The Great Apple PDF Update

Hey everyone,

We are currently in the process of going through all our past PDFs and updating them so they display properly on Apple devices. There is rather a lot of them (!), but we will be steadily working through every PDF with this problem. We will update this post as new ones are added on both our website and DrivethruRPG, listing all the revisions. Simply re-download and you will be good to go!

Updated so far:

Aliens of Charted Space Vol. 3
Is the PDF of the Referee's Screen on your to-do list? Would very much appreciate an update off that too.
EDIT: Fixed at BoH and DriveThru as of May 13.

Be aware that the updated DriveThru JTAS 1-6 files are now borked for PDFKit where they were working fine yesterday. I do not have the official from Mongoose files but the Bundle of Holding for JTAS was just updated and the updated JTAS 1-6 files there are still borked. I presume these are similar to the direct from Mongoose versions.

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I’ve had a message from Drivethrurpg that JTAS 1 to 6 are updated. I’ve downloaded but the front cover is a blank page. This is affecting all six issues. The cover looks blank when viewed from the Files app on iPadOS 17.4.1 or when saved to iBooks.

@MongooseMatt is there a workaround for this?

EDIT: Fixed at DriveThru and BoH as of May 13. Looks fine.

About the time I reported this above, Allen with Bundle of Holding was told they will have it resolved Monday. I assume DriveThru will get updated once these are reprocessed.

The previous files as of yesterday worked fine from DriveThru and had last been modified in 2019/2020. if you have access to them.

If you are command-line friendly, there is a thread with a method of processing the files with GhostScript and pdftocairo. The PDF Squeezer method does not work with the JTAS files.

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Today I looked into my DTRPG library and, for the first time in a couple of weeks, there wasn't a big pile of fixed PDFs for me, waiting for me to download and I was strangely disconsolate.

The last couple of weeks have been a joy, downloading and reading through the books - seeing them the way they were supposed to be for the fist time. It has reaffirmed why I love Mongoose products so much. Thank you for all your work updating them. I appreciate you and the effort you put in.
Bundle of Holding automatically will. Humble Bundle uses its own system - we'll need to see what can be done there.
Thanks for doing this.

I'm late to the party, but when I redownloaded my Bundle of Holding files, I checked the file size on the core rulebook and it is the same exact size as the one I originally downloaded in 2022. It doesn't look like Bundle of Holding has updated the files in my Wizard's Cabinet. I then checked Humble Bundle for that file and it comes in at the same size, which doesn't match the updated file from DrivethroughRPG. It was updated in Apr 2024 according to the file name.

BoH & HB file size for the core rulebook: 33,866
DTRPG file size for the core rulebook: 36,381

I didn't check all the files, but you might want to tag them again and see if they'll actually update the files this time. I can get most from DTRPG, but not all and I would like to get the updated files. As others mentioned, it would be very helpful if there was text in the files (like near the copyright statement) that had the date of revision. File names are great, but third parties might not update those and it can be very confusing.
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Looks like Mongoose just pushed out new versions of JTAS 7-12 out to DriveThru. I assume this also happened on Mongoose's site.

With the exception of JTAS_-_Volume_10_May24 the blue cover art is missing. I think they need to do another round of processing or restore the previous versions from 2022 which I thought were fine. @MongooseMatt

Also the 2300AD: Tools For Frontier Living PDF displays no cover when I open it in Preview or Skim on my Mac. When I open it with Chrome, the cover displays fine.
The version on DriveThru is fine. I noted the recent Bundle of Holding for 2300AD did come with a bugged version of Tools For Frontier Living. And the bundle had a number of older versions of the PDFs sans errata but I find it hard to complain about that too much.

The version on DriveThru is fine. I noted the recent Bundle of Holding for 2300AD did come with a bugged version of Tools For Frontier Living. And the bundle had a number of older versions of the PDFs sans errata but I find it hard to complain about that too much.

Thanks for this info!
The Bundle of Holing is where I got my bugged PDF from. As the bundle also added the contents to my DriveThru library I was able do download the corrected version from there.