languages, and law.
- Parasites and Symbionts: There are a nearly infinite number of creatures in the known universe, but none so bizarre and undesirable as the organisms of the macro- and microcosms. Learn about three varieties, with the Sto-Worm, Neuropod Net and Tunnelling Mites.
- Research Scout: Able to travel to all but the most far-flung systems, this new ship features sensors and laboratories capable of conducting a wide range of research projects.
- Riot Weapons: Prioritise crowd control and engage rioters with these four new weapons: the Riot Shotgun, Riot Pistol, Riot Cannon and Riot Grenade.
- The Krotan: A genderless, nonhumanoid minor species, native to Krota. Known throughout the trailing sectors as a species of stubborn traders who cherish efficiency and rarely leave their ships.
- The Occupation of Arnorac: For thirty years, the young, poor, and ambitious have sought out new opportunities on, or away from, this remote planet. Arnorac is at peace, but the day of crisis is coming. The next spark could set this planet ablaze, and that spark may come in the form of your Travellers.
- Trade Pioneers: Brand new career option for your Travellers. Become an employee of an entrepreneurial company are get dispatched to the unexplored and underexploited regions of Charted Space. Choose from three assignments: analyst, negotiator and factor.
- Under the Domes: Ralhe is a small, inhospitable world reliant on domes for habitation, dominated by the NDH corporation, and serves grey-market cliental due to its harsh environment and limited infrastructure.