p. 20 of Aliens of Charted Space vol. 3 describes how to make Darrian Aslan travellers. It gives them +1 Str +1 Dex and +1EDU. This makes no sense to me and causes me to wonder if it should be +1 Str. -1 Dex and +1 EDU (because the Darrians maybe have a better education system, because they make the Aslan study math instead of going to PE class?); or +1 Str. -1 Dex and +1 END (as per regular Aslan, seeing as how they are not physically any different). I can't find any errata on this. Anybody know anything about this?
I mean, a +2 Dex over regular Aslan is really a lot, especially with no actual reason for it. If they wanted to make them more dexterous than regular Aslan, I'd go first to +0. So my assumption is that it is a mistake and should read -1
I mean, a +2 Dex over regular Aslan is really a lot, especially with no actual reason for it. If they wanted to make them more dexterous than regular Aslan, I'd go first to +0. So my assumption is that it is a mistake and should read -1