Darrian Aslan stat bonuses - errata?


Cosmic Mongoose
p. 20 of Aliens of Charted Space vol. 3 describes how to make Darrian Aslan travellers. It gives them +1 Str +1 Dex and +1EDU. This makes no sense to me and causes me to wonder if it should be +1 Str. -1 Dex and +1 EDU (because the Darrians maybe have a better education system, because they make the Aslan study math instead of going to PE class?); or +1 Str. -1 Dex and +1 END (as per regular Aslan, seeing as how they are not physically any different). I can't find any errata on this. Anybody know anything about this?

I mean, a +2 Dex over regular Aslan is really a lot, especially with no actual reason for it. If they wanted to make them more dexterous than regular Aslan, I'd go first to +0. So my assumption is that it is a mistake and should read -1
There's no reason to think that Darrian Aslan have any physical difference over Hierate Aslan. Cultural yes, but physical no. Therefore, I'd just default to Aliens of Charted Space 1 and leave it at that.
It's 60/40 and pick 'em as to whether or not your referee want to treat Darrian Aslan as 'barbarians'
There's no reason to think that Darrian Aslan have any physical difference over Hierate Aslan. Cultural yes, but physical no. Therefore, I'd just default to Aliens of Charted Space 1 and leave it at that.
It's 60/40 and pick 'em as to whether or not your referee want to treat Darrian Aslan as 'barbarians'
I'm the referee here, and I'm going to go with the standard Aslan stat mods, but it would be good if it weren't just me being mean. Who is a barbarian is a matter of perspective, to Hierate Aslan, everyone else is a barbarian, but I'll assume that Imperial Aslan are a little more open minded. One of the PCs is a human raised in the Hierate. I'll leave that fancy role-playing for the players to sort out - not my problem.